Which Battle Was Better: Helm's Deep or the Gondor One?
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Neo_Version 7
I liked Helm's Deep better.
i liked helms deep too although minas tirth rocked
i just liked seeing haldir show up out of nowhere
Both.I can't decide.
Neo_Version 7
Pelennor Fields was too much in my opinion. Helm's Deep was simple adn a lot more intense.
Hmmmm well if PJ followed the books and sent the Elves to Minas Tirith than everyone's fav would most likly be Minas Tirith but since he switched that and sent them to Helm's Deep they'ree pretty much even. I don't like how Haldir died in Helm's Deep, he wasn't supposed to die!!!
but he did

sword to back of the head lol
pellenor fields was not too much, this was the battle that it had been building up too, saurons one chance of destroying gondor therefore making m:e weaker, and for gondor it was do or die, it was all out all or nothing,
i liked the plennor feilds or however you spell it because the ringwraiths had a part in it, but helms deep because...just because
Ahhhhhhh I see where you going at.....
poor haldir, oh arwen was at halms deep, well at least they filmed her there, but after the outrage of her taking glorfindels (yes kit GLORFINDEL) place they took ther right out, and gave her the more exciting jog of knitting
I liked Pelennor Fields a lot, but I liked Helms Deep is VERY much...
Arg I cant decide lol
I guess I'll say Pelennor Fields
I liked Helms Deep better..more fighting...though the dead army was cool....and I'm sure the EE DVD will be better

But it's Helms Deep for right now (if you take out all the interuptions with both) Though Pip is in the Pelanor fields

Neo_Version 7
The dEad army was crap. Those bastards cheated big time.
how did they cheat?
they didn't cheat. hey you think quater million against 10000 is fair anyway???????..........those guys had to fight, they were bound to it.
i like pelennor fields better, hmmm after watching ROTK, TTT is boring to me ( wellllllll besides for the ents and gollum). At least i still love FOTR.
Neo_Version 7
In movie terms, FOTR is my favorite because you get the whole gang fighting side-by-side together. And the bastards cheated coz they got "Immortal Soldiers". I mean, thats just cheating.
yeah, well if the immortal soldiers hadnt ran away from the last alliance battle then they wouldnt be there so blame THEM not aragorn
Neo_Version 7
Well Aragorn's the one that wanted them.
Neo_Version 7
Yeah. I mean, the whole "urak-hai dodged the rock within 3 seconds". Seriously, not cool.
yeah pellenor should have bben on a night, or if it must be in the day in a storm or something
lol for the cast's sake i'm glad it wasn't...........those poor souls spent 3 months in the rain during winter to film Helm's Deep. Hey you dont want them to do that again, people can only take SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After all it was called "The Dawnless Day"... I think it was far to light for such a name.
they werent in winter, the helms deep battle wqas filmed indoors, have you not seen it on the apendices of ttt
well the cahrge of the whole rohan in rotk was mindblowing and was mine fav part of the movie. hemls deep was good and the charge of the horses at the end was wicked. put plennor feilds was much bigger, and the eliphants was wicked to.
YES I have , i was in a quarry, and they had alll the extras in the rain and when it came to shooting the next day the prostetic suits couldn't be dried in time so they had to shoot night after night in smelly damp suits.
Why do u think everyone who were involved in making helm's deep got T-Shirts saying " i survived helm's Deep" ???????
lol i heard about that yeah, although lots of it was indoors too, in a warehouse if i remember rightly, i can specificly remember the rain producing machine lol
Both battles were good, but I like Pelennor fields better. Rohan coming and then the army of the dead coming made it a whole lot better in my perspectinve.
Pfft, they took no mind to our Glorfindel replacement outrage, Liv Tyler actually went online and saw sights that say Arwen, Xena Warrior Princess and talked to PJ that Arwen can be strong even though she doesn't weild a sword.
He's so adorable!
wheres that from?!?!
no offence but hes got a bad barnet

the hornburg was shot indoors, as far as i remember.
* fini will look back at the appendies when she is done with the net*
I forget, I think it's from an MSN group thing, and I stole it, yes I stole it, I couldn't resist.
hair style, its rather.....'big' his hair isnt it

