Average Discussion ON LOTR and ROTK

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Hello every one, not much to say at the moment so ill just bring up somthing..o yea what was every ones favorite part in ROTK and TTT

Tell every one your favorite part in FOTR also talk about somthing ne ways
Favorite part for FOTR was--When gimli said ill break the damn thing and he striked the ring with his hammer and flew back like 5 feet! it was hilarious..

Favorite part in TTT was-- when legolas slid down the stairs on the shield shooting at orcs as he grinded his way down,,also when gimli said Toss me to aragorn and he said i cant make the jump you have to toss me...also when legolas said there all gonna die then aragorn said "Then i shall die as one of them!"

Favorite part in ROTK--was when Gollum died while smiling and holding the ring also when he was wrestling on frodos back it looked so hilarious,,and when he bit his finger off LMFAO!!!!


Yea it was a typing error didnt notice,, its a good book though.Atleast i think so,,,Well yea those are some good parts in the movie


hmm you people heard me say this before.........BUT
WHY is there ANOTHER thread on " my fave parts of LOTR"
people look for the older threads( which are within the two most recent pages) and post there.

yea i guess

how about we change it... into any discussion on rotk stick out tongue smile Anyway, I think when Elrond showed up to tell Aragorn that he needed to take the paths of the dead, the night shirt he was wearing was really hot. love rolling on floor laughing

yea i hope he does the hobbit also smile

Do you mean Hugo or Viggo? I don't really see how both characters related to the Hobbit

hugo did elrond is like totally in the hobbit

studying thorins map

Elrond's in the hobbit? How come I don't remember? I read it that's for sure....*scratches head*

yeah he is because i remember i laughed when elrond discovers the map is wrote in moon runes and the line goes something like "both gandalf and thorin looked dismayed that they had not discoverd this and elrond had"

I don't remember that...Argh I need to read The Hobbbit again.

i remember seeing it somwhere middle part look it up there

......... any one an internet "PIRATE".. lol

sombody ****in post goddamit

"Illinois Nazis?....I hate Illinois Nazis"


Actually, Kit, Elrond's mentioned starting in third chapter hehe

"The master of the house was an elf-friend---one of those people whose fathers came into the strange stories before the beginning of History, the wars of the evil goblins and the elves and the first men in the North. In those days of our tale there were still some people who had both elves and heroes of the North for ancestors, and Elrond the master of the house was their chief."

Eh I just started reading The Hobbit again today stick out tongue For like the thousandth time!!! big grin But that's the exact words....So yesh, Elrond is in The Hobbit

Oooh I really hope PJ makes The Hobbit!!! That'd be awesome! Hmmm do you think Billy would go to the premier even though he's not in The Hobbit? confused Because he was in the trilogy...but one of my friends said that he heard Billy might be cast as one of the characters in The Hobbit!!! big grin Maybe one of the thirteen dwarfs or something....OOH that'd be awesome!!! I hope I get to go to the premier....doubt it....but still!!! stick out tongue Mmmmm Billy....hahaha don't I say that in almost every post of mine? roll eyes (sarcastic) I can't help it!! Hehehe....

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