OmG, did you notice it too?

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Ok, I have been watching all the LOTR movies, and I have noticed that Frodo never does ANYTHING. He is such a whimp. In all the movies, except ROTK, he drops his sword,and cowers in a corner when ever anything bad is happening. It's kinda like, omg save me, i have the ring,i can't do anything. He doesn't fight at all in the moveis *except ROTK* because he drops the sword, or falls , or something to get him out of fighting. In ROTK i was so proud of him thought, he didn't drop the sword at first, he actually cut something,he hurt Shelob, just a lil ,but that is a big improvement, what do you guys think???

This is no coincidence. In the film its not really shown very well, but Tolkien describes him as rather silent. He doesnt kill a single person and is quite a peaceful person. Also when they return to the shire and fight hobbits against ruffians, he doesnt do anything, at least in the sense of not killing anybody.
I do not think he's a whimp, if there would be only persons like Aragorn or Gimli, the world would be a single neverending war and war is something nasssssty (except when its in middle-earth).

Thus - peace!! stick out tongue

Well you have to understand he's bearing this heavy ring that everyone's after and everyone's trying kill him to get it. He's tread basically all across Middle-Earth to destroy it oblivious at what it's doing to him and it makes him more weary and light headed.

Now for the event at Weathertop, if I were in Frodo's place and I suddenly is faced with these 5 Ringwraiths (they're so awesome aren't they?) I wouldn't really try to fight because it's useless. And when they squeal, people feel fear.

That's why in the RotK movie Gandalf says something along the lines of, "Don't give into fear." to the Gondorian soldiers when the Nazguls came.

He is strong in some ways instead of fighting, he's going out there beyond the Shire trying to get rid of this ring that could harm all of Middle-Earth and he get's it done. The effects on him are major which I love the dialogue at the end where Frodo says, "How do you pick up the threads of an old life..."

Okie, end of rant.

I still think he should defend his self, he would be dead if there wasn't like 6 other people around him at all times,becuase he don't do anything~!

Well, that is what friends are for ffs. And legolas is gay smile Just thought I would add that - actually, Legolas is cool - Orlando is gay!

Okie now THAT'S mature....Okie I'm not a big fan of Orli's but atleast I don't call him gay which he isn't.

Back to Topic -

Well Frodo's used to the quiet and peacefulness of the Shire and all of sudden he's sent off to this mission to destroy the ring and he's seen all this war and death and he's a small dude seeing all of this, I really sympathize him. I think he showed alot of courage with all that is weighed on his shoulders.

you have to remember, he is being possessed by the Ring, ofcourse he doesnt fight, but he reaally doesnt have to fight much in the movies

Im sorry,but the ring should if not anything,make him mean, and that would evoke fighting, im sorry,but i still think he's whimpy, becuase come on, fight for your life, not make others do it for you.....

what makes you think orlando is gay? he's dating a woman for crying out loud.

why do you think gollum went crazy? he had the Ring, and it made him everything about him mean, and sly.

He's part of the SHIRE folk, people has don't oftenly wander out to the world and don't know what's out there, and Gandalf has only talked about the positive. I can understand that he doesn't react very fast.

Well in the books he stabbed the Troll's toe....that should count as something.

farimir, sam, frodo and so one were the few people who withstood the ring (maybe not people in the movie, but you know what i mean wink

i hv 2 agree, he is kinda wimpy. And like ppl say, shire folk r kinda peaceful, but sam beats the crap out of a load of orcs n a big big BIGspider for his friends life, the shire (and his old gaffer....but erm, movin on) why doesnt frodo get off his bum n fight 4 those things? ur right, he just cowers in a corner and lets ppl do evrythin...

Doesn't Elijah Wood portray a wimpy character in all his movies?

This is hilarious. I don't think a single one of you have a sense of humour - except Sauron big grin

i know what u mean ... elijah wood ... seems wimpy .... i think when bilbo says in FOTR that he would take him .. but inhis heart he thinks frodo is still in love with the shire ... frodo only left cuz he had to .. u know ??


Well YOUR humor is nonsense and offending.

Actually Frodo drew his sword and did some fighting in the Mines Of Moria... and don't forget him and Sam beating up Gollum when they first meet him... and don't forget him beating up Gollum after he first gets out of Shelob's Lair.

