The Silmarillion
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Hey you guys!
For all that have read, still in the midst of reading, and for those that have just finished reading "The Silmarillion", this is the place where you could have your insights about the book.
This is the general review area of everything you want to discuss about it. Things that you liked, things you didn't like, your favorite Silmarillion characters, favorite chapters, things about Silmarillion that doesn't fit the other threads that discuss about it, everything. You could also clarify some stuff if you like.
You could also post your reviews here about the book overall.
Hope it's ok to post a thread like this.

turon killed beleg...and then killed himself
very good part that...his sword talks! wtf
or the fall of gondolin...
the theft of the silmarils....
tulkas the strong:awesome guy except when he fell asleep...
tulkas is not nasssty!

he's just bold,

aye, i shall slay you, to forget the tatse of my masters blood
^something like thast^
tulkas i HATE him, laughing in melkors face..and manwe with his eagles and boringness
fingolfin for his death in challenging morgoth
feanor for being a bad assed elf
sauron for just being sauron...and totally tricking gorlim and laughing at numenoreans
gothmog, glaurung, beren who shows up with his hand gone and says i have it in my hand, give me you r daughter mwhaha
and of course thingol such an amazing guy..who was KILLED BY BASTARD DWARVES
huan the hound of valinor permitted to speak three times upon arda
Yey Tulkas is stupid

laughing at morgoth... really... args!!
Manwe is boredom in person
I loved that scene

I dun remember exactly but something like "and sauron laughed... and sauron laughed a second time... and sauron laughed again... and so on"
in fact he says
"For little price do elven kings sell their daughters: for gems and things made by craft"

Yavanna? Yeah shes cool... with her trees and everything..
seen here have you
yeah exa im on about when he gets back without his hand
ive got the silmril in my hadn..but my hands in some wolves stomach...*grabs daughter* so il be taking her
(he says that but all tolkieny, not in my weird way

manwe can go blow his winds somewhere else!
and ulmo(s?) out sleeping in the sea while melkor's wrecking havok!!!!!!
oh wait didn't he go in with melkor for a little whil?
Hehee lol ok thats another point of view than tolkien gives

Bad luck that he had to die before he could do anything like wedding her


stupid beren (for robbing morgoth) was allowed to live again

while poor, poor, lovely Beleg is never mentioned again *cries*
and id say Ulmo is the only one (apart from morgoth) who cares about the elves and men of middleearth... thinking of Gondolin......
"For the less even as for the greater there is some deed that he may accomplish but once only; and in that deed his heart shall rest. It may be that I can unlock my jewels, and never again shall I make their like. And if I shall break them, I shall break my heart, and I shall be slain, first of all Eldar of Aman. (...) This thing I will not do of free will. But if the Valar will constrain me, then I shall know indeed that Melkor is of their kindred!"
Tukas! Tulkas! Tulkas!
well i'm off to work
CU l8er
"By the command of Morgoth the Orcs with great labour gathered the bodies of all those who had fallen in the great battle, and all their harness and weapons, and piled them in a great mound in the midst of Anfauglith; and it was like a hill that could be seen from afar. Haudh-en-Ndengin, the Elves named it, the Hill of the Slain, and Haudh-en-Nirnaeth, the Hill of Tears. But grass came there and grew again long and green upon that hill, alone in all the desert that Morgoth made; and no creature of Morgoth trod thereafter upon the earth beneath which the swords of the Eldar and the Edain crumbled into rust."
"At last Fingon stood alone with his guard dead about him; and he fought with Gothmog, until another Balrog came behind and cast a thong of fire about him. Then Gothmog hewed him with his black axe, and a white flame sprang up from the helm of Fingon as it was cloven. Thus fell the High King of the Noldor; and they beat him into the dust with their maces; and his banner, blue and silver, they trod into the mire of his blood."
"not the first"...but he did not then know of what they meant
Yey thats what Mandos said, right?
"Yea, a thief shall reveal thieves!"
I've always had this liking of the Tale of Beren and Luthien. Romantic...
I liked Eldamar and the Princes of Eldalie.
Celebrimbor was so sweet to create the Evenstar for Galadriel.

And Fingolfin, I love you.

Don't forget Glorfindel. But he's off limits.

I'll just stick with Eol, then.

