Race of the Silmarilion!

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okay heres how it works

Tonight at 7:00 ET January 23----everyone start reading the sil...keep us updated here about how far along u are. the first one to finish gets a million dollars.

just joking lol


I want to read it! but i hav tu buy it big grin... some people says that it istn that god like The trilogy... I want to know your opinion

LOL big grin big grin
I dun remember how long it took me to read the silmarillion... the first time it took me three whole days, I think, the other times were faster. Silmarillion was I think the book I read most slowly of all the books I read the last few years

LoTR is not a trilogy but a single book the publishers wanted to have in three parts
Actually it has six parts

and the silmarillion is way better than lotr... as soon as u get used to the style
quite complicatin tho

that depends on who you ask. i've read the sil several times only to fully understand it even more than the previous, sort of like reading hamlet cool the book is great as is the trilogy. but the one difference is that it is a far more sadder tale of the history before LotR concerning elves and men at that time.

SMODDEN IM WINNING stick out tongue stick out tongue stick out tongue 63


Read to enjoy, not to race. Mwah. Yea im reading it next week when the STUPID BOOK ORDER COMES IN!! It is taking forever

good point i' am a extremely SLOW reader, o well on with the race...

Doesnt mean races arent fun though does it?

Is there an account on the Battle of the Five Races? Hmmmmm

no you can enjoy the book and still race

like i'm doin'

lol laughing out loud thats good Kit

LOL stick out tongue

I was teasing man, I already read the Silmarillion so.

I just finished it, a week ago. Figures. Right now I'm reading The Rainmaker... a little off topic, sorry. wink

havn't read it yet, but want to. I must buy it first, but i'm aafraid i used up most of my money on seeing ROTK many many times smile i will read as soon as i get the money !


eat my dust!


lol 90....eat my dust which isnt there anymore it had loads of time to settle stick out tongue

Hmmm I wish I could join in the race sad My copy's at home...I checked it out from the library, though, so it's not exactly mine roll eyes (sarcastic)

I'm still trying to read it. Like I said in the other Silmarillion thread, I have five books to read for school, so I'm on like the fourth page or something like that in the Sil. But when I finish the others, I'll start reading the Silmarillion again stick out tongue It's hard to understand though....When I first started it (hehe a few months ago roll eyes (sarcastic) I've had to start over a few times because I forgot what I read) I kept having to re-read the same paragraphs over and over and over and over again cause I couldn't get it....As soon as I get used to the style, I'll be able to go through it in a day or something stick out tongue Hahaha.

Okie, I'm just perfectly confused here....


Why? What's to be confused about? They're having a race to see who can read the Silmarillion fastest....What's confusing? confused

well we all get together and we read the sil and then we read fast and faster.

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