who is your favorite person/hobbit/elf/dwarf etc. in ROTK??

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who is your favorite???
my favorite would have to be sam (sean astin) because he is determined to go with frodo until; the end even if he has to die trying and i really admire that!smile

my favorite dwarve in rotk is gimli. dwarves ar awsome

i couldnt choose!

I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but I just listed all my favorites. big grin

Elf: Legolas
Dwarf: Gimli (LOL...he's the only dwarf in ROTK)
Hobbit: Sam
Man: Eowyn and Faramir (not as a couple for they aren't yet, though their scene at the coronation made my heart beat faster...LOL...I like them individually)
Nazgul: Murazor!!!
Haradrim: That commander who blew their horn...God, he's so bad ass. I love him though Eomer killed him, but it's ok, it's Eomer after all. big grin
Orc: That orc with a skull in his head, he's so cute..LOL..I loved when he yelled, "Catapults!!", then laughed afterwards, and his dialogue when Aragorn and company arrived, "Come on you sea-rats...get off your ships", then all the orcs were laughing then finally when Aragorn revealed himself, the look on the skull-head orc was priceless!!) . I don't like Gothmog, too arrogant for my taste.
Creatures: Mumakil!! big grin
Favorite Army: Haradrim(what can I say? I'm a Haradrim fan!! big grin )
Race: Elves

I think i like Faramir the best just because i felt sorry for him trying to get denethor's respect/love and just cause hes awesome. Eomer is kewl, especially when he killed the haradrim leader (sorry but from the second i saw that guy i was like o man i want him to die so bad). Gothmog was pretty kewl tho, especially when he says release the prisoners and when he gets all scared as the rohirrim smashes through the lines. Pippin is a kewl hobbit cause i like gondor, and he looked funny and neat in the armor. (and saving faramir of course)

there are no orcs called gothmog! who started this thing... ?

anyway, good idea though with layout...

man: boromir
elf: Gil-Galad (all 3 seconds of him)
dwarf: well, obviously gimli
hobbit: pippin
beast: the fell ones the nazgul ride
wizard: saruman
orc: "yeah, there freshshhsh"
uruk-hai: lurtz
ent: well i guess tree beard
horse: shadofax is cool, but the ringraiths' horse that stops by the tree over the hobbits in FOTR has red eyes and it's horseshoes are nailed in from above through the hoof, but still brego is really cool, and hasufeld is not with out charm, of course... etc. etc.

I didn't mean it's a breed of orc or something. Gothmog was the name of that arrogant orc lieutenant who looks like Sloth. He's in the book too though his part is really, really small.

but he's not called gothmog!
the movie refers to him as: 'Orc Lieutenant 1'
and the books only refer to 2 gothmogs, neither of which are orcs.

hehe eowyn rules!! 'i'm no man' she's just perfect!

the way she defends merry and his desire to fight, she's defendin herself, and her desire to fight!! she's amazing!

i love her, plus that girl knows how to dress!

the rest is ok, i loved pippin and sam

oh and the haradrim leader murdered by eomer... doesn't he look like that character in mad-max? or i'm crazy?

Well in the book, Gothmog is the lieutenant to the Witch King at the Battle of the Pelennor and he took command of the forces of Minas Morgul when Murazor is not present.

The description fits the orc that I was talking about in the movie perfectly so I assumed that it's him. (aside from the other Gothmog who is the Lord of the Balrog of course)

And yes, there are 2 Gothmogs, but you cannot say that neither of them is an orc because it wasn't really clarified if the Gothmog in the Pelennor is an orc, an Uruk-Hai, a Nazgul or a Man. It's possible that he's an orc, it's also possible that he's not. (unless I'm missing something)

PIPPIN PIPPIN PIPPIN PIPPIN PIPPIN PIPPIN PIPPIN!!!!!!!!!!!1 oK GONNA slow down * takes deep breath* PIPPIN PIPPIN PIPPIN. ok * takes another deep breath* SOrry, but i'm overly obseesed with pippin!!!!!!!!!!!!! but aragorn and merry and sam all rock to1 * starts jumping up and down* PIPPIN PIPPIN PIPPIN PIPPIN eek! laughing eek! laughing roll eyes (sarcastic) eek! PIPPIN PIPPIN PIPPIN. oK Really gonna stop before i drive all insane ( i probably already have) PIPPIN PIPPIN PIPPIN

man: Aragorn
hobbit: MERRY
elf: Elrond
drawf: Gimli
nazgul: Witch King
animal: mothy
woman: Eowyn


men: boromir....or denethor so cruel big grin...faramir one hell of a family that is

elf: elrond....eyebrows are just WOW

dwarve: the one gimli steals the axe from....and *takes* MY axe

maia: sauron

istari (ok their maia too but i wanted to put saruman in) saruman

the orc i hate LURTZ KILLED BOROMIR!!!!!!!! mad


rifing down that slope i would have LOVED to see shadowfax fall over and gandy get trampled infront of everyone...whos hopes would drop quicker than the ring on bag end doormat big grin

Awww lol thats so cruel that bit was brilliant! i like the simile with the ring on the bag end doormat LOL!

Legolas rules. I love him; he is so great.

Pippin!!! and Sam...and Frodo...and Merry....and Faramir...and Aragorn...And Arwen and Eowyn! I love them all, let's just say that...?

stick out tongue

Aren't there too many threads about this stuff??

Mine's Glorfindel! But that's in the books, so I pick Boromir! But he's in FotR


my favorite is sam! "i cant carry the ring but i can carry u!" gotta love his courage.....samwise the brave...... also i love gollum!!!! hes so cute... ewll u know what i mean and my fav dwarf is course gimli and i like aragorn and faramir is ok and frodon rocks and PIPPIN!!!(rotk song made me cry )(so sad) and merry.... ok ok ok ok i like evry1 i cant choose one lol


i agree- and faramir



Hobbit: Sam and Frodolove
Men: Faramir and Aragorn
Elf: Galadrial and Legolas
Wizard: Gandalf
Dwarf: Gimli
Woman: Eowyn

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