Explain your avatar

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Tell everyone about your's and why u picked that one. If u made it then plz explain even more...

i'll go first:

Smodden: mine is a hobbit head, sybolizing all the "hobbit-head" die-hard lotr fans out there, like myself. big grin

there's no face because when i was painting it i saved it like it was and got lazy and never finished it. big grin

Eeh..if you'll look at mine, it's kinda self-explanatory. big grin

It's from a scene from TTT where Aragorn fell from the cliff and one of the orcs told Legolas that he fell. Then Legolas said, "You lie!". Then the other frames that followed, I just made up. big grin Just for fun. big grin

mine is pretty basic. I'm not special enough to make my own or to make it flash so, mines just a pic of pippin, who i'm overly obssesed with

Mine is the one it is quite simply because I liked it! I made it myself, originally for a LJ icon but I changed the size of it et voila!

I have a thing for hobbits in hatssmile

Whoo! Is that Elijah? He looks hot in there! love

Yes it isbig grin Oh, he's very VERY nicebig grin

Mine shows a swan, a detail of the architecture of Rivendell. I dunno why I chose it, perhaps because I love the background colour (though it's nearly invisible here).
I love how sad the swan looks

Also made it myself, but this one (64x64) is not really good enough to see anything
heres the whole one


Wow, Exa, that looks fabulous. big grin I love it. love big grin

big grin
I think I took it because the bird fascinated me since I first saw it... I spent hours and hours drawing similar ones big grin

The Avatar I had before was a decorated version of the elvish letter "lambe" which is L, my fave sound big grin and first letter of my usual nick.

well naerly valentines day so twetie with a hart

Swan is my favorite kind of bird too and I was so drawn to the pic when I saw it. big grin And the other fact that it's a Rivendell architecture. (I'm an elf-sucker) LOL..I admit I had a hard time figuring out what your avatar is, LOL..'coz it was so small, but now that I know what it is, it's cool. (and I've finally figured it out) big grin


shadowy blue; awesome sig.

and exa great avat. and i realy liked ur old one.

Thanks! big grin

ummm mine is pretty self expainatory!! For anyone who does not know I am a huge Dom fan! LOL!!! MIne is dom, and dom, and dom. hehehe

I love your new signa, shadowyblue... thumb up

thx smile
old one was this, right?

Uh...mine's one of Yue?

And I like it because I like Yue?

Mine is of course, my leggy, everyone around here know's that he's jsut mine and awsome to the fullest!!!!

i uploaded my avatar a couple of days ago, it's hard for me to choose....... but finally, since my birthday is coming soon i chose this one which is Sailor Uranous (related to aquarious)

heyi loved the pippin avatar (he's so cuuuteee!!) and i must say dom is cuter in real life than in hobbit customes!!

Mine is the Face of Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal Black

mine screams "ringwraiths!!!" at you stick out tongue

big grin

You're a fan of "The Cardcaptors"? cool

I always noticed your avatar but always failed to ask you about it. laughing

I like Yue too, and Keroberus. big grin

What about all your earlier avatars?

Earlier avatars..oh ok..

Mine was Legolas at the coronation looking princely. big grin I almost cried when I saw it for the first time. Not because of how good he looks (though he really does in that shot) but also because finally, the filmmakers have managed to acknowledge his being royal (aside from the TTT EE Gimli remark), because I feel like (in the book especially) they (or he himself) never introduced himself as a Prince of Mirkwood. Not that I'm saying that he should be full of pride about it but sometimes I can't help it but to wish that even for sometime the other characters can realize how special he is as an Elven representive in the Fellowship. He's not just the ordinary Elf in Rivendell or Lothlorien but he was sent by his father King as his representative in the Council.

This took so long, LOL. But yeah, I was ecstatic to see him Princely like that, with crown and all. wink

I'm not a big fan, but I think Yue's hott. LOL, yeah poor me, a person who can only swoon over non-existent guys.

Now my Avatar is Boromir, because Sean Bean rocks! Sorry sauron, I had to.

Same here stick out tongue Same icon, same reason hahaha. I might try to make one of my own...someday...

Because we can have our own choice when it comes to fictional characters. They are almost perfect and ideal to meet what we want for a guy (or a girl). LOL..it's hard to find anyone like that in the real world anymore, unless you're really meant for each other. love big grin LOL..fine cut the crap! stick out tongue

And yes, Sean is a brilliant actor! He IS Boromir!! big grin

I agree with shadowy_blue stick out tongue Non-existent people are much easier to love big grin Real ones aren't...well...perfect!

Oi by the way, shadowy, I love your sig rolling on floor laughing

It's like the real guys are either already taken or has too many fans swooning over him *cough* Orli *cough*

But Boromir...I'm fine with him.

Well said Kit. I agree. stick out tongue Every guy I know is either taken or all perverted and not worth even looking at confused Besides, why would I want another guy when I have Pippin? big grin

Thanks PippinTook! I love yours too! Pippin's cute. big grin

Very true, Glorfindel is off limits...to EVERYONE.

