Will anyone actually LIKE the Hobbit movie
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I was wondering will anyone enjoy the hobbit movie.
Because i really liked the LOrd of the Rings because of it charactors but in the Hobbit movie there won't be that excitment which the LOTR had.
There will be no Aragon no Legolas No gimli, i am sure there will be Gandelf but thats about all.
Ok iam done post away kids

there will be elrond. no.
And what about Bilbo?!?!?
I think it will be jsut as good - think about it. This is where we get to see how Bilbo gets the Ring in the first place

i think there would be far less fans for the Hobbit, unless PJ involves Arwen for Rivendell and Legolas is in the Battle at Erebor ...
True, it is a sad fact that a large majority of the fans only like it for the good looking actors
*fails to mention her obsession with Billy or Elijah...*
oh we wouldget some great characters though, we would get Smog, Gandalf, and of course Gollum!!! Riddles in the dark would be the best scene of the movie!!!! I hope they make it!!!
But there will be none of the excitment as LOTR because that was a story between good v evil and i have read the hobbit it just doesn;t have that kind of atmoshphire
They'd put Elrond in it... I thought he was in The Hobbit anyway...
But if Peter Jackson is making it, he'll do a fantastic job!!
And the action will be brilliant. What about the battle od the Five Armies and Smaug?
It just didn't seem as 'action-like' in the book becasue it was originally written for his children. He's not likely to include severed heads and Black Riders in a book like that
Still, if you look at some of the scene that are written wuite 'lightly', e.g. the battle, PJ will be able to change it so that it is terrifying

yes it would be more light hearted than LOTR as the world is not facing an impending doom. yet

Yeah! I think It'll be awesome... but I don't remember any women...

Oh, I'm looking forward to seeing this film now

I think PJ will get the rights... he did an awesome job with the trilogy!
PJ has already said that if he does the Hobbit it will have Arwen in it. I have thought many time if the fan base would be the same, and I don't think it would. I mean die hard fans and fans who watch the movie for the story and not the pretty boys would love it (plus that would be a rockin battle) But those who watched it to look at pretty elves and hobbits would be sad when all they get to look at is drwarfs!
Yeah, but it least it'll be a little part. I can't wait for it though. In an article it was only Gandalf, Elrond, and Bilbo he mentioned though...

In the article that I have, ( man, I can't remember what mag. but I have it at home.) PJ said that he would incorpurate Liv into The Hobbit.
hey thorin would be a hot dwarf
elrond is in the hobbit, he gandalf and thorin study the map
and cowboy..of course they will film riddles in the dark.....they would never leave out gollum in the hobbit
smaug is something i am and am not looking forward too, i am because i want to see a dragon..a real dragon, not like the poncey one in dragonheart...i am not looking forward to it incase he comes on screen and is some cheap looking creature i very much doubt i will be disapointed with smaug though
cameos i think (apart from p.j himself of course, lol he could be a dwarf, hes a good actor.....FOTR EE apendices disc one (or two), bag end set test...lol

) will be legolas, in mirwood of course
arwen in rivendell where i believe we could get a glimpse of aragorn...maybe?
i think that gloin will talk about his son.....the one and only
any more??
oh p.s i will love it
I don't know if any of the dwarves would turn me on...

lol im hoping they wont turn me on....im a guy...and that is the 7th time ive said about another guy being hot lol...i think i better calm down
I try to get the guys at my school to say that Viggo is hot. I've gotten about 3, they eventually give in...

he is hot mind...although gandalf is just *sizzle*
i say it will make aboy 300 million in u.s and about 700 million worldwide.
so your trying to say that the usa will make just under half of what the rest of the world do
yeah ttt us market was only 37% and worldwide 63%, only rotk us market is 291 million and 385 international.
internationall INCLUDING or EXCLUDING U.S
I think a hobbit movie would be awsome!!!!!!!!!! It was one of my favorite books and it introduced me to fantasy. I read it in 6th grade and I havn't stopped loving it since!!!!!!!!!! I dont care what anybody says, but i think it would rock
I would really like the Hobbit (unless they messed it up a lot or something) but I think that some people might not because the only people from LotR who are in it are Gandalf, Bilbo, and Elrond (and Arwen and Legolas if you wanted to make a stretch which I could see them doing). It would be really cool to see a movie of the Hobbit thoug.
Hey if it's Tolkienish and it's directed by PJ, I'm happy and content.
I think a lot of people would like to see " The Hobbit". It would be cool, sure it wouldn't have the action packed adventure stuff that Lord of the Rings had, but it would still have an interesting story...and 4 little hobbits I wouldn't mind seeing again

And don't forget that that leads onto the battle of the four races/kingdoms....right? It's been a while since I've read the Hobbit.
They CAN'T put Liv in the film! Nooooo!!!
They already stole Glorfindel from us - please, not again!!