Yeah what he/she said!


stick out tongue

he could bearly take gollum, that weak thin freak laughing out loud

forreal lord andres... I mean, he acts like he's 3 and everyone has to do everything for him!!!!!! Lord, imean, this isn't their journey, it's his,and he dont' even do anything to progress the journey, he would have already been dead if he hadn't had people all around his whimpy butt keeping him alive!

The Frodo i the Movie did seem more "wimpy" to me than in the book. I mean in the movie he doesn't seem as strong emotionally as well as physically as he does in the book. I would have much rather him been a little stronger.

I agree with everything Kit and Aurora said. Frodo was only "wimpy" because he had to carry the ring which was making him weak and unable to fight as much as, say, Sam or Aragorn or whoever. He was definately not as wimpy in the books, though. But, as someone said before, he DID use Sting a few times....not many...but still, a few's better than none, right? It took a lot of energy for him to fight even a few times because of the ring. It's not his fault he's wimpy and can't fight. He can't help it. The end.

,my opinion still sticks, sorry, ring or no ring , you should still defend himself,and not depend on others for everything

oh my god Frodo is just not a whimp, he rules, he is so sweet, okay he's mean to sam but that was -technically- gollums doing, and come on if you were 3ft tall and had never expierienced a nazgul, orc etc wouldn't you be scared?

oh yes I 4got - pippin, merry and sam aren't portrayed like Frodo ok, but it's frodo that is singled out for the enemy.

I still don't see how you can just not defend yourselfs, and merry,sam and pip hadn't had experience with orcs or anythin,and they still kicked ass,while frodo cowered in a corner!

He did defend himself actually.

My theory is that if there are others that are there he feels more comfortable and doesn't feel as though his life's in danger.

But in the Shelob's lair, where Gollum is just away somewhere and he sent Sam home and pulls out sting saved his own life. He got stung by Shelob because at that point his head was really lighthead and he could really determine what was going on and bang, next thing you know it, you can't move and you're all limb.

Still have the same opinion kit!

*shrugs* I stick to my opinion 'til proven wrong.

ah thank god someone else agrees with me, I have mentioned this a few times, he is also very annoying when he doesnt destroy the ring, if I was Sam I wouldnt of been crying I would have been furious that if the ring wasnt destroyed all of my friends were gonners.....I wonder what sam would have done if Gollum didnt near knock him out.

also perhaps it could be because Elijah is a weak sort of sobby actor, in The faculty he is a pathetic we bullied non stop

PS: Lol oh my god thats funny laughing out loud

Ahmen Discos@@@@$$$$$$$!!!!!!!! whooot whooot, thanks

yeah frodo Baggins big time wimp, I mean what did he do?

apart from walking most the way from the Shire to Mordor, pursued by The Nazgul, near drowned by Old man willow, captured by a Barrow Wight, survived being stabbed with a Morgul Blade (but having a nice deep wound in your chest that never heals & sapping his strength to show for it), having to sit through the council of elrond without dying of boredom, near freezing to death on carahras, chased by wargs, attacked by a giant octopus thing, skewered by a cave troll, watching his old friend and advisor Gandalf killed by a Balrog, getting mugged by Boromir, leaving all his mates (apart from the chubster Samwise) to be attacked by the Uruk Hai, getting lost in emen weil, taming gollum/smeagol, getting through the dead marshes, talking faramir into not killing gollum or taking the ring, climbing the hidden stair, getting attacked/stung by Shelob, escaping Cirith Ungol, walking across most of Mordor to the cracks of doom dressed as a Orc knowing they will never survive the return journey and all that despite a bit of a wobble at the last minute did all this carrying the One ring, a burden which no other person could have carried, a object of pure evil power that consumed his very soul but with was still managed to be destroyed in the finish thus saving the whole world of middle earth, and on returning to his beloved shire finds it vandalised and spoiled by saruman and his cronies, finishes the red book of westmarch and in the end goes to Aman with gandalf and a load of high elves an honour only 2 other Mortals have managed before him.

yeah just scrub him out and make the effeminate pretty boy Elf princeling the hero huh?

poor frodo, one minute he's stumbling back home from the pub, only to find his house has been broken into, then told he has to carry this ring that his powerful wizard friend is afraid to touch, says to keep it hidden because it belongs to Sauron (the fat tony of middle earth), is chased by nine dudes in black robes over spikey armour on black horses with red glowing eyes until he gets to bree where he meets some strange guy who tells him the dudes in black are pretty nasty and pretty much undead, drags him across the country until he gets surrounded by the dudes in blaack who are like three times his size and effortlessly brush his friends aside, they can see him when he's invisible...

i'm suprissed he didn't just have a heart attack!!! but he didn't he dropped his sword and tripped over before he could run and then got stabbed in the shoulder with some poison to boot...

then next time he's in combat situation he gets pinned by a cave troll...

after all that I wouldn't be too keen for a fight either...

