Merry And Pippin Fav Times!!

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remember all those good times merry and pip had?? they always keept the laughter going on in lotr they are the ones who had made situations funny at times lol.

from lotr the fellowship of the ring:

arogon: gentlemen we do not stop till nightfall.
pippin: what about breakfast?
arogon: we've already had it.
pippin: we've had one yes, what about secound breakfast?
arogon just looks at him grins and walks off.
merry: i dont think he belives in secound breakfast pip.
pippin: what about elevences,lunch and afternoon tea,dinner,supper. he knows about them doesnt he?
merry: i wouldnt count on it.
then a orange gets thrown over and merry catches it and gives it to pippin and then he pats pippin on the shoulder. and then another comes flying at pippins head. and merry says: PIPPIN. lol thats my favourite time in lotr fellowship of the ring.. so whats yours????? send replys n let me know it'd be great to hear others fav merry and pip funny times.

I love all of the named... fireworks are great because of pippin screaming big grin big grin "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh" *rofl*

But I voted for Peregrins Song as I loved the whole scene so much - Denethor eating, Pip singing and Faramir riding to death...

yes i love pippins song as well he has a nice voice but i just cryed at that scence infact i always cry when i hear him sing that, i have the full movie so i watch it all the time i have the return of the king got it yesterday good quality.

None of the above...... My favortite M/P moment is ROTK and is a split between when they are seperated and when they are reunited!!!

M: You smoke to much Pip.


M: Are u going to leave me?
P: No Merry I'm gonna take care of u.

how cute is legolas in the robe when arogon is talking to him the bit near when pip takes that ball. hes soooooc cute there mmmmm LEGOLAS AND PIP AND MERRY HOT MEN HEHEHE

i voted for the fireworks cuz it was a good introdution to them both and Billy screams like a girl(ish) laughing
but for just Pippin i liked his song it was very touching and for just Merry i liked pallanor field when he helped kill the witch king. Poor witch king sad

yeah, the funniest one was the foreworks one because that scream that Billy/ Pippin made was SOOOO funny. And the best part was, he was genuinely scared, too!

I think my favorite is Merry and Pippin and the Ents, that was great.

i love merry and pippins story line its one of my favs from the funniest to the most serious moments its just good

i like the part when they are seperated/re-united also smile and pretty much anything with merry/pippin in it rocks so!!!!!!!!! it was very hard to vote, but i chose pip's sone!!!!!!!!!1 it was so touching sad

Isilwen Took
i liked the songs they sing in the movies... The Drinking Song in FOTR and the song about the Green Dragon in ROTK! Very funny indeed, expecially when the 3 chasers and Gandalf find the Hobbits in Isengard and they have this drunked voice, hilarious! But in general, i LOVE Merry and Pip (almost as i love Elijah!) So all the parts where they are involved are nice..

i can't choose!!!

i narrowed it down to either Pippin's song or when Merry and Pippin destroy Isengard with the ents. sad they're two of my favorite scenes from the trilogy!!!!!

let's just say i voted for both of them. stick out tongue

i voted for the firework scene cos it was the happy times before everything had happen and it was hillarious cos of pippins scream

but it was close to the really sad pippin song as that made me cry and i thought billy sang it really well.

another great merry and pippin moment with them to toghether is when they were seperated then reunited

a great merry moment was the my ladies moment that was great.

pippins best acted moment was with the plantir (spelling?!?)

ahhhh theres soooooo many- i just love them

(the ball) is the Palantir...It is mentioned breifly in the Fellowship of the Ring.

well yeh i knew that is was the Palantir i just was in a hurry to type my post so i mucked it up sorry peoplzzz lol anyways thanks for your votes. but keep posting thanks

lol,ok! Sorry,I had the urge to post this pic...I really love

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