pippin!! Pippin!! PIPPIN!!!
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Hey ppl I think we need to start talkin about Pippin I haven`t seen any posts on him and it makes me so sad
Because he plays a big role in this movie and plus he`s really cute
MeRrY & PiPpIn 4 EvA
Yeah,there is a topic on Billy boyd aka, mr.Pippin, sorry, would you like for me to get you a link so you can post on there with them??
If i am correct this will take you to the thread!!!! I love pip too!!!!
If it don't work, try going to the second page, and go down alil bit!
Mmmmmmmmmm Billy and his cute scottish accent.
And his kilt!!! I love the kilt.
oh well we can still talk about pippin here.... newho ppl what is ur fav quote that pippin said?? i have a few here is one
Merry: "P-pippin?"
Pippin: "What?"
Merry: "You're taller."
Pippin: "I've always been taller than you!"
Merry: "You did something..."
Pippin: (*shrugs and smiles*)-
Here`s another that I like
Pippin: "Here I so swear fealty and service to Gondor, in peace or war, in living or dying, from this hour henceforth, until my lord release me or death take me."
i like Pippin a lot! Pippin is the best hobbit! the song he sings in rotk is great but also sad!
ya Pippin is my fave hobbit and i LOVE his song. Does any one know where i can listen to it or download for free plz ppl I really need to hear it again. im not crazy but when i hear that song I get this weird feelin like i donno how to explain it, its weird so could anyone plz give me a link plz thanx
Could someone like upload it to me maybe???
Never mind i bought the soundtrack hehe
The song that Pippin sings in RotK was actually part of Bilbo's poem in the book, Pippin sings it but not the whole thing.
ah man he should sing the whole song omg that would be amazing!!!
ah Pippin, a fellow scottish kilt wearer. I would say he has to have the funniest phrase in the whole trilogy...
Elrond: Very well, then this shall be the Fellowship of the ring...
Pippin: Great, where we going?
Lol a journey to change the course of history and a dangerous journey it was, so lets volounteer without knowing what we are doing
Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan's comments...
"Billy, Billy's a great guy. I was terribly lucky to have gotten to meet him...."
"Dom's an idiot....*laughter*"
hahahahahha omg thats gr8 hehe!
haha, cheeky!
Also Kitoky I was wondering if you havent missed out any major characters?, I think I can see Boromir on the left side (justunder Gollum) but it could also be Eomer
LOL I like Pippin.. hes funny:P And Idiotic.. and likes to eat!
Just like me. lol
Hes my 2nd favorite character
And my fav hobbit lol. And Billy is cool too. Hehe
he's awsome!
Hey ppl im lookin to find a kool advatar of pippen cause the one on this site isen`t too good so do u know any URLs or somethin????
when he sang to boromir's father, he was the best. he just ruled that scene!
omgomgomg i know i cried
I love Pippin as well
seeing him grow up fast in the books is soo cool, it must've been challenging as a little dude...though I like Sam better, sorry
But I also love Billy Boyd, him and Dom crack me up! I like Pip better in the movies, though I liked Merry better in the books..now I can't decide
Though I didn't cry when Pip sings in ROTK, I almost did...the scene that also gets me is when Pip leaves
"we'll see each other again soon, won't we?"
"I don't know, I don't know what's going to happen"
ahh, it's so sad seeing friends part
and then when Pip finds him on the field and he's like "i won't leave you" oh, and then when they both charge at the end, it was soo cute!! and then they get overrun cause they're so short, hehe....anyway
I also like how Pip and Merry sing some in the movies together (but not like that
) I do love Pippin though, and Billy Boyd did a great job as him...but what about Dom and Merry?
(oh, i liked the end of ROTK when Pip grabs the flowers, since he does get married next
Isn't this the cutest Pippin ever!! And if you enlarge the pic, you'll see the words of the song.
((The Pippin on my siggy, I mean))
create what?
Maikahyandowen create what?
pippin and merry dancing on the table at edoras! that was great. and the fireworks in FOTR
Hey ppl OMG i love Pippin too he's sooooo cute he's gotta be my joint 2nd favourite or mayeb 1st
he's LOVELY :d and also Merry ooooo he's lovely and I agree Dom and Billy crak me up too i LOVE them
! Has anyone watched The Two Towers extended edition commentry omg they are soo funny in that (even tho theyre funny everywhere) when they say about the uruk hai and the ants omg! just class soo funny and that they agreed to have 4 of their legs taken off for the movie omg haha! awwww yay im so proud dom and billy are brits lol not that im saying americans, canadians etc are bad theyre coool of corse its just coz im british too
and omg i love loads of pippins quotes (and mery) like:
Pippin: "The last of the longbottom leaf?"