Chapel....that was bloody beautiful man! *claps* Brilliant.

did i mention the 13 months of non stop walking...

You guys are brilliant.

IS ANY1 AN ELIJAH FAN AROUND HEAR, SOUNDS LIKE EVERY1 THINKS HE'S "SOBBY" OR "WIMPY". EVERYWHERE ELSE PEOPLE ARE ALL LIKE, "OMG, HES JUST SOoOoO HOT"!!! I actually think he does make a cute hobbit, wether he's wimpy or not.

"cute Frodo Baggins"

always makes me laugh when reading the the book you see hes supposed to be about 50 years old unlike about 16 in the films.

still Elijah Wood did a good job, especially in ROTK

He really does make a perfect Frodo, because out from the start he's all innocent and he has those beautiful rosy cheeks and he's oblivious to what's going to happen to him.

I mean Rosy cheeks, he's beautiful.

If i was sam, i would have thrown him in Mountdoom my self, god, sam had to protect "Mr.Frodo" because he couldn't do it himself,and after all that stupid Mr.Frodo was gonna keep it, man,sam is stronger than Frodo....i love the character of Frodo, but let me tell you, he needed to be more independent,and learn to fight !!!!

We don't know that Sam's much stronger then Frodo.

In the Return of the King when Sam had the Ring for a little bit to save Frodo, Sam was reluctant when he gave it to Frodo. There was that long pause right there and I doubt that Sam was seeing how it affected Frodo. Sam was also affected a little. Sam has more will power, yes. But Frodo's the naiive one of the group.

I would say he makes a perfect frodo for Hollywood movies of LOTR, the casting on the entire trilogy was perfect, all the actors nailed there characters.

from a fan of the books first & movies second, I would have liked to have seen how an older actor could have played the part more like in the book.

However I accept that this is a movie forum & also that E.Wood did an amazing job and has made the role of frodo his own, what right for the book isnt always going to be right for the films, in fact the only part P.J changed for the films i dont agree with is the elves being at Helms deep (and not even them being there which i think works, just how easy elves with thousands of years of battle experience die at the hands of scum Uruk-hai)

there is more to courage than fighting.

if you dont get that frodo is the strongest person in the story you just dont get it.

Well it would indeed be interesting if an older person had portrayed Frodo but although I pictured Frodo about the same image that Elijah Wood portrayed I had no issue with that.

But when Bilbo turned 111, Frodo turned 33 which would slightly make sense if Frodo looks younger because of the small slight age expansion of Hobbits.

I agree, a person 'can be strong without wielding a sword' - as Liv Tyler says.

yeah if frodo was 33 when he goes on the quest, Elijah fits a hobbit in his Tweens, but its years later 17 years after Bilbos 111 party when frodo leaves the shire.

im in no way saying Elijah was bad as Frodo, he was good for most of the time and amazing the rest.

of course in the film it only takes a few weeks or maybe months for gandalf to return to Bag End from Gondor by the looks of it.

Well, he didn't depend on anyone when he was stuck on Shelob's web. He didn't depend on anyone while he was fighting and trying to escape from Shelob's lair.

He also saved Sam when he slid down in front of the Black Gate in "The Two Towers". He did that despite being aware that they have 98% chance of being caught by the Easterlings. If he's really that worse of a wimp, he would have just ran out of fear and panic.
He was also very determined to go inside the Black Gate even by himself, despite of knowing that there are thousands of enemies beyond that gate.

But well, I think this discussion will prove nothing to you, 'coz no matter what reasons we give you for proving that Frodo's "wimpyness" and "cowardness" doesn't just have anything to do with himself but it's majorly because of the Ring and his being the Bearer of it, you've already made up your mind about him, we can't change it anymore.

So yeah, Frodo is wimpy and coward and doesn't know how to defend himself....for you...and the others who believe so, but not for me, and the others who believe otherwise.

i don't think anyone else could have done what frodo did, of course with sam's help but hey! frodo was meant to be the ring bearer, so it was his and only HIS task... whimp or not, he did it, he carried the ring from the shire to mount doom... BUT i believe that the real hero in the story is sam, frodo just did what he had to do...

