When did Aragorn and Arawen meet?

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Quick question - when and how did Aragron and Arawen meet?

In the movie, she (Liv Tyler) says "remember when we met" to Aragorn and that was it. sad

Please help!


First time they met was at Rivendell but the first time Arwen fell in love with Aragorn was at Lothlorien.


Yep Exa's answer is most accurate.

Why did Aragorn grow up in Rivendell? Is that how he knows the elf language? Wasn't he the heir in Gondor? How did he end up in Rivendell? When did he leave (and end up in a pub with the hobbits as Strider)?

Thanks - I appreciate the insight and the books are on their way from Amazon! I promise! wink

Aragorn grew up in Rivendell because his father Arathorn died and Gilraen(his mother) fled to Rivendell because Aragorn was in danger when he was young because he, the heir of the throne.

In the FotR: EE Aragorn visits his mother's grave, in the yard in which they hold people that died in battle or of nature ends. And Elrond talks about the account in which how Aragorn got to Rivendell.

And so for about 75 years he's been known to the elves as Estel, which means Hope in Elvish.

WOW! Thanks!

God I love this board - makes me love these movies even more than I thought I possibly could!

Hahah and you'll soon love the books as well. wink

HAHA! YEP! I can't wait for them to get here!

Then I can help answer these questions which must sound so stupid to those that have read the books!

Or if you're too anxious to know things you can just ask us because it does take a while to read a novel like LotR

Tell me about it! it takes you forever to read the trilogy, not to mention the Hobbit and the Simarilian (spelling?).

It took me a long while too, The Hobbit took me say, 1 month? Of course I had little time to read it.

It's the Silmarillion. You're close though. smile

big grin Glad this time someone didn't come and rain all over me when I get the spelling wrong. I stink at spelling. whistle

Well no ones perfect, some of us don't even know half of what Tolkien writes in the books. *chuckles*

I know more than a few but I still am a novice, I am trying to learn all I can tho. Here is the best place to learn it.

On a side note: I love that when Aragorn meets Arwen for the first time he thinks that she is Luthien, and thinks that he is in a dream.

Yes, that was perfect really. Luthien Tinuviel. Pwetty. And well it would make sense that Arwen would look like her because she did come from that line.

Yeah and it is said in FOTR that she is the likeness of Luthien.


aasss usualyesyes
you rock exa!!rock

OH FFS lotrlover , who the hell can you call yourself an lotr lover if you've never gotten your lazy ass up to read the book. This question is answered in the appendices in the book and you should do urself a freaking favour and get off the damn computer and READ THE BOOK!!!! SHEESH.

But why must you always be so complicated?!?! Stole my glory, *huffs*

I'm just keeping to the facts, and those are complicated

stole your glory? but no no

sad no

You are both experts!


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