Best fight in LOTR movies

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And I'm not talking about battles like in Helm's Deep or the Pelennor Fields. I'm talking about a fight between 2 or 3 characters.

I can't choose between Gandalf vs. Balrog and Eowyn vs. Witch King. cool

ah so much very good choices, I ended up chosing Legolas & The oliphant, many may say it was all just special cameras and computer-ized and what not - but I say it ruled.

Discos - ....Gimli - That still just counts as one

All the battles were totally awesome. The coolest things i have ever seen but i had to go with Eowyn vs. the witch king cuz
A) good screen time for the witch king
B) my favorite part in the books
C) "I am no man" big grin

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