I BETTER see Glorfindel in that movie, even if it's just a cameo! MUST HAVE GLORFINDEL!!
And thanks Cam for hyping me off for a Glorfindel protest.

internation is everyone expect u.s and canada. Worldwide 700 million (thats of whole planet.
I think the characterisation and voice of Smaug would make or break this project if they go for it.
Also Thorin. The ROTJ appendices make him out to be an amusingly flawed character- such a thing would have to come across.
Obviously, the mood would have to change- no-one would accept Trolls named Bert and Ernie, or whatever it was they were called... hardly the terror of the black speech, anyway.
I'd definately be interested to see how they go about making it into a movie, since it's mood is so much lighter then the LOTR trilogy, it may jar some fans of those films who are expecting more of the same.
well i think it would be a nice movie.... but it wont have Pippin or Merry so it would be kinda... boring... not bad just boring
well i like ber and ernie and tom was it (bombadil in disguise AGAIN)
what could he call them like
BORING...theres a DRAGON, gandalf, A DRAGON, NINE humourus dwarves...a very reluctant bilbo....drunken elf waiters.....biiiig spiders....
Ur right sauron it would be utterly BORING, I mean how much fun could drawrfs be, and a dragon who wants to see a dragon? But if they included the Moth it could be worth at least a gander.


the hobbit would be easy to put into a movie form, but if the regualr public expects it to be as good/fast paced/ eye poppingly amazing as ROTK then they will be severly disappointed.
And the main force of the hobbit will be smaug. And everyone has seen a dragon movie sometime or the other. They have to do an amazing job on smaug to pull it off, to start with.
OOOOO , riddles in the dark will be good though
Lady Ellie
You're right about that. people would expect too much. And it can never be as good as or better than the LOTR trilogy.
i cant wait to take my family to see it, my brother loves gollum and he hasnt read the hobbit, so it will be nice for him to see him again
I was thinking last night about how PJ could and probally would throw character cameo's around in the Hobbit. I mean it is very likely that several of our main characters from LOTR could show up. The problem with this that backlash from fans are bad. Just think of how the public reacted when they were told that Arwen saved Frodo, or that the elves were at Helms deep (granted large diviation from story), or many other character changes. I would love to see alot of LOTR cameos but it might change certain aspects of the book/film from Tolkien's version and I can see the comments now!!
Now we don't know that, some people would prefer The Hobbit over the trilogy so that's a very bold to say something like that. I'm actually anxious if The Hobbit may beat the trilogy.
I would love to see a PJ directed film of the Hobbit.
there some serious action in the book so i dont see how it could be boring, the spiders, the battle of 5 armies, smaug etc and there would be so much back info that fans on the LOTR films would have to love it, where Sting & Glamdring come from, riddles in the dark, almost certain cameos from Legolas, Arwen maybe even saruman & Sauron if they show the council of the wise deciding what to do about Dol Guldur
who they get to play Bilbo, the dwarfs & smaug is key though I think
they will probably have to hire some pretty boy to play a younger Bilbo like they did with frodo to please the girlies
should be good I think.
saruman will be in it...the white council meet in it...its not exactly described what happens IN the book but p.j will put it in
and the necromancer..IE sauron..he will be there too
bilbo is going to be ian holm, again...the one from fotr
dunno about that, Ian Holms a bit old, they had to give him a temporary facelift with clips for the scene where he finds the ring in FOTR cant see him doing that for a whole film.
plus Bilbo is about the only character you could put give to a younger actor, so there bound to do it.
just hope the studios dont control the casting to much or you will probably have Di Caprio or Matt Damon.
I'm not sure if Ian Holm would be willing to play Bilbo again considering they had to tape his cheeks back to make him look younger in the movie.
the hobbit is not boring
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