Need help with ROTK game
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does anyone have the ROTK game on playstation 2? if so, have you gotten to pelennor fields yet, IF SO...HOW IN THE BLOOD HECK DO YOU BEAT THE 2ND PART OF IT WHERE YOU HAVE TO KILL THE OLIPHAUNTS (i know they are called something else but i like oliphaunts better) and go back and forth and keep the witchking away from eowyn and merry?!!!! EEEEK!
SOMEONE HELP ME OUT! im so frustrated! i cant beat it!!
it took me a while too, you just have to do ur best and be fast aobut killing the oliphaunt then runnin like heck to get back to the otherside where u shoot the witch king, thats basically the hint for it, just best fast killing the oliphants
yeah i kept geting mixed up which side the oliphants come from.just try to keep track of that and run real fast back to the fell beast.
I BEAT THE GAME I BEAT IT I BEAT IT! I was up till 4 this morning trying to beat it and i beat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT PASSED PELENNOR FIELDS WITH FAMIER (sp?) WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! The black gate is freaking brilliant!!! Its sooooo exciting!!!!!!! Expecially when gandalf is like: THIS IS OUR FINAL ACT TO GIVE FRODO THE TIME
eeeek so exciting!!!!!!!!!!!! I beat all the levels, and i beat the end!!! Cracks of doom, which was so much fun fighting gollum, hes a evil little booger, at first i didnt know how to kill him, but i finally figured it out!!! It shows him biting off frodos finger...YEEEOUCH! poor frodo!
The ending is brilliant!!! So exciting! I was jumping up and down because i was soo happy to beat it and the ending after i beat gollum was exciting!!! it was showing all the scenes and gandalf was talking and it was! Brilliant!
I unlocked merry and pippin! YAY! Im gonna have fun with these guys!!! im gonna take them to shelobs lair, paths of the dead...ect
muahahaha and the interviews with elijah, dom, billy, sean and andy are halaaaaaaaaarious! WHERES ORLANDOS INTERVIEW *sobs* i thought it had orli's interview!!!!!
I unlocked this awesome level too and secret codes! muahahahaa!
I AM SOOOO HAPPY I BEAT THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
congratiolations now you can move on to Lord of The Rings War of The Ring
it's a stradegy game, reminds alot of Warcraft III, only much better, it's very good
My brother has the Playstation 2 so I don't get to play ROTK that much...Grrr greedy little imp...But I've only gotten to the Paths of the Dead so far...I've only played it once for like 10 minutes or whatever...I'm gonna go play it in a second though
I'm so happy for you! You beat the game! Whoop! My nephew(who has an XBox to play it on at his house) beat it a few days ago and he was like "hey you can unlock pippin, kara! and merry! and there's a pippin interview!" it was funny hehe. And my brother and him just beat the game over here and I'm gonna go watch Billy Boyd's interview
Of course hehe. K I'm gonna go play it now....Wish me luck! Buh bye.
It took me REALLY long to beat the whole game though, took me forever, but wow..i am so happy to beat it, and i cant wait to play all the levels over again!!!!! Im taking merry and pippin to shelobs lair, hehehe that would be fun, paths of the dead, road to isenguard, im taking them everywhere! Im taking frodo to all the levels too!!!! wooooooo!
I cant get over the black gate level, I LOVED THAT! the whole black gate opening, and gandalf saying "this is our final act to give frodo the time..." i got massive chills that went down my spine and so much excitement came over me!!!!! it was amazing!!!
I cant kill the King of Dead
I am playing the ROTK PC, I think it is the same as for PS2.
Someone help me?
awww it took me forever to beat the king of the dead, i beat him much faster with gandalf, i kick total ass with gandalf!!!!!!
good luck!!!
try beating him with gandalf, i got through that really quick with gandalf
i needed one afternoon and one morning to beat it!One of the best games i have on ps2
Finished the game only to get onto the Palantir levels, took ages to complete the first one, and then nothing in return! Then when Sam and Legolas and Gandalf are up to level 10, got onto the second palantir level, which I have not completed yet as it's tres tres difficult, I just hope there's some kind of reward at the end of this one! Is anyone else kinda disappointed with the lack of ROTK clips? (this is on X-box by the way, I don't know whether this makes any difference!)
On PC I can not use Gandalf to fight the Dead Kimg. Only Aragorn, Leg or Gimli.
Some hints?
the co-op mode is execellent. i was leg and my friend was aragorn, changed char a few times during the game. we beat the whole game, pretty fun.
ah war of the ring! havn't got that yet any good? also can u play online? i love rts games.
Yea, the king of the Dead is really hard, but you'll get it.... man, it took me a long time to beat Gollum!!!!!!!
Can anybody tell me how to get through Minas Tirith with Gandalf? That's the only thing I still need to do to get to the Black Gate. I know you go up to the one catapult and shoot down the first tower with that, but how do you get rid of the 2nd tower?
well first look whether they are coming from the left or right...go too that side
climn the ramp ting..but your on it automatically the first time
and fire arrows at it until it gets to one of those BIG catapult things..which you fire at it........then run down ramp and to other side...kill again...etc etc
i just fired my magic at it lol.....about 25 shots and it breaks lol
it actually took me a while to figure this out put press circle to pish the ladders on the wall off....hehe
That level is my favourite but you have to act quick, the evil ones dont stop coming at ya and most of Gondors soldiers do nowt with their fingers linged into their assholes
also dont know why this thread aint been shifted yet, most Game threads get the boot
well as gandalf i just killed things and pressed
R1R2L1L2 at the same time
he makes shield and knocks everything over you touch
I usually go nuts with L3 & R3, it seems to work
Discos - doesnt like to block/defend attacks
in the TT game i used fierce but i fell in love with speed on this game
i was legolas all the way through because of his speed
yep, that is also my chosen character Legolas, he has a great finishing move with the 2 swords he used
Discos - better than Aragorns silly "slap"
Okay, thanks everybody!
Son of Boromir
Dude who beat this yer freakin me out
But i acted the same way
Mace Skywalker
i used to hate that eliphant level. now i can beat it in like 2 min.
pfft i beat this game in less then a day when it first came out the only level i had probs wit is sam and frodos first level were you escape from the city.
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