pj movies
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i know there has been multiple threads about this b4 but has n e one heard n e thing new about PJ doing a hobbit movie????

YEP! The Hobbit! I'm so excited!
didnt sum1 say that the tolkein family denied him? n that he was tired of tolkein 4 now? is he really makin it or am i way way gullable?

i've heard both sides i hoped sum 1 here knows the truth
I have no idea, but i would ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO PLAY A HOBBIT IN THAT MOVIE!!! Well that is if they film it!!! I want to be an actress REALLY bad!!! And this might sound wierd but i want to wear some fake hairy feet and those cut pointy ears, well as long as i'm on camera!!!LOL! I LOVE hobbits!!! I think it might be cause i'm so short!!! i'm 14 and only 5 and 1 half inches high.

i have heard that after he remakes king kong he is going to start on the hobbit. im almost 100% positive that i read that in newsweek when they had that big article on ROTK
Christopher Tolkien hated the fact that there was a movie that was made, and he hated the movies, but I don't understand why though.
Miramax owned the rights to both LOTR and The Hobbit they were bought before NewLine bought out Miramax's intrests in LOTR. I think, I should really look it up again....
im 16 and im only 5' 6" but that would be an awesome movie if PJ made it
He will probably do it, but that is NOT confirmed yet because hes still working on King Kong so maybe another director will do it
i see this as a risky movie for PJ. It could either be good (but not as good as the trilogy) or really bad. i hope for his sake it turns out well.
In the meantime
Other movies by PJ:
The Valley (Actor and director)
The Frighteners
Bad Taste
Meet The Feebles
Heavenly Creatures
King Kong is pretty much PJ;s lifetime goal. He never fells to mention it in interviews and he wanted to do it way before LOTR came on the scene. I can't wait to see what he will do with it!
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