Merry: "I know you've run out, you smoke too much Pip!"
and I love at the start of ROTK when Pippin says something about being at the Green Dragon after a hard days work and then Merry says about him not actually doing a hard days work awww theyre so cute
my fav quotes form LOTR are mostly merry and pippin ones
and also the unforgettable
Pippin: "We've had one yes, what about second breakfast?"
Merry: "Don't think he knows about second breakfast Pip."
Pippin: "What about elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner, supper! He knows about them, doesn't he?"
Merry: "I wouldn't count on it."
and then the apple gets thrown to merry and pippins face when the apple hits him LOL!
ok ive written loads here so i better stop even tho i could go on forever!
Merry and Pippin rule! (and Frodo and Sam!) (well hobbits in general rule
) (and not forgetting the one and only sexy elf leggy
I know he is the best !!!
by the way how do you add pics to the messages???
Here's a question how in the world did Pippin get another Lorien brooch when he used it in the TTT as a sign?
These were the exact words from that scene:
Pippin "I feel...like I just got out of The Green Dragon after a hard day's word"
Merry "Only...You've never done a hard day's work"
And both start laughing
I also LOVE when Pip said "The salted pork is particularly good!" in that same scene...That was he said particularly was sooo cute!! Hey, I think that thread on Billy Boyd that was posted on the first page was mine!!! It's not working for me, though, so I dunno haha. But I think I was the only one who made a Billy thread...So it was probably mine....But it was for Pippin too.....But nobody can have Pippin because he is all MINE!!!!! He's mine mine mine mine MIIIIIIINE!!! Muahahahaha!!! OK I'm gonna go now before I start scaring everybody.....But before I go, I must say one thing......I LOVE MY PIPPIN!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! Buh bye now.
Aragorn never threw it away. i think he just gave it back to him, Kitoky
How do u post Pics in the messages???
Melani, how did u get the words in your sig to move back and forth?
i just had to know...
anyways, i love Pippin so much too! he's one of the best characters of lotr.
yay, im gonna see rotk tomorrow!
haven't you seen it yet?
hey legismyman, HOT SIG!!!! drool
Pip has to be the coolest hobbit hands down. sure sam frodo and merry are brave, but pippin is brave and HILARIOUS, and incredibly cute, and has an accend, and billy boyd is really fun to say, it rolls off the tongue
Hey Melani
if you want a pic when you post a reply you just go on add reply instead of going down the bottom and writing your message then it says at the bottom "attach file" so click that
hope you understand me lol
oh and thanks PippinTook for the exact words
No problem Leggy_n_Merry! Oh and thanx for putting that pic of Billy and Dom on here...It's adorable!!!! *drools*
LOL! Thats ok PippinTook awww aren't they sweet look at their cute lil glasses lol! are there any billy sites anyone reccomends coz whenever i search for him theres just not really good ones with not that many pics :'( most of the billy pics i get are from dom websites
aww well at least i got some
Look at Dominic's sexy foot LOL!
Was that the foot he got the splinter through?? *squints to try and see a mark*
lol i dont know does he actually say which foot he had it in? lol i dont know at all aww i loved it when he was saying the 'excrutiating pain' the way he says it how sweet! lol
oh will you plz help me u know ur log in name thing as mine is leggy_n_merry and urs is kitoky well u know ppl have pics under it like yours well how do you do it i only registered to this at the start of this month i dont have a clue lol
it was his right foot, wasn't it?
Oh my god really thanks Maikahyandowen so that emans the dom pic i put on was the foot he has the splinter on yay! so would you be able to help me with that thign i wrote in the last one i really want to know how to do it
oh no wait i just worked it out thats his left foot! doh! lol
oops o no sorry ppl it IS his right foot sorry to be annoying
Say, thanx for the picture everyone! Nice
Hey Kit! I just noticed that I'm in your sig!!! YAY!!! I feel so special.
I AM LOVED!!!! Hehehe
LOOK AT MY SIG EVERYONE!!!! YAY!!!! All thanx to Naz! We wuv you Naz! Whoop! *sigh* I love that picture....And NO ONE shall take it!!! It has my name on it, however someone could easily take it cuz it's the same as pippin's name, of course, but if you love me (heh sure
) PLEASE don't take it!!!
Pippin is just amazing
wow.i don't think anyone likes Pippin much. DID YOU SAY HE WAS ON PPL CHOICE AWARDS???!!!!! THEY WON???!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH.....MY....GOD!!!!! He was on People's Choice?????? AHHHHHH!!!! Wait.....that's a magazine, right....? Sowwy I'm slow....Is it on tv? If it is argggg I missed it.....BUT HE ACCEPTED IT!!!! AHHHH I WANNA SEE HIM!!!!! *sigh* Billy Boyd *sigh*
O.o Oh and Diamond, you have a tig you have to answer to in the Tig thread.
