Rotk Battle Were The Best Ever In 110 Years Of Cinematic History>

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NO movie had such great battles as rotk, not even saving private ryan, gladiator, braveheart,matrix revolution,all star wars. The movie's battles sets a new standard for battles, which no movie for a while will reach maybe troy but not in the for-seeable future. WHen the riders of rohan till the mukmail Happy Dance till wicthking eek! then dead army smokin' those mins were the best times of my life. ALSO theodans speech means alot if you know what it means. "RIDE NOW, RIDE FOR RUIN, AND THE WORLDS ENDING!!, DEATH!! DEATH!! FORTH EORLINGAS!! eek! eek! I WAS like wow Happy Dance wicked 6 out of 5 right there and then. WHat do you think? confused

Erm...I have no idea what the purpose of this thread is but okie! I agree!

its just to explane the coolness of the Rotk battle
and i agree to, totally awesome man


yeah, NO ONE is gonna even trya compete wit lotr of pj

yep i can't go over mukmail charge i perfer eliphants though, eliphants are favourite animal now.

i meant lotr or pj

troy looks good, but not ven close to scale, expect the boat shot in the trailer is good.

yeah when the camra pans back and there are thousands of bouts
but that can't compare to Lotr

Troy only looks good because Orli's in it, BUT I SAY IT'S GOOD BECAUSE BEAN'S IN IT! Yessssss

rotk is cheap for all the eefcts. IT only cost 94 million, with all those battles, i know there cg and everything but still cheap. COmapre it t3 175 million, and potc 145 million.

wow that is cheap for movies

finding nemo cost the same amount to!!

shadow link
yeah but thats probably coz those movies had to pay alot for the actors whereas lotr didnt have any highly paid actors- i mean they will be now plus, the total for those movies didnt mean they spent the most on special effects titanic took thre most to make and that spent most of it on the sets and building the boat, matrix probably had the most expensive sfx

smile and yes theb battle were and always will be best and unbeaten

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