Funny Dom and Billy Interviews
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Thanks a bunch Kit!!!!! I LMAO!!!!! Let me see what I can find!
DOM: After 5 weeks of filming, you could have killed Sauron. That would have made for a shorter film.
*suffocates through laughter*
actually, that'd be the way I'd want to go...

Monaghan: We see each other all year 'round. ... Billy was in Mexico, so I would go down one weekend and we'd go surfing then he'd come up to L.A. the weekend after that. Elijah lives in L.A.
Boyd: And we hung out.
Benji: You guys are really friends?
Boyd: Yeah.
Benji: You guys like Snoop Dogg?
Monaghan: Yeah, I like Snoopy Dogg.
Joel: You guys live in L.A.?
Boyd: I don't. I live in Scotland, so next to my bed I only have a light so I can read.
Monaghan: I live in Hollywood.
Boyd: Sometimes a sandwich if I'm hungry.
Benji: Has being a Hobbit helped your dating life or hurt it?
Monaghan: I never had a problem with my dating life.
Boyd: Women like you?
Monaghan: What is that about?
Boyd: I don't know!
Monaghan: When does your album come out?
Joel: It's out. Comes out in January.
Monaghan: No, I meant when does your album turn into a second album?
Joel: That is the second album.
Monaghan: Third album?
Joel: January.
Benji: Next January, a year.
Boyd: This guy here looks like David Grohl.
Benji: Yeah, Dave Grohl. A little bit. Billy is actually the biggest "Lord of the Rings" fan I ever met.
Monaghan: This guy, Billy? Then how come he's not interviewing?
Benji: He's got the ring tattooed around his hand.
Boyd: He's busy is he?
Benji: He's taking a couple of days off.
Boyd: What's your favorite tattoo?
Benji: My favorite tattoo? I like this one on my neck. It's the Virgin Mary.
Boyd: A lot of religious paraphernalia with you. Is there a religious vibe on the album?
Joel: No, not on the album; definitely not.
Monaghan: Just in life.
Benji: I just figure that when I die, I'm going to need some extra help getting into heaven because of the sh--.
Joel: It's out. Comes out in January.
Monaghan: No, I meant when does your album turn into a second album?
Joel: That is the second album.
Monaghan: Third album?
Joel: January.
Benji: Next January, a year.
Boyd: This guy here looks like David Grohl.
Benji: Yeah, Dave Grohl. A little bit. Billy is actually the biggest "Lord of the Rings" fan I ever met.
Monaghan: This guy, Billy? Then how come he's not interviewing?
Benji: He's got the ring tattooed around his hand.
Boyd: He's busy is he?
Benji: He's taking a couple of days off.
Boyd: What's your favorite tattoo?
Benji: My favorite tattoo? I like this one on my neck. It's the Virgin Mary.
Boyd: A lot of religious paraphernalia with you. Is there a religious vibe on the album?
Joel: No, not on the album; definitely not.
Monaghan: Just in life.
Benji: I just figure that when I die, I'm going to need some extra help getting into heaven because of the sh--.
all of those r sooo funny!!
LOl. very funny. thanx guys!

Lol VERY funny

This isn't exactly Dom and Pip but it's still hilarious.
Hobbits are cute. And short. And filled with joy. And they're currently charging into Los Angeles's Woo Lae Oak, a Korean restaurant that they frequent when they're in town, looking wide-eyed and curious.
Playfully jostling one another, Elijah Wood, Dominic Monaghan and Billy Boyd enthusiastically descend upon a large booth that nearly envelops them. The fourth hobbit, Sean Astin, soon joins us to chow down on strips of meat, shrimp, scallops and mushrooms, washed down with large bottle of beer. "Hmmm, hobbits like mushrooms," Astin says sweetly with an English accent, channeling his character, Samwise Gamgee.
When Wood excuses himself from the table, Monaghan cocks his head and seizes the moment. "All right, while Elijah's away.." he says, looking over his shoulder as Wood disappears.
"He cried a lot," Astin confides, speaking of Wood's experience spending 15 months shooting LOTR in New Zealand.
"He was always crying," Astin continues as Boyd shakes his head, looking grim. "We were always consoling him."
"He missed his mom. He missed LA," agrees Monaghan. "He had a blanket that he forgot."
Astin adds, "He would say, 'I don't think I can make it, you know...'"
"'I need you guys, I need you,'" Monaghan completes the sentence with a frown.
"'Nobody understands me,'" Astin continues. "Sad, really. Pitiful."
"Am I straight? Am I gay? Why am I confused?" Monaghan says, imitating his fellow hobbit.
"Why won't Dom touch me anymore?" Astin says.
"Why do I feel this way?" Monaghan echoes.
"Why won't he look at me that way?" Astin whines. "For the first three months, it was constant attention - and now what?"
"Do you know if Billy's single?" Monaghan recalls Wood saying. "Do you know?"
Before your mind races to images of hobbits in hot homosexual embraces, (too late, buddy) a popular subject on the Internet, bear in mind the British expression 'to take the piss,' meaning to make fun in an ironic way. It'll take you a long way to understandng what it's like to be in a room with these guys.
Yea i got that magazine. Great
THAT WAS THE FUNNIEST THING!I love the Eye-Man comment,and the 'what would you do with the ring' oh yes,we can't forget the shoret film it would make if they killed Sauron after 5 weeks of filming,lol
lmao omg those r hilarious.. I was searching fer Billy and Dom interviews on yahoo and this came up so i was like hey killermovies.. and now im back after a long tyme ago

oh oh oh I'll find more

*goes off in persuit of Billy and Dom funnies(not 2 hard 2 fynd)

funnyOmg i just love those two..there interviews are always em love em love em!!!
OMG these r hilarious!!
haha! soooooo funny! Those guys have an AMAZING sense of humor!! hysterical
lol still funny!
can anybody give me a transcript of wat they say on the FotR and TT cast commentaries? I'd be SO happy!


If i could help i would..but i have no idea myself

ok, thanx neway
lol!!!! omg these are so great.
did anyone see the Dom/Elijah interview on ROTK:EE? it's freaking hilarious!
here's a little Dom/Billy thing from the cast commentary:
Dom: "Here comes the roman--the roman... the ronan--the ronan..."
Billy: *laughing*
Dom: "The RoHAN army." hehehe i laughed so much.

I love Dom and Billy, they're absolutly my favorite. And they're both cute >.>
I like this one interview I saw on TV where Dom and Billy are hanging out in this resturant.
Billy: ...this is bacon, and soup, together, just like Dom and me, together
Dom: ...but not like that!
And then I always go around quoting when they stuck this peice of duck tape to Billy's chest so the mic wouldn't fuzz
Billy: they didn't ask if they could stick it on, they just stuck it on!
And then they rip it off and he cusses...yeah, those guys are great ^^b
Hey these are really great and funny!!

the one where Doms talking about Viggo where's that from is it real or edited haha these r good thanks for sharing xx

Now that was some deep grave-digging... nearly 8 years old

might need to re-read those myself...
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