Creatures of Middle Earth
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ok what are u guy's fav creatures of middle earth talk 'bout em here.
elves hobbits dwarves men and orcs don't count.
How come orcs don't count? I protest! But that wouldn't matter because.......
NAZGULS RULE!!!!! They are creatures! So nyah! You can't say crap about it!!!! Nazguls are the best dudes ever man.

NAZGUUUUL ok I think that also wont count... MOTHS

... aaaand Saurons

We protest for the Nazguls!
orcs don't count because they are a RACE, like men dwarves ect.
any way i was supposed to have a poll
Fell Beasts
sauron/S <<<S there is only ONE lord of the ring

and he does not have a cloning machine
although my favourite would be........BALROGS, DRAGONS, 'WINGED STEED THINGS' and of course "TOM BOMBADIL" (, counts for nazgul himself AND moths..."
Trolls are a race.....
And how could you call Shelob a mere spider? Shelob is a much higher being than that.
a maiar isnt she, well ungoliant was a maiar, and shelob is decended from
Yeah, she's a descendant from a Maiar.
Oh I forgot Balrogses... of course they're the best :]
hehee ok tommy is also nice then
I just said SauronS because sauron doesnt sound like a kind of creatures

Saurons sig makes it look like Sauron has the balrog as a pet or something - imagine.
Anyways I am very fond of the eagles, great creatures who are on the "good" side

thats all I have to say....
Discos - ....aparrt from they CAN defeat the Nazgul

Hey, when we cheered for the Nazguls we said nothing of any competition between the Eagles, so please do not cause a riot to start. We've already had our arguement, so please.
maiars gone bad....hehe tv show on the way
this week: SAURON
a disgruntled kitchen appliance lookalike with a fetish for gold
next time: SHELOB
EVIL, or just fat and mis-understood
ok scratch trolls
and shelob is a spider just a realy big one. but she is in some sorta catagory...???
Actually you she's in with the Maiars, the high beinigs of Middle-Earth, she's in the same catergory as Sauron, Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast, and all those dudes.
the order of the wizards? she's a wizard?
are u shure?
ah, no arguements here Kitoky, sorry if you though that way. I was just making a small point and having a little laugh, Nazguls do rule and possibly they have the best scene in the whole trilogy (riding out of the green city in FOTR)
I dont see how horses become in your top 5 of middle earth dude,
I was alos watching programme about whats going to be big in 2004, and it says that Sea Biscuit will win the best picture at the to that.
Discos - in good spirit, I shall say - Go Nazgul!
i think once you have seen the spider that was in my sitting room the other day shelob will be puny, i was scared of it, and whenever i tried to kill it it wouldnt doe, so i sprayed it with fly killer, but spiders dont breath so i t lived, so i was very brave and flicked it, but it clung onto my finger and i was like ahhhhh (i am horrified of spiders) and it wouldnt get off, and it started crawling up my arm, so i got sting from the mantle pice (a rather large needle) and did battle, i won yey, although i did have to put the second heaviest book i have got on it, (the first being an old hardback lotr all in one book, and i was NOT letting the spider near that)
ok we are gonna be difficult
trolls and ents are races of beings in middle earth.
I see, I dont see how Ents are a race of beings?
Also is your sig from that dudes awesome review of ROTK which you gave the forum a link to?
ok good point forget the whole RACE thing
hmm a chance for fini to show his quality.
(just kidding just watched ttt ee)
*fini doesn't think that these breasts belong to a HIM*
whoa big apology from Smodden!
ok I like the eagels like there a beautful creatures

thank you.
sheesh why does everyone think me and nazgulinthedark are guys????????
hmm i don't know u need like a sig that says: "I AM NO MAN!!!!"
well i'm sure its in my profile........and besides dont i sound like a girl??
Yes you do sound like a gurl.. both of you
sound? hmm idk...well i guess if u said u have breasts so u must be a girl.
i hope u were being sarcastic!
I'm a guy i have arwen in my sig!
Why hasent anyone said the Balrog???????
ok uh
i know the BALROG i like the balrog
the Balrog is that creature in the first movie that we all thought killed Gandulf that fire one for thoes of you who dont know
i'm not THAT stupid.
I wasent talkin to YOU
barrow wights, shame they were not in the movie so I still have to use my imagination to see them....ohh wait thats good isnt it?