Oh we're still doing tig? Well thanx! I'm going now....*leaves and goes into Tig thread*
Ok come back soon hehe
I shall come back as soon as you put a Pippin avatar on here Melani!!!!
I NEED a Pippin one cuz uhhh I don't have one. And I MUST have a picture of my spouse for an avatar!!!
PippinTook Look At This!!! Is This Billys G/F.......
Ah that has the be Billy's new GF
*pats Melani and Diamond on the back* There there now children, there is still hope, they are not married yet so that would call to such thought that there is a chance, though seeing as though you youngings are only in your teens and he in his early thirties....it's a slim to none chance.
Late 30`s he is 36
What do you mean with Pippin? I know that we found Pippin in the old forest.
pippin is scottish! he rules!
we might have to set up some group theropy here.
because, therwise Melani and PippinTook will have some sort of nervous breakdown. they're probably hyperventilating as we speak.
lol awwww bless them they love billy so much you can see! ur not alone billys soo cute and lovely and beautiful etc
awww hes gto a girlfriend awww bless him i know you all feel sad you poor things lol
but he might be happy! but i wonder if theyll last. ahh im cruel i shouldnt be saying this! they might love each other lol but all us fans love him too
yay! billy rules
sorry got carried away
oh i think u missunderstand....i dont love billy
i just like him because he is scottish GOOD ON YEA SON!
and also "anyone can dream" as dominic says in an episode of hetty weinthropp investigates!!! lol sorry aww doms so cute and sexy too
http://images.killermovies.com/forums/moresmilies/jump.gif http://images.killermovies.com/forums/moresmilies/teehee.gif
well yeah but other ppl i mean like melani and pippintook who are distrought (dunno how to spell it lol) that billy has a gf (if that actually is his gf)
ooooh i see
maybe you could accidently on purpose undermine his relatinoship w/ his girlfriend, Melani and PippinTook?http://images.killermovies.com/forums/moresmilies/blow.gif http://images.killermovies.com/forums/moresmilies/bangin.gif
if u go on...
there are avatars for everyone! yeah i lurve billy. is it true hes getting engaged???
oh poo.
see ya soon, luv Liz
x x x x x x x x x
perhaps we should set up that group theropy session now, Korri.
hey thanks billylover for the address for the avators i dont have time to put one on now im chatting loads to ppl on msn
jeez im so dull about the avatar thing!
That's a good idea...
HE'S NOT GETTING ENGAGED!!! DON'T YOU EVEN THINK THAT!!! HE'S GOING TO DUMP THAT STUPID GIRL! YOU'LL SEE! YOU'LL SEE!!!!!.....Thank you so much Leggy_n_Merry for sticking up for us.....If he marries her, I swear I'll kill myself. I'm not kidding so don't you even think I am. I'm shaking so bad right now and my stomach's all messed up and I'm about to start crying.....DON'T MARRY HER BILLY!!! SHE'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU!!!! SHE DOESN'T DESERVE YOU!!!! PLEASE DON'T!!!!....Please don't. Please!!!!
perhaps we should include some sort of restraining devices as well?
Thats ok PippinTook! Awww I think we really do need a group therapy session for all these Billy fans aswell! Now be calm and take big deep breaths! *Breathe! Breathe!* LOL
How can I take "big deep breaths" when he has a girlfriend?!?!?!?!?! *sigh* My life will never have any trace of happiness again. I might as well die. I bet I'm going to stay in depression...and denial...til I hear that he's single....Because I KNOW he has no girlfriend! It's just a nassssty lie that stupid fat peopleses told us! It's not true! They liesss! They liessss!!!!! *lies on ground and weeps...*
Its ok Pippin Took I feel you pain.. I WILL KILL THAT *****!!!!!!!!!!.... sorry couldent hold it in
It's fine. Let it all out. I have...and still am. We should gather the greatest of all armies in the world and hunt down that *****. I hate her. She needs to die. You want to do the honors with me?
: sits w/ a bucket of popcorn and watches the fun :
PippinTook I would LOVE to do the honors with you!!!
: shares the popcorn w/ azszhz : now i just need a couch....
beef is better. what does chicken have to do with anything??
thanks for the popcorn
*snaps fingers and a couch appears* here *tacks a seat*
hey its a forum i can do what ever i want
You evil ones laugh at our pain. I despise you. Gah.
