I Peter Jackson doing the Hobbit?
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I heard the Petr Jackson Signed on to do the Hobbit
That would be awsome!!!!
If He is He needs to hurry because Both of the Ians (Gadalf, and Bilbo) are getting old.
they are supposed to be old
so that wouldnt stop him
and yes he is
and also there are approximately 927853097654 other threads about this
927853097654 and 1
theres more than just ONE
no i said that YOU put:
you miscounted actually the nuber is:
i added a #1 to the end it was a joke...
hobbit will be filmed? COOL! thats really cool and peter jackson did his work really well!
It could be, but only if he has the rights.,
He couldn't possibly use Ian Holm as Bilbo; he's far too old.
Why couldnt he use Ian Holm, He played Biblo for the prologue in FotR, and thats when he was on his adventure.
He was a bit old, but maybe. So Peter Jackson is doing The Hobbit, it's conformed??
yeah, with a major prostetic peice to pull the skin of his face back to give him a temp face lift and look younger, cant see that working for an entire film.
Plus I think they would want a younger actor as he main lead and the only major character who doesnt have large amounts of facial hair.
Was that yeah to something else, or yeah to my question?
yeah to him being to old
So has it been conformed that he's doing The Hobbit?
dont think so yet, strong rumours mainly.
If new line can get the rights im sure he will do it,
Yes, he will, and he certainly did an excellent job of doing the Trilogy, so it shouldn't be a problem. Just a matter of time, and he's first doing King Kong, so that'll be interesting.
well frodo in LOTR is the same age as bilbo in the hobbit
plus i think they will use ian holm..they are going to have that prologue scene in the film..and i dont think people would buy it if it was any different
Everybody says so but that's not correct. He said he had thought about it and that doing the hobbit is surely nice work, but its not confirmed that he will really do it.
I would also love to see this. I also agree that he needs to hurry b/c Gandalf and Bilbo are getting old.
there would be a different bilbo, since bilbo was aroudn frodo's age when he left on the adventure
Like Exa said, no one's sure yet. He's doing King Kong and he's thinking about doing The Hobbit after that....If he does, I do hope he keeps both Ians as Gandalf and Bilbo. It wouldn't be the same without them.
yes ,but ian who plays bilbo is too old. bilbos young in the hobbit!!!!!!!!!1
Yes, I also think Bilbo is too old;
Though comparing him to Frodo is not so easy as Frodo didnt age since he was 33 because he had the ring
Yet he also didnt age anymore the years after the ring was destroyed.
I've heard that the contract with New Line has been signed but that is mostly rumor.
I don't trust my source too much............he is a wacko kid who thinks he knows everything. So I don't know how real it all is.
What does it MATTER?
We can have a version where Bilbo went when he was a bit older.
It makes no difference to the story.
Sheesh, why are people so anal about these books?
I'm GLAD Jackson changed LOTR.
In almost all cases i think he rectified obvious weaknesses in the books.
No Tom Bombadil? GOOD that section is simply appalling.
No Scouring of the Shire? GOOD how tredious would that have been.
Arwen gets more to do? GOOD at least then she's not a completely passive and vapid character as in the books
Faramir doesn't renounce the ring immediately? GOOD, at least he doesn't completely dispell any aura of menace about the power of the ring as in the book.
They are not perfect books.
They are a series of interesting and in some instances brilliant books, but nobody can maintain a 1200 page book without slipping up and writing poor sections, and that INCLUDES Tolkien.
So maybe, just maybe changes can be made to them?
shadow link
it would be cool coz theres this mad battle scene at the end and we all know how godd pj can make battle scenes, although because of the size of it in the bookl compared to rotk it may be an anticlimax coz the battle in rotk was so big and so good, he would have to make it realli special in some way coz thre battles in the 3 movies got better and better and bigger and bigger, it would be like small.
he should take out a slice of ythe end of the silmarillion where theres this massive battle at the end coz thats huge and he could ,make that cooler than rotk battle but yeah
You have yet to realize a little make goes a long way.
I agree with glaurung.
Some of the changes were very good and they added to the story tremendously
i just run into this site...... i'm looking at it so if there is anything interesting i'll post it......
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