Old Gaffer

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Why is there hardly any mention of Sam's old gaffer, in the EE of FOTR we get to see a good bit of him I think (think the gaffer is the landlord of the pub...the green dragon?)

Whack! - That's for Frodo
Dung! - That's for the shire
Crack! - and thats for my old gaffer

Well, It really isnt a big plot point or anything so im guessing it was one of the smaller things that PJ cut out. Its already what a 4 hour movie and adding smaller stuff like that just takes up more time. I would of loved to see him though. smile

He isn't really a big character and since PJ added and mentioned him a couple of times, it's a big treat! The Old Gaffer is Sam's dad basically and he's not the landlord of the Green Dragon, he's just a gardner that serves the Baggins and that's why Sam is Frodo's gardner.

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