Sadly, I haven't read the Silmarillion yet....I tried though! I'm on the fourth page right now

But I just haven't read it because I have to read specific books for school right now (I'm reading five books at once...I'm not sure I can handle six haha), but when I get done with those books, I'll finish the Silmarillion. So tell me, everyone, how do you rate it? Out of 10. I saw someone rated it on the last page, but I want to know what everyone else thinks

I read Silmarillion like in a month and a half, because I was so busy with school.
I could probably read it in two days or something if I didn't have school or anything to do...But I do

Gah. I'll probably get done with the books I have to read in a few weeks...Hopefully soon.
Out of 10? Maybe 9.75
I really can't rate it as the perfect, perfect book to give it a 10 IMO, 'coz I admit I'm being confused and lost sometimes. But that really depends on the person who's reading it. You just have to remind yourself though that one of the things about the Silmarillion is that it is the "backstory" so to speak of "Lord of the Rings." Tolkien meant it more as a historical text than a detailed story and that is why you don't get the indepth character development, dialogue, and landscape detail. The truly compelling characters who really had some developments are Melkor, Turin and Feanor, IMO.
Overall, I rated it 9.75, and I wouldn't rate it lower than that. It's a brilliant piece of literature and you wouldn't regret reading it. You will really be pulled in Utumno, Angband, Aman, Eressea, etc.

I give Silmarillion a 9.99. The other .01 is for the small text.
Ah thank you shadowy

Eh that makes me wish I had it over here...I'm with my dad and my copy from the library (I don't have any money to buy it hehe) is at my house....I just can't get into it like I did with LOTR...It's confusing. It's kinda hard to read it, but once I get to the 10th page or something, I'll probably get done with it within a week, considering I have other books to read....*sigh* Good thing I'm a fast reader or else it would take me forever to read all these books!! .....Hmmm people think I'm wierd cause I like to read

I say they're wierd cause they DON'T like to read! Ha!


That sounds like something my mom would say haha. She hates books with small text.
I love books with small text

And I love the Silmarillion
I give it at least 10 out of 10 (Id love to give it 15 but thats quite impossible with 10

For me the Silmarillion is the 2nd best book in the world... or ex aequo on 1 together with the Lays Of Beleriand

i would give it a one
one hundred that is
Some critic called the Silmarillion an "elvish phone register" because of all the names... lol...

well what do critics know

But nassssty Ungoliant dared to make Morgoth scream...
lol i wonder if it was a girly scream
ungoliant is cruel....she was in my good books with the destroying of the trees...but then when she attacked morgoth...ooohhhhh i hated her
and was happy balrogs came and got her
How dare you just think of this impossible possibility
Yeah Balrogs in the Sil are cool

especially Gothmog

yeah but he gets killed

by bloody you know who but cant say anything bad about him or someone (kit) will hurt me

Yey but I like Ecthelion though he killed Gothmog... and I also love Glorfindel in spite of his murder concerning the poor poor innocent Balrog in the Echoriath...
*cough* Atleast you know your place

my place...sauron has no place, he strays where he will when he wants

yet he is not so mighty he is without fear...souby always gnaws at him...the fact kit would kill him for glorfy has entered his mind

That I would
Ah well all is dandy...
Who thought that putting Aragorn singing of the tale of Luthien and Beren in Fotr was cool?
its good
frodo: who is it, who you sing of
aragorn: elf maiden who gave her love to beren...a mortal man
frodo: what happened to her?
aragorn: she died
audience: AWWWWWW
AAWWW the cover of the best book ever

The Lays Of Beleriand... Fingolfins Challenge

yeah except theres the poem and the melkor bits i added into it
Hard to read though

yeah i have it REALLY clear but its too large
last of all noldor
a star in the night
and a bearer of hope
he rides into glorious battle alone
farewell to the valiant warlord
the fate of us all
lies deep in the dark
when time stands still at the iron hill

cool text
isnt turning it into a sig
but only the top part
are you gonna change your sig?
Ohhh okie, awesome.
When they did a close up shot on Viggo when he was singing the song, he looks absolutely adorable....
yeah exa i am
well il try
Awww Il miss the sauron one

lol well it may not work send yoiu sauron one if it does work...and you can look at it every day

sorry to disapoint exa but im keeping my current sig..because bastard thing wont upload
bastard siggy

whoah first time i heard you say bastard

Actually the first time I used it in written english

yey glad to have witnessed it

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