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Mr Neil T put it to me yesterday that Bilbo & Frodo are cousins and not uncle and nephew as it says in the first book about them being cousin??
I think this is lies and haven't had a chance to look through the book to check but please reply to this with the correct info before he comes round today so I can grief him
Bilbo is 111 and frodo 33-ish, doubt they are even closely related?
cousins yeah
bilbo had many younger cousins his favourite of which was frodo
Correct he's not his uncle as he was a single child
he's rather a greagreatgrandcousin
Bilbo was the grandson of a brother of Frodo's great-grandfather
That's the baggins-connection
but theyre closer related over the Tooks, here Bilbo is Frodos granduncle or whatever you may call this
lol well in england we are lazy so if your not a grandad a grandmother an aunty or uncle or cousin you dont have an official title


ok... so they are related as not-officially-titled.... at least I didnt find another relation...
Drogo and Primula drowned, Frodo was an orphan and Bilbo took him in and blah blah blahb, they're cousins.
cousins? but - how?
I think that its quite normal to call anybody whos older than you and related "uncle" if theres no other word...
why dont we just call them room-mates

Ok perfect

roommates... okeeeeh... stepfather and -son...

That would be best.
lol cheers, roommates shall do, I shall pas this information to Neil T
OmG!!!!! Thank you sooooo mutch!
I've looking for the script so long, and now I've found it!!!
Now, me, my sister and a friend are sitting reading it all.
Thank you again!
I have a name for them: Bum Chums...LOL
BTW: That was a joke

wasnt a very amusing joke,
Drogo & Primula were Bilbos cousin & second cousin, thus Frodo is Bilbos second and third cousin at the same time in the book.
in the film Bilbo is Frodos uncle as far as I can tell.
Queer as news from bree!
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