help please!!
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My computer is completly stupid, and I can't get my sig to work. The prob is that I can see it but u can't I am trying to get it fixed but could u help me and tell me if u can see the pic in my sig.
nope, cant see it
Did you fix it Aurora? How big is it?? length times width wise. The file is gif right? Try posting it from a site of some sort instead of it being uploaded.
I'm in school right now....and I might get fraimed if anyone caught me doing this.
i can see it the wonderful merry? (ie me
LOL I am so upset at the stupid thing. Naz made me a great sig and noone can enjoy it. I can see it but noone else can. Booohooo....
what is it, the merry one with aurora on in bluey purple writing
well i can see it, so its ok
Really??? Oh boy, and I thought I deleted it. I guess it fixed it's self. LOL
time heals all
Actually I just looked at my help topic and Raz fixed it for me. OPPs I thought that it was magic.
It was better if we believe that time fixed it so if we have a similar problem we just wont worry about it.......for a bit. Then we panic because it's not fixing itself like its supposed to.
Forget what I said, It was magic!!
Hm, I also can see it... strange.... mine also didnt work yet
Bug Raz enough and he will fix it!
well exa, pm raz or someone, and say ever so politely "get your a$$ over here and fix this for me"
^will i get wrong for that^
I see it now
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