MoViE BlOoPeRs

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Write the bloopers you noticed heheh

For one; the car which made it's big hit debut 2 days after the first movie came out

In FotR, when Aragorn takes the Hobbits into the woods and he says his lines "Into the woods" and he walks past the camera, he bumps into the camera.


Don't you remember the talk about the car that was scene in the Fellowship of the Ring?

O yea, I member now. I never did see that car. I did here however that in one of the scenes in ROTK the cast sunk a car and you can see it. Dont knoow where it would be there since there is no water.

Oh ya, in the war in ROTK before the gates of Mordor, you see all of them on horses. And after Aragorn see's Sauron, and he turns his head and says "For frodo", he RUNS... where'd the horses go? And then EVERYONE else starts to run too..they all had horses as well! .. lol

Dude that's like saying where did the Horses come from in the end of TT where Theoden and Aragorn ride out to meet the Uruks invading Helm's Deep.

i think he means where did the horses go? like they rode back to the crowd and the "disapeared"

Aragorn and others rode to the Black Gate lured them out and then rode back to the crowd, they descended from their horses and fought from there.

Hmmm I've heard of the car in FOTR many times....I look for it each time I watch it....I still haven't seen it.....Exactly where is it? I know it's at the part where Sam said "If I take one more step, it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been" but I CAN'T SEE IT!!!! Argggg mad

they erased that blooper (the car) on the dvd of fotr...

Oh yeah! I remember noticing that! ...

Yeah, after the opening debut of the car situation in theaters, PJ had that cut out.

yeah like what happened to the horses? i mean aragorn and friends rode up on the horses, rode back, and then started fighting, and the horses had vanished from the face of the earth. i mean, they werent in the back or anything. they were entirely gone! like poof! an y would u not wanna fight on horses? trample the little enemies, not be trampled by the big ones, faster retreat. they all had horses to begin with. what happened to them all???

There is a whole scene that has been deleted from the black gate. With the Mouth of Sauron. I am guessing that we might find out where the horses go then. LOL

But back to the subject.

In the fight scene between Gandalf and Saruman u can clearly see that S. is a stunt double when he slides across the floor and hits his head on the wall. YOu can see his face and his hair which is black.

And when the Orcs are pulling up trees you can see the same orc fall with each tree. It is the same tree just shot from diff angles.

That's not a blooper, they purposely did that. The lowest budget film ever. smile

there are lots....but they just left my the ROTK, when Pip sticks the orc in front of Gandalf, he pulls his sword out and it isn't bloody, then it is ::shrug:: sometimes I could tell the cgi too much...and when Treebeard catches Merry his hand goes THROUGH him...I can't remember what else right now sad..oh, what about sting? is it cause it's Elvish that it doesn't get dirty?

About that orc thing, I can understand why they had to do that, having Billy jus stick the stunt, plastic sword between the chest and the arm and then just pull it out, cut, color the plastic sword, AND ACTION! smile

what do you mean "stunt"?? that's a real orc!!

They did so well on the makeup it is beginning to get hard to tell the difference!

Nice one: At the battle for Helmsdeep, when the uruks come with ladders, Aragorn yells "Ladders!!!", notist the left elf to get the feathers of the arrows of the elf next to him in his face. It realy makes me laugh!

The other thing about that is, Aragorn says "Ladders" in elvish, and yet Gimli says "good" or did he understand him? O_o


Jackie Malfoy
Go to Movie there is so many movies there that people wrote in that they noted in the movies.Mistakes!It is a cool site!

haha yeah i've been on there before too it's cool!

Yea there is blood on the sword with pippin its like black orc blooda , and notice right before aragorn releases the army of the dead there is a gondorian flag behind gandalf somehow.

one from ROTK

But that one is on the left part of his neck yeah? And on the first pic he has one on that part of his neck too. And then on the second pic the one that is circled on the first pic is under his shirt.

the revers shots get me (as they do in any film), but in TTT when Aragorn Gimly and Legolas approach Fangorn, Aragorns ring is on his right hand instead of his left as usual...

it's small... but it kind of bugs me (more so when it happened in hellboy)

in FOTR wehn Boromir is dying and Arragorn is with him.......when the camera is on Viggo's face, Boro has his right hand on Vigs neck....but when we get the camera on boro, the hand is gone......dunno why but this editing blooper bugs the heck outta me.

