animals in LOTR
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does any one know what the elephant/rhinocerus things are? my friends and i call them elephofonesses but i want to know there really name.

they're called oliphaunts ((think thats how its spelled. sorry, babysitting and dont ahve teh book with me to look @))
The Elephants were called Oliphaunts or Mumakil (plural), Mumak (singular).
The Rhinocerus ones which showed up in the Return of the King that helped tow in the sieges I don't know. I think those are new...that PJ added.
The Creatures are called Oliphaunts...........incase you didn't already know from the 2 replies
Yep And in the books Sam had an especial interest with this creatures Like with the Elves, character feelling that wasnt showed in the movie, really bad

... It would had been excellent... isnt it?
BIG RHINO'S! I don't know what the are. The giant elephants are:
Oliphaunts, Mumak / Mumakil.
What does Variag mean? When do they say that???
Variags are only mentioned in the book; they were a peolpe living in Khand, fighting for mordor.
I have a question. My cousin who's an expert on Tolkien, said that Trolls were tortured Ents, is that true?

The rhinocerus things are new, the designers at Weta created it to haul the sieges.
Not exactly; but Tolkien says that Trolls are somehow like Ents the same way that Orcs are like Elves, so they are not actually tortured Ents, but here Morgoth tried to copy the Ents, though in a wrong and evil way, like with the orcs he wanted to have something like elves.
and where did you find this information from?

I think somebody mentions it in the book when talking about the ents... perhaps Gandalf or Aragorn... but I dont really remember.
Well, anyway, good memory then!
i am really interested in the mumakil as u can see and i want to know who are the people that have them-what is the tribe's name?
No idea... I think none of them is called by a name or belonging to a tribe that is known by name - they are just "the haradrim", though there are different ones like some are from near harad and some from far harad and some from khand... and yey one tribe is called the "variag"

Grond rocks.......
Though he isnt a real animal

He is in my books
i figured it out-the people are southrons(variags) and they come from the land of khand and there elephants are called mumakil
Isnt that exactly what I said?
And not all of them came from Khand
All parts of Harad... Near Harad, Far Harad, Umbar, some perhaps even Harondor (though i dont think so)
how'd u collect that inf0-cuz my friend said that elephants come from harad and that the variags get them from there-so whered u guys find that out at?
about where the mumakil came from?-if it is in the books-i wouldnt know cuz i hate reading
Troll are a failed copy off of ents, but rolls are cooler and they kick ass
About the Grond-things that look like rhinos... they are everywhere called "Great Beasts"... or "Great Beast pulling Grond".
is there any game out there where u can ride a mumakil? and do u know where i could find great info on the mumakil?
Lady Ellie
So, you are also a mumak fan?? ME TOO!! Love them! I'm also searching for mumakil pictures and info.

no no idea where you find infos about them... save what sam says about them and his poem... Im just always looking for pics

"Oliphaunt am I,
Biggest of all,
Huge, old, and tall."
Apparently became extinct after the end of the Third Age
from Old High German olbenta, meaning 'camel'
heres a mumakil charge pic i changed to have sauron and the eye on it
they became extinct-where did u find that out?
encyclopedia of arda
shortly after the third age
just noticed there is a cat in Fellowship of the ring
its the part exactly when Pippin goes to get a whole pint
Cutie cat

Agent Elrond
There would happen to be a "Lord of the Mumikil" would there? There's a Lord of Everything from Balrongs to Rings. I highly doubt it, but it would be funny if there was.
mmm.....maybe not as they are not intelligent creatures and are mastered by people
do the winged creatures have a lord?
Agent Elrond
Lord of the Dragons, forgot his name A--- something
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