Oh, Melani, you know what? Well, I was thinking....We should be at least a bit happy for Billy. If we truly love him (which I do. So much), we should be happy for him and be thankful that he is happy. Would you be glad if he had no girlfriend and was miserable and depressed his entire life? I think not! So I'm going to...*deep breath*...stop insulting his girlfriend (I think her name's Terry....or something) and be happy again!....*fake smile*. Eh it doesn't work....*sigh*
don't worry PippinTook you'll find happyness again
your righht PippinTook maybe we should *sniffles* ... move on
: throws the tack off the couch : laugh at your pain? perish the thought.
Home is behind, the world ahead,
And there are many paths to tread
Through shadowsto the edge of night,
Until the stars are all alight.
Then world behind and home ahead,
We'll wander back to home ahead,
Mist and twilight, cloud and shade,
Away shall fade! Away shall fade!
Fire and lamp, and meat and bread,
And then to bed! And then to bed!
Don't sweat about Billy having a girlfriend, there always others.
other what? BILLYS??? NEVER!!!!!!
I'm not that bothered about Billy Boyd, I just like Pippin!
I like Pippin very much! I love his look.
Phoenix I LOVE the sig man
Its a desk-top I downloaded from www.haldirs-whores.org
then I modified it a little to fit it for a siggy
I agree!!! There will NEVER be someone as good as Billy! None can match his wonderful charms and accent and looks and everything about him! *cries*
yea Billy was the perfect Pippin!!!!!!!He had such a childish look to him as Pippin.. and his accent*melts*
I just love Pippin and Billy sooooooo much
perhaps i should have brought tissues. : looks for a box of kleenex :
hehe they're so cute together.. haha one of my favorite lines that they say:
"You smoke too much Pip
.. that part is so sad though
someday you'll find your true love will be standing right infront of you so don't fret hey it may even be Billy after dumping his gf
you know how celebrity relationships are. if he does get married it'll be for a year at the most, or maybe one like Brittney's, and then they'll get a divorce, and then he's alllllll yours.
Billy's just...naturally cute! Adorable.
Thanks azszhz....I doubt it'll be Billy but hey! I can dream can't I??....Eh I'll never love anyone as much as I love Billy...And you can say I have no life and that's all "corny" and crap, but it's true and I don't care what you say. All I really want is to meet him....That'd be wonderful....I'm hoping to see him someday but I doubt I ever will....Unless I go to Scotland...Which I'm hoping to go to someday but I doubt I'll get enough money to go there
*sigh* It's no use....I'll never even get to meet Billy....I hate my life *sulks*
i went to scotland once. i didn't see him though.
*humph* I was supposed to go to Scotland in April for Spring Break...My dad said that my uncle was going to fly us (me, my brother, and my dad....my parents are divorced) anywhere we wanted to go. I told my dad to ask my uncle about Scotland...He said he can't afford to go over seas (I live in the US) so we can only go somewhere in the US...which sucks because everything here is boring
Now I'll never get to meet Billy......And my stupid dad made it sound like we were going and all that and then he just says we can't....He ruin all of my life long hopes and dreams!!!!!!!! *weeps* I wanna meet Billy....Gah...
: pats PippinTook: if it makes you feel any better i saw the castle that the scottish guy in braveheart defended. what was his name? no cute billy though.
Awww really? You're so lucky. Eh if he's Scottish, I like him
Well...most Scottish people, I mean...But I don't remember his name...But he's still not Billy
i'm going to to scotland this year in october for my aunties wedding but i very much doubt i'll see billy
omg its tragic - could you imagine if we met him omg that would be BRILLIANT
! but o well nevermind! and in the words of dominic as geoffrey - "Anyone can dream!"
You guys are WAY too lucky!!!
Hey, if you do happen to see Billy (hey, it could happen!), you've GOT to take a picture and send it to me!!! Pleeeease
my friend has meet billy the lucky cow and she has photos- her dad does these convention things but next time she said i can come if i know any info on them i will tell u guys
omg cooooool!! lucky thing! if i do see him PippinTook i will make sure i do take a pic and send it lol!
Ahhh thank ya Leggy_n_Merry! *huggles*
Oi! enya! If you do find out anything, PLEASE tell me!!!
Hey, would those conventional things her dad does be just in the UK? Or other places in the world? Cause I live in the US.....*sigh* Oh how I would love it if I could meet Billy....
*sigh* if only we lived in scotland! could you imagine it'd be so cool! we'd be so close
o well nvm!
Ahh yesh....I almost went to Scotland!....But I couldn't
I'm gonna go someday, though...