Are you doubting my knowledge? She's a descendant from a Maiar, and she falls into the catergory with Sauron, Saruman, and Gandalf. I didn't say she was a WIZARD now did I?
Maiars are higher, blessed beings by the Valar. They're not always wizards. The elves are descendants from the Maiars as well....if my memory does not fail me.
i was being sarcastic.
i wouldn't test ur knowledge like that.
how dare u mock me!
You mocked me first!! Nyah nyah!!
I love trolls. My favorite species is the mountian troll
YAY! Shelob
because of her i now have to kill every spider that crosses my path in a bloody manner with a push-pin or something
the sting from shelob was a beauty, just from behind and just above Frodo (un-aware) and POW! sting in the gut,
It was sort of weird and cool how she spun the carcus into the web, also I found it very paculiar how PJ squeezed in the orc ot describe who shelob was.....hehe sneaky
Discos - still enjoys the good comebacks of Kitoky "nyah"
i did, i said it on the first page, along with moths nazgul kings and oh no wait thats all one person :P
that spder was well terrifying was like whoa....and its eyes were looking at was toying with my mind....ahhh
I hate it when arachnids do that.
Why thank you.
Nazguls forever.
Please keep all hands and feet inside the wing spread.
Thank you for your participation and hope you come by again.
I watched both the EE TT & FOTR yesterday and whilst watching the scenes before Moria, there is also a octopuss there, that is a creature of middle earth
Discos - sorry if anyone has mentioned this creature before
i like hobbits cuz they fun and carefree
wow, very good information there, I didnt 100% understand that but was Middle-Earth made from a song?
the lower part was simply the dark land, wonder if anything lived there, and if so...what
no i mean there is valinor...sea...M:E.....sea......then the dark land/wilderness
Yep... I'd say valinor... looooots of sea... me.... bit less sea... darkland.
The only thing i found about darkland is that there were woods growing (thus probably also creatures living there) and that in the very east there are the gates of the morning and I think the sun burnt the region around there.
bit offtopic, i fear... finally some nice discussion and now its offtop -.-
no because we are wondering what creatures are there arent we...we just advanced the topic

I dunno why but of some reason I think that there were many birds... I have no idea why... I cant remember reading anything by Tolkien mentioning further information about the Dark Lands except their name and their forming.
well all i got of it on encyclopedia of arda is
"on the first map of earth by tolkien, a large southern continent appears with the words dark land emprinted on it, no more is said of this land apart from its forming, it is in no way related to the drk land/black land of mordor"

well i love any scene where the heros are shown another near impossible task they must perform (kill the mumakil) and they know its near impossible too, but they go for all out effort, even some suicidal effort, inspiring stuff....

Ah the intelectual genius of kitoky's posts'...

Isn't it just genius man? That is bloody brilliant!
the ability to write nazgul over and over
what seperates us from the animals dont you know
Yes very true, now you see Sauron this is why you're mentioned twice in my dudes and dudettes list.
dudettes? intresting... i always get slapped when i call a girl a dudette.
whats up wit that?
but yes typing names of hooded evil coolness beings, over and over again, is a feat i only hope one day i can master.
well *whispers,* i can help with that *looks around, make sure no-one is listening* all you do is press the N, then the A then Z the G then U then L
ok i know this is a bit nooby but yeah u guys have like memorised tolkien and i have an insatiable thirst for knowledge about tolkien so what exactly is the nazgul is it the things the guys ride or is it the guys themselves and if it is the guys what are those things called that they ride(if u can understand that) also ents own they are mad quickbeam is awesome and treebeard
well anyway even though the ents are sort of a race i still think they are the best creatures along with eagles ents master ground eagles master air
ents master the ground? i could wipe out all of fangorn forest all you have to do is start amazingly big forest fire
oh by the way exa remember the discussion on whether nazgul had bodies or not, or are they simply invisible
they do have bodies they are just invisible
gandalf, fotr, p 62
"a mortal frodo, who keeps one of the great rings does not die, but he does not grow or obtain more life he merely continues, until at last, every minute is a weariness, and if he often uses the ring to make himself invisiblehe 'fades': he becomes in the end invisible permanently, and walks in the twighlight under the of the dark power that rules the rings. yet sooner or later- later if he is strong or well meaning to begin with, but neither strong will or good purpose will last- sooner or later the dark will devour him"
lol quite sauron but i agree about your point about the fading thing because i can remember thats why gandalf said gollum was still alive but looked so pale and disgusting his body was being warped by the ring but ents would kill i think in a 1 on 1 with most things ground excluding such things as shelob or balrogs cos they are in a seperate class(being much mnore powerful)
not;rogs would annialate the ents...they are a much more powerful creature, plus ents are wood, balrogs are fire and shadow....hmmm *singe*
lol i know that why i said it and also things like shelob and i guess even tom bombadil because he is unique and not a race like say the nazgul lol but yeah they are amazing one of my favourite stories is about when i think it was morgoth or melkor had an army of balrogs. Now THAT would be annihilation
yeah unfortunately the anialation was on morgoths part as the nosey buggers they are (the valar) got involved, i mean come on, men didnt go to valinor did they, so stay away manwe