Thank you bunches shadowy stick out tongue

And Kit, we know roll eyes (sarcastic) Everyone knows that Glorfindel is ALL yours. We swear we'll never try to take him from you.


Good, this shall be a lesson all shall learn!

Eh I'd hate to be the person who messes with your Glorfindel, Kit! I'm not saying it'd be me, of course! You know I wouldn't do anything like that! Plus, why would I do that if I have Pip? stick out tongue

Kit, just curious (and to be safe..LOL...stick out tongue ) Who's the specific Glorfindel that you love exactly? Glorfindel of Gondolin or Glorfindel of Rivendell? (though there are rumors that they're the same person..just reincarnated)

Yes indeed, they're the same person.

But if they aren't, I prefer Glorfindel of Gondolin.

mine's is the head of yoda, wise, powerful, small, green etc. reminds me of me ^^ and the fading to the left there, execellent.

They are the same. In an early manuscript Tolkien wanted to have Glorfindel tell of his past in Gondolin (and the Witchking thingy with Arvedui). He was allowed to return to Middleearth early because he had sacrificed his life to save the others love

mines jackie chan the one action star to rule them all.

i like this pic it show chan in classic kunf fu style which i like the best.

Im also a LOTR fan liked the first movie the best, sean been was class

Uh....we're talking about our Avatars...that's your siggy ....

Sean Bean...mhmmmm...

kit yours is still the blue silver haired gut on mine

you have boromir too stick out tongue

oh well i can live with that big grinbig grin

big grin
love you new ava, kit...

big grin, Thank you, I like you Sig Exa...Melkor...but didn't that used to belong to sauron?

Yeah it did big grin
But he allowed me to take it stick out tongue

Awesome! THE Dark Lord, muwahahaha.

thats how nice i am to people big grinbig grin

Goodie, because I was afraid that you'd yell at me for copying for avatar; Boromir.

Yey see howw friendly Dark Lord is love

awesome the dark lord muwhaha

Mine is a Noldor fighter with a sword of flames going to Angband...I will am beeing to lazy to change it..so it will my avatar next times, sleep

awesome the dark lord muwhaha

mine is simply an eagle because....I like them smile

LoL that looks logical, Discos big grin
Great ava

Yue is sooooo hot! and Touya too wink

Yukito! Don't forget him!

hehe yuki, yue.......... 2 faces of the moon

MY AVATAR IS NOW SAURON! Because he's so damn cooooooool!

no it's not it still that japanese woman

Japanese woman? Uh....

yeah the silver haired animae

you're talking about yue....... he's not a woman!!!!!!!! eek!

and kit, your avatar is still boromir....... i see no sauron confused

Ohh..Yue, well alot of people can see my sauron.

My avatar is part of this picture that I really like called We the Forgotten, but other than that it's just prett pointless.

my avitar is Dom playing Merry with his carrot
thats about it and i might change it soon so....

I can give you one. wink

A.D. Skinner
Kit has a lot of Avatars from what I have seen and heard.

Mine needs no explaining...The Man himself !

'Ere's a good one for you matey.

cool now i can change my avitar!!!!

can you make me a sig to if its not to much trouble? please?

A.D. Skinner
That is a better one that him holding up that broken carrot !

Good job KITOKY !

A sig of Merry? Right now I only know how to do collages...with Merry's name on it....maybe AD can do one for you with your own nick on it wink


AD can you do the sig please? with my own nickname an stuff?

For me it's also still Boromir, Kit's ava I mean...

It is? Hmmmm I changed it to sauron, I wonder what' s going on...

But thats always the case here, takes some time until the new avatars and stuff are really shown. Was the same with your last avatar change.

Mine is Kryten from Red Dwarf... Cos I liked the bit in LOTR when you saw their shipin the rocks above Minas Tirith.

Oh I see, Well I think I changed this avatar like last night...

Mine is self-explanatory, I picked it cause I thought it was pretty amusing.

Mine's Avalanche from x-men evo, the expression on his face is priceless, he looks so pissed big grin

Mine is of Falkor the luck dragon from The Neverending Story, one of my all-time favourite films, I chose it because he's beautiful and brings people luck, hence luck dragon, and I always wanted to meet him when I was little, actually, forget that, I still want to meet him!

Yey the Neverending Story is great... I love your signature...
Yet I like the books far better than the film.

Falkor is his english name? lol his original name is Fuchur...


Strange it's exactly you to complain

And I think discussing avatars definitely belongs to the topic explaining avatars


wasn't complaining, just informing.

Ey Kit! You wouldn't mind getting me a new avatar of say, oh I dunno, Pippin, would you? wink That'd be brilliant! big grin And I need a new avatar...