I get the story quite well thanks, and yes sam is the real hero, if it weren't for him,poor mister frodo would be dead!

Actually the real hero here is all of them, minus Sauron's minions of course. Heck, even Gollum is a hero.

in the books, everyone who touches or goes near the ring has a vision of power and what they would do when they get the ring, Boromir sees himself in Minas Tirith tryumphant and galadriel desscribes what she sees, but when sam picks it up he sees himself creating a garden so large it covers the world.

sams simple wants are what makes hims so incoruptable.
but when i read that garden vision bit in the book, I thought it was the cutest thing ever...

Elijah played the character well, but i still, i dont' get how you people see him as brave, i think it would have been better if Sam or Pip had to take the ring, im sorry if you dissagree

Yeah, but even though Frodo is supposed to be 50, he would have looked a lot younger because he had the ring, so it does kind of work.

ohh yeah, good point.

ass for merry or pippin taking the ring, they are way to irresponsible and would probably have succumbed to the temptation of the Ring, Pippin couldnt even resist looking at a palantir.
I dont think sam could have done it either, hes a simple hobbit (and theres nothing wrong with that) and does what he does for his love of Frodo and the shire, frodo realizes what he has to do, and what will happen to himself and everything else if he fails and even if he succeeds.

hes the bravest and most famous of all hobbits.

not to me!!!!

Here I would like to thank Sauron, for if it weren't for you this whole deal about the one ring and the whole story of the Fellowship and the War of the Ring would not have existed without you being the great issue.

Again...I thank you good lord for causes us great happiness in the forming of this great story of heroism which teaches the great values of life that the great Eru Illuvatar, Tolkien himself, created for us.


*bows to Chapel and Bar-en-Danwedh* You guys are wonderful! *sniff* That was magnificent!! I couldn't have said it better myself...All the stuff you guys wrote on the second page, I mean....That was bloody brilliant! And I still stick to my opinion, LegolasIsMyMan...You and all you other people who think Frodo is a wimp can keep saying he is...I don't care. All I know is that he is NOT a wimp. It's the ring you idiots!!! If you had to carry that heavy burden, you'd be acting like a "wimp" too! Carrying it is enough, much less fighting with that blasted thing on! How can you not understand what it's like for Frodo? You don't understand that the ring was an extremely heavy burden and it's VERY hard to fight or even walk with it on, as you could tell...Alright well I'm done for now....And I don't care if you guys still think Frodo's a wimp because he's not...Gah...

Farewell??? Where are you going, Kit? confused

Pip....I think he is only a whip in the fact that he always drops his sword and runs to a corner to hide. He has great strong points,but i dont' see how he always does that!?! And in the first movie,when he droped it on weathertop, i believe it was the first movie, he had only the ring for a day or so,it hadn't grown that heavy,because he wasn't that close to sauron, right???

Eeh...seeing that those were 5 Nazguls coming towards me and seeing how they threw aside my friends just to get to matter how cool and awesome I think the Nazguls are, I think I'd drop my sword too if that happened to me.

Actually it didn't matter if he had it for only three hours. It still would have grown heavy for him. And I would have dropped my sword too if five Nazgul were trying to kill me for the frickin ring! He just got freaked out and he didn't know what to do. Sam and Merry and Pippin stood up and fought (if only for a little while, but still) but that's because they didn't have the ring to carry and they could fight. Frodo had the ring and he knew the Nazgul wanted it and he got a little scared. Wouldn't you? Let me put it this way: If you were surrounded by five huge scary dudes in all black with unseen faces and screeching voices and covered in freaky looking armor and they wanted something that was around YOUR neck that you had to carry and destroy, what would you do? Would you try to fight with the risk of being killed and the ring taken from you to go to the Dark Lord and betraying all of your friends and the world, including your own home, to their death? Or would you back away and stay away from them and try to hide to save yourself and to keep the ring away from them? Hmmm?

even in the film hes had the ring for a while, even if gandalf rode all the way to minas tirith, found Isildurs scrolls then rode back to the shire again full pelt on shadowfax it would have taken him weeks (in the book frodo has the ring for 17 years before he leaves the shire).

plus hes already falling from it, he has put the ring on in the prancing pony and was playing with it before hand remember, plus on weathertop hes facing the Nazgul, whos presence & power would disturb the ring bearer greatly, and anyway look what happens to sam when he trys to fight them, he get batted aside like a pesky fly.

in other place like in Moria against the orcs/troll and against Shelob & Gollum he fights.

im not trying to change your mind legolasismyman, im sure you would rather have had the Elf take the ring to the cracks of doom, im just trying to stop you making more people misunderstand frodo.
Frodo & Sam are the biggest, most important characters in the whole story, book or film, the others do important work but at the end of the day its Frodo who takes the Ring to be destroyed and its Frodo who saved the world.