Hey Leggy_n_Merry, I love your sig
to pippin foot: the ones her dad do are only in the UK but there must be ones in the US too!
probably. it is plausable
OMG !!!!! i LOOOVE PIPPIN !!!!! i swear i am going to go to Scottland someday and meet him. whos coming with me !!?
who can make me one of those AWSOME banner thingys on the siggy ?
I'M COMING!!!!! Yay!!! *is going to Scotland with Pippin_Lover* WHOOP!!! *runs around in circles....trips....and falls...* Drat, I knew that would happen...*gets up and runs around in circles again because...* I'M GOING TO SCOTLAND!!!!
*humph* I wish I could for real, though. I almost did! But I couldn't
Life is so unfair...I'm never gonna meet Billy....drat...
I'll come toooo!!!!!!! i'l supervise. http://images.killermovies.com/forums/moresmilies/jump.gif http://images.killermovies.com/forums/moresmilies/clap.gif http://images.killermovies.com/forums/moresmilies/bangin.gif
lol why thanks kit made it and no one wanted it mind in the orlando bloom as legolas messageboard!! thats terrible - or were ya talking bout the one i had before? lol
i need a sig that has legolas on one side and merry on the other so it goes with Leggy_n_Merry. i tried to find pics of dom but most of the ones that were VERY nice and very good were on that lost and blown away site but now it wont work for some reason so i searched for more websites and stuff but they aint got really good ones like that one had even tho im sure i could get a lot of merry ones easily lol plus i got enlgish coursework to do so no time to go surfing the net for dom pics *sigh* sorry this is a pippin forum i should be talking bout him aww i was watching this video id taped ages ago and it was the 2003 mtv movie awards and it showed billy and he went go orli aww it was so cute!
you ppl prob know what im on about lol
awwww PippinTook at least u ALMOST got to go there I have never been anywhere farther then Nova Scotia
( i live in southern Ontario )
someday we WILL meet him!!!!! we will we will we will!!
Of course we will meet him, Melani! Yeah, I've never been past three states close to Georgia...I live in the US....
Leggy_n_Merry, I was talking about the one you have now
*gasp* You have a tape from the 2003 awards??? Showing BILLY????
I still can't believe I missed him on the Golden Globes....anyone know when it'll be playing again??? I know all the Golden Globe questions were supposed to go on that thread, but I wanna know!!! I must see Billy!!!!
no i missed it too
how could be be so unthoughful??
i hope it comes on again
does anyone know if he's going to the oscars? well i better be off now to go to bed soon to get up for school 2moro
its like 10:47pm here in the uk and i'll never get up otherwise
sweet dreams everyone when it is night there! hope you all dream of billy! lol night night xxxxx
Ahh but of course we'll dream of Billy! I will be sure to at least haha. G'night Leggy_n_Merry! Aww don't feel bad about missing the awards....I saw it but I missed the red carpet part where the cast got interviewed
That's why I wanna see it again haha. I wanna see Billy....Hope he's at the Oscars!!!
the oscars are a good bet PippinTook. perhaps if you sent him 5,000 letters he'd write you back.
Hmmm good idea, Maikah
Any chance you would know his address?
Or fan mailing address or whatever haha. If anyone knows what address I can use, tell me
oooh nooo
i missed him too on the golden globe awards
i saw all the red carpet, all the event but...... he wasn't there!!! well at least i didn't see him
where was he?
elijah and dom were on the same table as pj, cate was on another table i think............. where was billy??
aaaaaah btw, does anyone of you know a good billy site? i found one a couple of days ago, but i can't find it now......... i think i got there by a greenleaf site or sth............
anyway, i know this saturday (or sunday) in sony channel, for latin america, the gga show it's on again, with subtitles......... maybe you find it in your cable, who knows.....
Yay!!! Thanks Firith! I'll check on it :P Yeah I didn't see Billy at the table, either....
I DID watch the red carpet part but I missed when they were interviewing the LOTR people...I turned the stupid TV on too late...
But Kit said that she saw Billy!....she was the only one who saw him, but I'm gonna figure out when it's playing again (if it doesn't play at the same time here, Firith) and watch it again
Elijah was on SNL the other day.
I diddent see him sitting either then i see him walk in to the stage then acceptin the award !!! i was sooo happy to see him tho EEEEEEEEE!!!
i missed him, i'm soooo mad, i saw everyone else but not him.
elijah wood on snl was so funny, w/ the donatella versace skit, i roared. wait, are we talking about peep's choice or golded globes, i saw him at peoples choice, i was like shrieking around my room 'BILLY BOYD!' and 'THEY WON'!!! i did the same for the golden globes minus the 'BILLY BOYD!!!' part
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