lol well when you play with fire... expect to suffer the wrath of the gods(or close to it)
Erm.....well....not really.....but okaaaaaaaay.
play with fire

balrogs are fire, it was a joke kit, lighten up

That's what I was thinking, and why do you always think I'm in a bad mood?
i dont, i just said lighten up, sorry
aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh Horses Horses Horses Horses Horses Horses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

power to the ponies

umm?... The Nazguls,there ponies, and all other ponies!!!!!!
@sauron interesting quote (by the way, which edition of LoTR do you have?? In my one, the same quote is on page 46........), okey then, I think, time to pounce, right?
On the other hand he also says "sooner or later, the dark power will devour him" - which does, I think, not really suit the rest of this sentence. It's a little bit different, though I dont know why.
well its 62 in mine its the harper collins fire and water paperback edition, im devastated, theres a rip on page 100

Strange, mine is also a harper-collins-one, but a one-volume-edition. Strange nevertheless that there can be so much difference.
well mines a one i got after the movie fotr, you know? its like the fellowship walking in a line and a green background?
i have the one with:
frodo holding ring :fotr
saruman in orthank:ttt
aragorn on a horse suronded by uruk-hai:rotk
and elf angel thingholding 3 glowing globes:silmarilion
my silmarillion cover is plain black apart from the three silmarils inside a circle lol
but not as sweet as mine
My Silmarillon book is the second edition one that was editted by Christopher Tolkien and I guess has an elf in front holding possessing three crystals? Can you tell me who that it?
Do you have a pic?
But if it's really and elf, then most probably Feanor, because I think nobody else of the eldalie is ever holding all three silmarilli

It probably is, I'll to find a pic online because I just can't scan my book cover.

feanor, seeing as he did make them?
Which color is his hair? Black? What does he wear? What about the background? Does he look happy?
phew... wow... ok... Must be Feanor... you can look if the title for the cover illustration is given, but looking how the elf hugs the silmarilli and the light round it make it look like their creation.
this is mine
Mine's better!


yeah but mines all plain and groovy and looks all grown up
And mine has the silmarilli! Yay! Booyah! Actually my teacher bought that for me for my birthday and we all say. "teacher's pet!" ?
luthiens banner? oh well, im over it
awww kits teacher loves her, my english teacher DESPISES me lol isnt that right exa
Yes, she has two banners, one on the Sil and one on the Unfinished tales... I love all the banners
Heheee oh yes, Sauron, oh yes

Mine thinks Im crazy

maybe he's right...

maye, just maybe

but your crazy in a good way, in a bilbo baggins way
What is the bilbo baggins way? lol...
well everyone says hes cracked, which he kind of is.... but hes still great and amazing

i'm crackin' and proud of it...
i got the same cover as Kitoky and its the best even though it's paperback
I wouldn't say the cover's the best thing ever....
I like it because my teacher got it for me...*sniff*
I was so touched...
my aunt gave me mine...
I am not bragging (too much hehe) but after seeing ROTK again yesterday I noticed just how bhuge the eagles were, I was so blind the first time because I was going to my friend about how cool the eagles were.
I remember havng a discussion with Exa about "if" the Nazgul were trapped inside the Eagles claws that if the Nazgul used there swords to try and break free from the claws that it wouldnt effect the Eagles as they have such hard texture claws - well I do now agree with Exa, they are huge and very strong claws they have! A picture of the eagles coming to The Black Gate look exactly like the tattpoo I have got,

Discos that discussion was with me not exa

ASh I do apoligise my Lord, but I agree with you now, the hard outshell on their claws seemed very defensive in the movie.
I dont know if I posted this on this topic or another one but what is the Octupuss's name (or what creature is it) in FOTR?
It's the Watcher in the Water

I suppose *strange*
Seeing as a sort of eliphant was formed into an oliphont I suppose it could be called a Ectopuss
Discos - No?
well ive never seen an octopus like this before
and i hope not to!!!!!!
have you guys seen Deep Rising? those things reminds a bit of the Watcher in the Water, don't remember what they are called now

sea monsters?
im facinated by sea monsters, although i couldnt write a book or story about them, i mean on the sea its just...sea really
no they had a very strange name, they do exsist, but they don't get as big as in the movie
one of thses scary individuals?
ya those things, althogh the whole creature is much larger, that is only one arm of the whole creature
only one ARM......*sauron checks the comparison between his arm and the rest of his body, works out the full size of the creature* whoa *huddles in corner scared*

it looks like the God of the sea from that movie Hercules (the disney cartoon)
dont mention hercules infront of the S M O D D E N
very dangerous
*still scared*
Dude that'd be an awesome NAzgul pet!
Oh yes it would

just imagine Witchy riding on such a thing instead on fellbeasts

hehe It would consume the witchking
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