Speech from Gandolf to Merry...
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I am looking for a quote of what Gandolf said to Merry regarding the afterlife (LOTR3). He said this when they both were behind a wall and thinking that they were not going to make it through battle...
It was a really nice way of viewing death and I would like to pass on the message to someone--
-Can you help me figure out where I can find out the exact dialogue from this scene???Do you know it?
Thanks so much--
Do you mean the dialogue between Gandalf and Pippin??!
Pippin: I didn't think it would end this way.
Gandalf: End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.
Pippin: What? Gandalf? See what?
Gandalf: White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.
Pippin: Well, that isn't so bad.
Gandalf: No. No, it isn't.
I was about to say, it was Pippin.
What is it exactly what gandalf says when the Rising Storm is seen at Minus Morgul?
Gandalf - so here reaches the greatest battle of our time?
I belive that it's pronaunsed Gandolf, Christopher Lee says so in a interwiew
Its actually pronounced Gahndolf
but then, I'm a freaky obsessive type!
then rohan's horn blows.
am sorry, I am talking about the part when Pippin recieved his army uniform and gandalf is staring out at Mount Doom - Then Minus Morgul empties out, what is that Gandolf says? Its a great line
also the horn of Rohan was also spectacular, Gandolf looks, then the head Orc looks and there arises the Rohirrm at the Pellonar fields (spelling?).....
Discos - thats when the tingling started and I knew it was time the tides turned!
Gandalf - not Gandolf exactly... try to speak a latin a (like "faaaather" but shorter) and use this one for both a's
and you should be proud!!
oh my god you mixed merry and Pippin up, you have lost my respect sniff.
awwwww she only joined this month aniron
I restrained myself from saying anything!
lol but wait I also get mixed up with the two, LAurora noticed a mistake yesterday but I am correct on my terms now after they eventually got spliut up in ROTK.
Discos - head hangs in shame
yeah frodo does it perfect when he wakes up in rivendell in rotk
he says it real slow THAT is the way u say it.
Actually it's-
Gandalf: We come to it at last. The great battle of our time.
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