Nicely put Chapel, smile..I also don't think there's nothing we can do to change LegolasIsMyMan's opinion about this anymore, it just bugs me of the repetitive "whimpy" and "coward" remarks when in truth Frodo deserves much more merit than that.

Amen to both of you, Chapel and shadowy_blue! big grin Wonderfully put! Bravo!!!

Yes, i would fight for my own life, caues there is always the chance of getting killed for something around my neck if i am FRODO, and it's just me, i would fight, ring or no ring...

ohh speaking of wimps, have you seen legolas's face when gandalf tells them all its a Balrog in moria?

the Elf will need to buy some clean pants in Lorien me thinks laughing

big grin laughing laughing laughing

Hard to resist making fun of the elf sometimes.

well i think that he cant help it yea ITS A COINCIDENCE

um, the same elf that helped save everyone,when he killed an oliphant, all by him self???



Heh...a little joke about Legolas and you're being defensive for him, while in the previous pages you were endlessly calling Frodo a wimp and coward, despite all our awareness that he carried the Ring, went to Mordor, and destroy It. Legolas saved the people at the Pelennor Fields, but Frodo (along with Sam and Gollum) saved the whole Middle-earth.

but going back to weather top...

i would not have dropped my sword.
no, i would have yelled "LEG IT!!!" and then run away, wildly flailing the sword around behind my back as i did.

ROTFLMAO.... laughing

ive recently heard reports that in the EE of ROTK you get to see the scene where Legolas is arrested by the RSPCA for cruelty to olipants, wargs & cave trolls.

That is sad you guys, it really is...Say all you want to about him,it don't make a difference to my opinion on Frodo

Well then you shouldn't've posted this if you didn't want opposite feedbacks. *shrugs*

Helped save everyone?
Well, whom did he help?
He helped Frodo.

And he only killed that stupid stupid stupid poor Oliphant in the film so that the fans had some verbal weapon against non-orli-fans.
They really should have cut his damn artistic nonsense in ROTK and TT mad

Frodo was not whimpy but a sensible person in contrary to errm well some other characters who seem to find their only joy in killing others at will without asking why.
Thats a part I love on the TT EE - Faramir saying
"The enemy? His sense of duty is no less than yours, I deem. I wonder what his name is, where he came from, and if he was really evil at heart, or what lies or threats led him on this long march from home, and if he would not rather have stayed there... in peace."
(in the book:
It was Sam's first view of a battle of Men against Men, and he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil of heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would not really rather have stayed there in peace - all in a flash of thought which was quickly driven from his mind.)

This is also rather how Frodos mind seems to work. You cannot search for the quality of a person in how many people he kills.

And as you were speaking about Legolas...
Somebody really, really admirable for what he did is Glorfindel.
He sacrifaced his life in the fight against a Balrog to enable the surviving people to flee from the Ruin of Gondolin.
And Beleg. He was killed by his best friend because of trying to help him.

im not talking about anyone specifically but I find most of the big Legolas fans are really just Orlando Bloom fans.

Agreed. I myself love Legolas in the book even waaay before the movie and even before I knew who Orlando Bloom is. And I loved Legolas not just because he was being played by a hot English guy in the movie but because of his character over all. He's with Boromir, Faramir and Eowyn as my top favorite characters. Now, I know that Elves have spider-sense (but not ala-Spiderman) and they are light-footed and I know that Legolas has some cool abilities compared to Men but it irks me sometimes that the movie is making him way too over the top. I liked him the best in FOTR. He's the same silent, low-profile Elf but still a great warrior that I know in the book.

legolas kills a Mumakil, not an oliphaunt. stick out tongue

Actually, he kills a Mumak, one, plural is Mumakil, keep stupid comments to yourself. Exa knows that.

At first I thought that the moves were cool, but I mean, if he were an average elf and he did that, he wouldn't've survived. They just did that so he got some screen time for the little fans.

I rather see Gimli do some moves, but did I see him? Nooooooo, it's always the stupid elf.

sad ouch sad

*cough* Sorry...I was in a bad mood.

