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Ok, so for my fanfiction which is rapidly seeming like it is never going to happen, I need to fit in some major events into RotK ((movie-verse)). Can anyone help me? I need someone who knows it quite well - especially the stuff centreing around Minas Tirith...

okie dokie what exactly do you want to know

ok, so these are the events I need to include -- DON'T read if you want my ficcy to be a suspense! big grinbig grin

Pippin looking out over Mordor and wondering what is happening out there.

Sauron's daughter being captured by Gandalf and Co.

Sauron's daughter escaping and going back to Mordor.

Sauron sying "you have failed me" she is thrown out the Black Gates and goes back to Minas Tirith.

She has a dream, Gandalf gives her a speech, and legolas has a heart-to heart with her which causes her to switch sides.

One of the Orc commanders or Witchy, on Sauron's rders, whips her across the face, blinding her.

thats all I got at the mo...

Sauron has a daughter? blink

Hahah I'm just kidding. I think the Legolas heart to heart thing would be best if that took place in the stables of Rohan..personally, I think so.

Pippin thinks what's going on out in Mordor, Pippin is on the balcony all alone and then Gandalf comes in to talk to him, maybe carrying his armory too.

Sauron's daughter get's captured...perhaps maybe she can be leading the group of Uruks from Isengard to Helm's Deep and she refuses to retreat like the Uruks in the end.

good start.

sauron doesnt have a daughter does he?

Well, I made her up wink

The only thing is, she never leaves the whole Gondor/Mordor area... Although thats a really nice idea...

Well I added more suggestions for you to think about.

hmm well hmm sounds great im trying to think big grin

Thanks guys -- these ideas are all pure gold! big grin keep 'em coming! I'll put a special note to you all at the beginning of the ficcy, saying it couldn't be done without you! big grin

Hey Phoenix, are you posting this on the KMC? Or

Both -- but KMC first big grin

Oh okie, I can review your fic on if you get me a link to it.

well obviously when shes getting whipped your going to have to have someone (legoals he he) save her heroically....then die stick out tongue

Its not published yet kit, but thank you anyway!

And Sauron, I want Merry or Pip to rescue her -- be her eyes, so to speak. Just to prove that the little people can be heroes too! big grinbig grin

yeah well they can be like seeing for her...holding her by the arm and leading her away...but one of them has to die doing it heroically aswell then the revenge will be even sweeter

big grin well, I'm trying not to change the story too much... One thing i'd like to do is that she stays alive... and has to deal with the fact that she is now defunct, being a blind warrior...

Kinky. smile

oooo cant wait to read, i want it to be a suspense. Make sure to post it the moment is is done. I love readin ff. Cant Wait

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