rotk goes past fotr

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it rotk 29 days for rotk to beat fotr but ttt took 46 days. rotk got there about 17 days earlier. eek! at this rate the 2nd movie ttt should be gone by the end of the month. Happy Dance

fotr is the BEST EVER

well i'm just saying the movie is movie along incribelly well

Remember people, who much money a movie makes does not detemine how good it is ( wellllllllllllllll unless the movie really really sucks)

yeah i know i said fotr was my fave from the start stick out tongue its sooo good

shadow link
well its predicted to get 375mill US which will get it to about 6th all time domestically and number one for the year domestically, worldwide its predicted to get over 1 billion putting it easily in 2nd place

and it might not pass tt so quickly coz rotk is starting to slow down and not make as much as tt did but will still make alot especially for a sequel to a sequel (even though they were made all at once)

plus manny321 y do u put ttt giving two towers a the at the start but only rotk leaving out the the, its either rotk and tt or trotk(which no one uses) and ttt its like saying an atm machine , lol im not being pedantic its just funny

i definately think that ROTK is the best one

RotK is by far the bst!!!! loved it. plus it was supaer long and i saaw it at midnight.

ROTK is great and very big.
But I like FOTR better. It just has this more solid feeling into it. The scenes are more varied, editing's tight.... and it has a more adventurous feeling into it which I love. Plus we still have the Fellowship here (Not to mention Boromir) Gandalf the Grey is much more interesting here than the more serious Gandalf the White. Oh, and need I mention that the only time we have a glimpse of Sauron, is in this movie?

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