I like legolas, from the book as well as from the Movie, i mean, he's great, i love both of the versions, but you guys are gettn off topic, so BUMP back to subject. ... i still think he's whimpy , he neededto fight for what he had to do...and he ddint

who? legolas?

^ LOL...

LegolasIsMyMan: What else are we going to talk about? You made your point. And no one in this bloody board could change your view about him. We gave you more than enough reasons to prove that Frodo is not wimpy but you are the one who is refusing to look at him in the bright side.

He's not coward and wimpy just like what you think. You just "refuse" to believe otherwise because you already made up your mind about him.

That said, I don't think there's anything more to talk about regarding this matter.

What ever, I just don't see how you guys can think he is brave if he can't even hold his own with the challenges of his own journey,adn you guys are set in you ways, lets' just agree to dissagree~?!

frodo doesn't like violence. first, he let's smeagol tag along, second, in the book, he doesn't want the hobbits to kill the bad guys. but he did fight with gollum at the end, pretty cool.

Yeah, that was the only thing that was really heroic about him, he fought Smeagol,but he only did that because he jumped on him,and he had no choice cause sam was out cold.

A.D. Skinner
After skimming through this thread I am not sure if anyone has considered this...( and if this has been covered I do apologize for not giving credit )

The majority here states that Frodo is a wimp, a weakling, and did not manage to fight to save his own life, but didn't he at the Council of Elrond ( while everyone else was bickering mind you ) speak up and say that he would take the ring to Mount Doom. Into the darkness of Mordor? Does bravery not stand for anything ? He knew the road before him ( only needing to ask the way from Gandalf ) and knew that it was not an easy task....but he continues to say that the Ring is his burden. He has elected the task and only he can accomplish it.
The ring took control of him, just as it did Gollum, and after 13 months of wearing it upon his neck, it drained him of any strength that he might have had.

Frodo was not a weakling, he saved Middle-Earth

im sorry but that about the dumbest thing I have seen anyone say on this board.
you think that only fighting & killing is heroic? your an idiot.
maybe you would have prefered if they had Arnie playing frodo then huh?

i do think that frodo is kind of wimpy, i noticed that when i first watched fotr, but considering the circumstances, he is kind of brave, and hobbits aren't made to be brave

You people are getting on my LAST nerve!!! Especially you, LegolasIsMyMan!! You insult Frodo and say he's a "wimp" when he's not and then when we say how Legolas shouldn't do all the damn fighting and HE'S the "wimp" or whatever you people said, you stick up for him! You just say he's not a wimp and crap because he's hot and he's played by Orlando Bloom. That's your only reason. So everyone, let's just drop this stupid subject! Frodo is NOT a wimp. LegolasIsMyMan's mind will NEVER be changed by anyone, so who cares if she thinks Frodo is a wimp? Obviously, everyone...Hmmm so just don't alright? This thread needs to die. Frodo is very brave for, first of all, volunteering to take the Ring to Mordor and for many more things. The end. OK? Everything settled? Good. NOW DO NOT REPLY IN THIS THREAD ANYMORE!!!

Eh watch someone reply like right after me.... mad Why can't we just let this die? It's a never ending argument people!!!! Geez....

frodo's the bravest and strongest person ever. no arguements. and frodo jumped on gollum cuz he wanted the ring, i doubt he noticed sam out cold.

i don't defend legolas because he is only "hot and played by orlando bloom,that makes me so mad, it has nothing to do with that....I liked the book legolas before i even saw the movies, so please don't say anything like that, ok, cause you don't know.
and no chapel i am not an idiot, just because i don't see things your way,that is being idiotic...not me having a different opinion.

very well said- and frodo is not a wimp he is the strongest person to carry the ring

Alright, alright, sorry. But still, that doesn't give you the right to say Frodo's a wimp! You shouldn't say people are something they're not! *sigh* Why can't this thread just die??? Frodo's not a wimp. LegolasIsMyMan disagrees. Good enough for you? We don't need to have a 6+ page argument on whether or not Frodo's a wimp! Jeez people!

Can we just shut up and let this thread die?

We got our points crossed, now it's all dandy, let's roll outta here.

Yeh all dat is true guys! laughing laughing

Lissenen ar' maska'lalaith tenna' lye omentuva wink

laughing laughing out loud laughing


I thought we agreed to let this thread die.....?


lol, we can't, it's a non-dying thread

hahahahahahaha, if i had been in any of the frodo scenes in rotk i would have done that!!!! lol hey that would make a good drinking game for when the movie comes out on dvd

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