Leggy_n_Merry TTT Merry and Pippin's hands are supposed to be bound (until they cut the bonds themselves) and when that horse nearly sqooshes Pippin his arms aren't bound roll eyes (sarcastic)

Ok, my post, when Frodo's in bed in Rivendell, there's no ring, but then when Gandalf's talking about it, it's there O_o

What post died?

I didn't notice that one! I shall look for it next time I watch FotR big grin

In the two towers in the scene where aragorn and co. fight the wargs, when aragorn falls off the cliff with the warg, his sword is not in his sheath, obviously cos he was fighting with it, but when he's washed up on the shore, it is still in his sheath! did he put it back as he fell!? lol.

Haaaaa... the magic of television!

i know lol laughing
At Isengard when Pippin jumps off Aragorn's house to pick up the palantir, he goes in to above his waist but when he holds the palantir up to Gandalf, he's completly dry! Incredible. big grin

It's because hobbits are made of waterproof material... I guess laughing


In the two towers when Sam tells Frodo to put the ring on and escape Frodo is sitting in front of the barrels but then when Faramir comes and there are no barrels! shock

It's because Gollum stole it in secret. He thought the precious was hidden inside. lol

Didn't you hear sam eating it?dumbass

Haha! laughing

What do you mean didn't you hear Sam eating it rohanspear? blink And who's a dumbass? Me?

Hey Rohan, I prefer not to go in personnal insult or I will have no choice but to report it to the moderator. Raz and I are old friends. roll eyes (sarcastic)

Lol yeah there was no need for the dumbass was he talking to you Mandos? I'm confused blink

Maybe it was for himself? big grin

Hahaha! Ok now we are being cruel....we mean no offence rohanspear lol... Ok we're going off topic...i'm gonna post another thing...

Haha have ya seen when Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas are fighting off the people in Edoras and then when they've finished there's one of them lying on the floor playing with his hair hahaha!

Nope must be funny thought

what? on which dvd (and where) can you see that?? embarrasment

The Inkeeper
You cant see it anymore, it was taken out.

sad ...

no it wasnt, u can still see it

The Inkeeper
No you cant.
Detected four days after the film came you really think they wouldnt do anything about it in the YEAR before it came out on video


if you look closesly at rotk...right after when sauron explodes and the earth cracks, and the orcs run helter skelter...

you'll see a couple of orcs come together and merge then unmerge...

well, at least i did

lol!! i've seen this book of movie mistakes and fellowship and two towers are two of the seven films with the most mistakes!! but then they're so long so its hardly surprising!

...and with first time eyes you don't see the mistakes

until after 10 or 20 times

Originally posted by The Inkeeper
No you cant.
Detected four days after the film came you really think they wouldnt do anything about it in the YEAR before it came out on video

r u talkin bout the camera bumping thing or the car thing? cuz i was talkin bout the camera bump

bannedsadangel sad stretcherwounded1 oops sorry sniff sniff......My apologies for any offenses , after careful review i have decide that was an uncalled for comment i made last month ruling in defense of prosecutors. (5 yard penalty) so sorry to wine ahaahhaha

Did anyone ever notice how the hell Frodo gets Bilbo's diary back?! I mean he gets it in Rivendell... abandons all his posessions in Mordor, which is then utterly destroyed... and the diary just reappears?!

yes, and another thing, when the orcs steal his possessions in the tower and sam rescues him, sam has to find frodo orc clothes and armour to wear because he 'can't go walking through mordor in nought but your skin', but then later on when they abandon everything including the orc armour he has his old clothes back on blink

Gandalf made it reappear, or another eagle we didn't see in the movie could have come with the others and was charged of carrying their stuff back. He would have said: I'm so underpaid for this.

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