did any one actually see it?
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did anyone actually see the car in the background???
i heard that if u look in the background on FOTR than you can see a car driving by... i've never seen it... its supposed to be right when thir leaving the shire... has any one seen it or heard about it??? I WANNA KNOW its bothering me!
that would be pretty funny
I haven't seen it, but I want to see it! (Not much help, is it?)
i saw it!!!!!! on the fellowship extended, VERY INTERESTING, i saw it, and i just kept thinking WHY IS THERE A CAR IN THE SHIRE?!!!!
hahahaha its great
I saw it!
I was cracking up laughing when I saw it that I just almost was kicked outta the theater man...I had to get up and go to the bathroom...
i saw it on a bootleg, but i didn't notice it at the cinema.
it was digitally edited out for DVD, so i don't know what people are looking at when they say they can see it there...
That's probably why I've never been able to see it! It's all beginning to make sense.
to start with i thought it was a double decker bus
Yes of course it was a double decker bus, I mean LOTR is set at the same time as HP!!!!
lol erm..didnt really understand it
Discos - sits with dunce hat in corner on his trusty stool
LOL, well Discos have you ever seen those Trolleys that they have in England? Those busses with 2 levels?
That's what Aurora meant, and in the 3rd HP book it features a 'double decker' car.
sorry dont live in england and cant remember ever seeing any such thing in a movie/tv or whatnot.
anyone have a pic of the bus in the movie?
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