Ah I see, actually I like it, especially his side hair just hanging out like that

Glorfindel is the ONLY non-existant character I fawn over, next to Tom of course, but he's not non-existant, we saw him.
i prefer the Pelennor one.
it's just so much cooler!!!

the battle is on a grander scale, and has more creatures, and it's more dramatic and moving IMO....
god, the battering ram they had was so cool, but so freaky. and all the orcs and stuff... it's the best battle i ever saw in my entire life.

how comes elves hair dont match their eyebrows, hmmmm
They do have alot of eyebrows, look at Celeborn! And besides they're supposed to be elegant so having bushy eyebrows doesn't exactly fit that description.
because everyone that bleaches their hair and gets weaved done , never think about their eyebrows matching. Its most dumb. someone with black/dark brown hair cant go blonde without lightening the colour of their brows, it will be an incopmplete job
Legolas seems to be complete, *grumbles*
Nearly all blond elves are incomplete

I only remember two elves (and those were female) whole eyebrowcolor actually fit the haircolor.
Blond elves look stupid. at least in the film.
Not Haldir, I thought he was prefect.
yeah he suits the unmatching collar and cuffs

I hated his stupid glittering armour

and his death...
I hated his death scene...
"For all the others at Helm's Deep who glanced at Haldir's armor, they couldn't help but think, 'TARGET!'"
he was happy with his death because the last thing he saw was dead elves, preety elves though, then aragorn spoilt it, he started running over to haldir all grimy and sweaty and bloody, with everythng from mucus to urine on him, haldir saw he was coming to him and though *noooo* and tried to die quicker, which i think he suceeded in
lol i dont know how my mind works, but im sure its working wrong

Notice that the subject is really off.....well that's us I guess.
thats us
i somehow managed to get the subject from battles to haldir trying to kill himself...........

It just takes Talent man, it's all talent and skill.
which i dont posses either of

Now you do, dude do you know how many threads you turned the tables on? I think that one Orli thread turned into us ranting on about how threads shouldn't be switched, lol.
lol then i started singing thriller over and over an putting MJ into the fellowship

The final battle of the Siege of Bard Dur could have been longer, though...
Anyway, I prefer Helm's Deep and I think that will be the prevailing opinion over time. Whilat Pelennor Fields was nice, and certainly the grandest in scale, it just didn'tt have the focus, good design and suspense of Helm's Deep. And I think posterity will remember Helm's Deep as the battle that had the most impact.
i liked the last offical fight scene outside the black gates or gate
i dont know its proper name
i loved it when merry and pippin charged off eventually everyone had over took them anyway bless em
Helms Deep was the better one. Minas Tirith had poor fighting and very little fight scenes most of it balls of fire falling everywhere. you never really see anyone get hit with arrows or stabed like in helms deep.
I guess they were short on money torwards the third film

Thór Vór
i can't answer this question because i love them both

...works of art they are.
you don't get to see anyone hit? oh i must have missed the flying heads and the fell beast dropping those guys onto the houses

....i know it must have been sore but you have to laugh

I am a Sock
either Helm's Deep was too long or the siege of Gondor too short. I wanted to see more of the Battle of Minas Tirith
"or the Gondor one"
ah ya fool
they were both great, Pelennor fields totally ruled better though.
I am a Sock
I would have liked to have seen other battles of the War of the Ring. That would have rocked
the one in Mirkwood and Lorien and whatnot,
I am a Sock
and Dale and Pelegir. Almost all of ME was engulfed in war.
sure was
what about the lands south east of Mordor, not much was said about them
I think they would still be in bounds of Middle Earth
I am a Sock
Harad and Khand? There weren't too many battles in those areas. They sent their armies to Gondor. I would have liked to have seen Khand's army
it would be good to see alot of battles infact,
especially more on Dagor Dorlad
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