Here's one for ye

And another one-

I don't know how to make my own,sigh....As long as I have PIPPIN!!!!!

mine is a butterfly because i love butterflies!

and its like a rusty pink so it is so pretty!

mines of the website because i don't know how to make them so there the right size but mines of Mr.Frodo love

mine is brandon lee of the crow...1st of all i'm a fan of his (RIP)...plus, it sort of gives that aura of obsession the Feanor had for his jewels.

can someone tell who is in LOTRLUVR avatar? i cant figure it out...

mine is choo-choo from top cat...'cause im a top 'cat'

It looks to me like...

Merry/Pippin put together.

Mor Edaín
uhhmm.. dunno how to pick one... ?? embarrasment

big grin
Go to your profile ("User CP"wink, there you can choose one or upload one yourself...

Mor Edaín
okay, tnkyou>> let's see...
jees.. i'm really bad at this..
... if there's nothing here now, i'll kill my comp roll eyes (sarcastic) haha

Mor Edaín
well, it's dead.

big grin big grin big grin
Well half dead... at least you have a nice pic in your Signa now big grin

hmmm, welll mine's easy to explain( lol i'm late on this post, haven't been online for more than a week)

Although i love LOTR, my avatar is always gonna be my national flag. The national flag of Trinidad and tobago. And i'll always be a trini first, then an lotr fan.

mine used to be Orlando Bloom with a dog, but Orli has enough fans so i decided to show some love for Faramir. i really like his character in the book. he was really nice, too bad he wasn't as nice in the movie. but i still like him. love

I have a custom one now,but I can't get the other custom one that I like better....hmm.....

LOL your welcome Melani, your welcome LOTRLUVR stick out tongue

mine really shows gollums character. it shows the devious, conniving and sly attributes of gollum.

do you have a spade i can borrow

My sig is of well, the witch king :d i love him, he rox! But i chose this pic becos wk looks scary and so does fellbeats, it kinds of excentuates his evilness! MWUUUUHAHAHHAHAH!!

BTW can u make Sigs in Swish? (Flash)

my avatar's the chinese zodiac symbol for the dragon, i think that's what i am, can't really remember...

White Lady
mine is just plain old me.....with some elf writing in it which i hope means white lady

Spade? confused Uh.......

i seem to be digging myself hole

Ok, my new Ava shows one of my fav nazgul pix... though its a little too small to see anything lol well its two Nazgul riding out of the mists around... and as you perhaps might have noticed I quite like Nazgul big grin

Oh I see....

My new avat, is now Sam and Frodo quoting, "Here at the end of all things..."

i just realised kit gets bigger ava *envy* *turns green*

some kid: lok its the jolly green.....giant

stick out tonguestick out tongue

mine is the ONE and only boromir-ll

sauron, do you want my old sauron one? If I can get it......

and remove boromir.....are you mad??

Can i have it kit?

I was just askin' sauron -

sure nazgul-lord, hold on....


Hm Im also think about taking a new one...

really of what?

if so

no idea yet

Aah, here. New avatar. big grin It's self-explanatory. But for those LOTR fans that for some strange occurrences doesn't know what the author of their favorite book or movie looks like, that and the one in my sig is none other than JRR Tolkien.

big grin great ava, shadowy, one of my fave pics of Tolkien smile

If you have more... could you post them=?

Yeah..big grin


THX smile smile
Online I always only find the same pics over and over again
So im searching for new ones like this big grin

Another. big grin He's a good-looking man. big grin Whenever I look at his pics, I still always find myself surprised and amused that I'm looking at the picture of a man that literally and figuratively changed my life. big grin Sometimes, I want to cry and kiss his pictures. big grin

I know EXACTLY what you mean big grin big grin big grin

My avvy is the Omega Squadron crest zorro

mine is a pic of elijah. . . . he looks a little "whoa, whats that over there?" in it but whatever lol

What does his son look like?
My avatar is clearly, Sauron, the Lord of the Rings.

my avatar I'm prety sure is an ink blot test thing...
I see, an insect similar to the 'praying mantis' in starwars ep. 2
s-b said it kinda looked like a claw or spider///
have fun

Mine's Billy Boyd....it's really pretty obvious stick out tongue

Mine is also pretty obvious... and has nothing to do with LoTR... the Black Queen of a chess game yes happy

Agent Elrond
Nothing too complex. It's AE with a Matrix fill

Mine has nothing to do with LOTR, just a scorp engulfed in flames.. As you mite have guessed, im a scorpio cool.

Princess Re
hmm mine has everything ot do with orly,as you might have guessed,i am OBSESSED!!!

My avvy is of course, of orlando bloom. Its animated (crappily) i made it and it flashes back and forth between 2 pictures. "My Obsession"

A.D. Skinner
My avatar has not changed since the day I joined here !!!

neither has mine, its a logo from the channel fox kids

A.D. Skinner
Some things are just not meant to be changed

mine has changed many times big grin .... i like too many things to be happy with just one big grin ...

i don't know what mine is...really

The Tater
My avatar is self explanatory.

LOl basically mine too. Its orlando bloom, animated, i got it from the lovely orlando bloom files site smile

My avatar = Remus Lupin = My obsession

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