How long?

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Hi guys, i'm writing a fanfic, and I need to know the number of years between Sauron's defeat by Isildur and the Fellowship of the Ring. Can anyone help me out?

Sauron was defeated SA 3441 and the Fellowship was founded TA 3018/19, thus I'd say 3019 years between ^^

Oooh, a fellow fan fiction writerbig grinbig grinbig grin

yep, bassically you could have guess from the prologue of FOTR,

It said the ring went out of existence (when Isildur lost it in the river) for 2,500 years and then it inslaved the mind of Gollum for 500 years, roughly 3,000 years but as Exa explained it was 3019 years

Discos - Exa the expert

why not simlply say 'an age of the earth passed'

Wow #'s give me a headache. An Age is much easier. LOL But good to know the exact time.

yeah.. very confusing .. yeah go fan fiction!

Do you write it too then? YAY! Two people that write it too!!

I thought I was the only one!!

Do you write it too then? YAY! Two people that write it too!!

I thought I was the only one!! (On this forum I mean!)

I have wrote fan fic before but I have never tried LOTR. Maybe I should give it a go.

How curious! The post shows up here twice even though I went into the 'edit' page!

Yes, you should write LotR fanfiction! It's great fun and I love doing it (whenever I get the time!) Even written quite a few about Merry and Pippinbig grin

Oh, I'm an obsessive child! would you like to beta-read for me? I'd gladly beta-read for you, if you wanna pm me anything...

You see, I want to put it in terms of 'generations of Men'. So, If I wanna do 3000 years in generations of men, say a generation is 30 years, so i could say "A hundred generations of Men."

What's your fic about?


well, I did a generation as being 30 years because thats about the average age of having children... I thought if I wanted to do 'Lives' it'd just get too complicated with all the diff lifespans big grin

well, it may sound stupid, but it's about Sauron's daughter. It started off as a micky take of bad MarySue fics, but I'm actually beginning to really enjoy writing it!

When Sauron first had the ring, before Isildur 'took up the his father's sword', he raped an Elf, and the result was a girl, called Sirilian by her mother, but renamed Sreya by her father...

I can pm you my ideas if you're interested, I've got about 3 pages so far...

im VERY interested, for obvious reasons, and for the not so obvious reason of SAURON GOT SOME!!! big grinbig grin WHOOOOO from an elf too

damn im good stick out tongue

Sounds really good!!

yeah it does sound good not that ive read any, i just heard sauron got some smile

So, sauron and Camellia, I take it I can pm you my ideas...?

Yes, if you likebig grin

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