Chanting Orcs

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Does anyone know what the Orcs are chanting at the Siege of Gondor? The one before they start saying GROND!! GROND!! GROND!!!
I was so sure they were chanting something, and it was so cool to hear. cool I think it was something like "Durbgu Dashu" or "Derbug Nashgoo"? But I'm not so sure. Can someone clarify? I like that phrase so bad.

And while we're at it, being a Haradrim fan that I am, can someone make out their chants while they were charging at the Pelennor Fields? I heard them yell Rohirrim (or maybe it's just me) but I couldnt make out what else they said.

Thanks in advance. big grin

They say
"(Za dashu snaku Zigur), durgbu nazgshu, durgbu dashshu"


Hail Sauron lord of the ring lord of the earth

eek! Thanks!!! big grin

I'll chant that as well from now on. Not only that the Black Speech itself is cool to hear, but the meaning as well is both terrifying and awesome. big grin

But, too much to ask but do you know the Haradrim ones? big grin

No, Ive also been searching for those big grin

I only know that at one point theyre calling "Haradrim" or something like that big grin

Oh, so they were yelling "Haradrim" and not "Rohirrim"..LOL..big grin Thanks! Hehe! big grin

But, does the Haradrim have their own specific language that are being studied? Like Khuzdul, etc. ? 'coz I'm interested to learn those even if it's limited, sounds awesome. big grin


eek! Do you know where I could find one? eek! big grin

No, havent figured out how it works big grin

They only used it for decorating the helms; you can see extracts at the border of one of the filmbooks

Ohh..ok..I have to look for those. Thanks! big grin

Exa - I just read from a certain site that one of the posters there had said that he's pretty sure that someone or some people were chanting "Katmuda!!, Katmuda!!". He said he saw some pictures a while ago showing the sound team making recordings in the NZ cricket/football stadium(?) where Katmuda was 1 of the chants shown on the big screen. "Grond!" and "durgbu nazgshu, durgbu dashshu" were the other chants.

So I was thinking maybe "Katmuda" was one of the terms that the Haradrims were yelling aside from the other ones ('coz they chanted pretty much many terms, or I'm just confusing it with the Mumakil stomps), coz "Katmuda" seems to be a little off to be a Black Speech? What think you? (LOL)

u guys are wrong. what the orcs were doing was singing "baby, you make me wanna rub you down" by jon sanders in black speech.

big grin

Katmuda? Hey, thanks smile I wonder what that means...
I dont think it's black speech as m seems to occur mainly together with other labial sounds (in the ringverse b and p). Perhaps "Sauron" in Haradrin...

shadowy_blue scoop..Look at this:

And you can hear the Katmuda chant here:

I'm not sure where they used it though.

Heeey thanks!!!

gosh shadow, where the hell u get stuff like that??

different sites. big grin But often in TORn...and yeah..other sites. big grin

haradrim isn't that just a name for the riders of rohan
i can be terribly wrong but its just a thought :$

Terribly wrong big grin
Haradrim are the people of the South - Harad, Khand, perhaps Umbar, that region, south of Gondor/Harondor. And until after the war of the Ring, they were enemies of Gondor, especially after the kinstrife when Castamir's heirs made war against Gondor for long centuries.

The Riders of Rohan are the Rohirrim

Yeah...the Haradrims were the one on the Mumakil..(oliphaunts) big grin The cool ones..LOL..big grin

they filmed the chanting at an australian/new xealand cricket stadium for helms deep

pj later returned there for the ROTK battle noises

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