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right, I chose the ultimate dude for someone who has inspired me with their work for a report I am doing in an english class.

I was wondering if anyone can give me some key issues I could use for his work (on middle earth that is), I dont need to know how he was inspired (I read the topic on that a few threads down)

So far I have got the magnificant creatures he created and such epic battle scenes he imagined, I am going to mention alot about the story behind the ring also - about how it came to be and whatnot (pretty much the prologue from FOTR)

Discos - Cheers if anyone helps out, I will see if I will give anyone a mention once the report is finished,

* also this is a speech report, I will be reading it to about 200 other people or so in the lecture theatre,

well you could also say about erm...why sauron created the ring..well because hes evil but WHY is he evil...therefore enabling you to bring morgoth/melkor into the story, letting you explain stuff about the silmarillion..the music..the valar...the war of wrath....the tragedy of it (seeing high races of men and elves die and/or fade out to nothingness)

you could go into archetypes, because lotr is FILLED with them, i can't think of any at the moment, but they're there

muse5 thet paet of ur sig

"i've got 24 hours to take down this bozo, an entire scheme i've been planning for 18 years goes up in smoke... AND YOU'RE WEARING HIS MERCHANDISE!!!"

whats it from....its killing me, racking my brain

Hercules!!! best movie in the history of movies, well, besides lotr of course! remember pain and panic have the sneakers and the drink and Hades like blows up, hilarious movie

oh yeah, because the planets are going to be aligned or something and thats what the prophecy with the one eyed witches was all about....? am i right?

yup! 'in eighteen years precisly, the planets will align ever so nicely...' GOD i watch that movie way to much! hey it's a good movie

hercules! yeah
i loved that movie i even got all the happy meal toys at Mcdonalds...

i have the one with his frisbee, where you turn his waist and he does unatural exorcixt spin lol


i'v got the one with the fawn like thing(u know the fat guy with the horns) he's awsome

i've got all the plates too. big grin

ok i didnt go that far stick out tongue

Tolkien's bloody brilliant hands down.

I was 9years old!give me a break!

i didn't have lotr in my life, i had....Hercules!*blah*

thank God i found a new obssesion

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