How much stars did they give for ROTK
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out of 100? I give it 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999990000
0000000000000000000000000.999999999999999999999999 stars. (off scale basically)
I think out of 5 they gave 4.7 or something like that!
I give it a 5/5 DEFINALLY!
ROTK rox!
Well- it got REALLY GREAT reveiws
Go to - their reviews are pretty much a good indicator of quality...
BOPRecruit 16
in the papers and eye, they gave it 4 stars. i would too! i can't and i'm so happy that the critics liked it too! ^.^
our paper gave 4 or 4 1/2 out of 5, i think it needs 5 though!! arg! anyway
I'd give it a 6 out of 5
or higher, I always say--if the movie can make me cry (which it does) then it must be a good movie...and only 3 movies have made me want to cry, and I did during ROTK
side note--if they don't give ROTK best picture and PJ best director--i'm going to be mad and some acadamy people are going to be....
i don't get the paper so i dont know what they say but i would give is a
500000000 out of 5 its the best movie i've watched since star wars (the original)
Return of the King no doubt deserves 5 stars golden stars, atleast 4 oscars, and 17 nominations.
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