Favorite theme in LOTR
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I voted for Gondor, Rohan and the Fellowship theme.
For the Ring theme, it's the theme that you hear in the prologue when the title "The Lord of the Rings" appear. It can also be some of the music you hear if the Ring is seducing like the music when Boromir was looking at it in Caradhras and when Deagol was looking at it in the Riverbed.
You can vote more than one.

the shire / concerning hobbits FOREVER!!!!
My favorite Its the riders of Rohan...
you should have said music THEMEs.
hmmmm the hobbits one all the way, isn't that the one where the little boy is singing in it?( or is it the fellowship one?) which ever
you know the theme that the choir did when frodo and sam was going up mt doom? THat was incredibly moving and perfect for that scene.
Definetly rohan an gondor theme.
I personally loved the Rohan theme because of the violin music and at first I didn't really prefer it because the music seemed so depressing and sad but it grew on me when I listened to the soundtrack.
I love them all so much... my absolute fav is the Nazgul theme, but it's yet hard to chose between this on and the Rohan theme, the Ring theme and the Isengard and Mordor themes... I like them best all together

Didn't that singer Enya do most of the songs, very good job on the fellowship theme though
i luuuuuv da elven themes u no wen da elves cum on and its got dat whole really kool theme

oh and i also luuuuuv da roharim theme dats kool
Yeah Enya only did songs for the Fellowship of Ring which won them an oscar.
no she didn't, she did the song and ........argh what exa said.......the theme for when they were in rivendell
rohan and second concerning hobbits

yes, the aniron from her was alright, the may it be was very great, I saw it on a music channel one day and never knew it was on the movie (perhaps just due to it was at the end credits and I usually have to go to the toilet straight after a movie of that lengrth)
i like the fellowship
BOPRecruit 16
gondor in need of it's king, the heir, aragorn and the nazgul were interesting aspects in the last movie.
Enya didn't WIN the for the song (not at the oscars anyway) the song from Monsters Ink got it...I choose Rohan, Gondor, Shire, and Fellowship, they're the ones i'll be humming in my grave, hehe

I also thought it meant themes, not music themes, but that's cool

(favorite theme? the whole good vs. evil and who little people can make a difference, me being short and all)
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