Gollum's song (how was it??)

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hey anyone remembers the song that gollum sings in TTT (movie), when he's in te forbidden pool, when faramir's men found him?
i tried to remember what it sais, it a stupid song but it's funny, i can't remember it so help me pleeeeeeeease smile

To catch a fish, so juicy sweeeeeeeeeeeet!

thats all I can remember off the top of my head...

yep, that's exactly the part i remember
thanks anyway!!! smile

another bit i remember is

rock and pooll so nice and cool- sumfing like dat anyway

The rock and pool
is nice and cool
So juicy sweet
Our only wish
to catch a fish
So juicy sweet

hehehe now i'm singing and playing with my dog........ wow she doesn't seem to like it sad
it's fun!!!!!!!!!!!
thanksssssssss you all!! smile

Good lord, now I've gotten myself singing it.

hehe we won't stop until everyone sings it!!!

The rock and pool
is nice and cool
So juicy sweet
Our only wish
to catch a fish
So juicy sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!

great sony maybee it'll win a grammy.

shadow link
maybe its just me but it had this ominous fell to it coz he was like bashin gthe fish and stuff and was about to get caught,

Yessssss lol isn't that something? I mean dude, he's singing this song while bashing a fish on the side of a rock.

Which also bring us to my conclusion that we already know that Gollum fed off fish so do we really need to see that close up at Gollum biting into the fish in RotK?!?! noooooooooooooo.

Thats an changed version of Gollum's song in the book
Where he sings

Alive without breath
As cold as death
never thirsting, ever drinking,
Clad in mail, never clinking,
Drowns on dry land
Thinks an island
Is a mountain
Thinks a fountain
Is a puff of air
So sleek, so fair
What a joy to meet
We olny wish
To catch a fish
So juicy-sweet

And the other song is

The cold hard lands
they bite our hands
they gnaws our feet
the rocks and stones
are like old bones
all bare of meat.
but stream and pool
is wet and cool:
so nive for feet!
And now we wish....

The verse from the movies is also not clear
Some say it's the one kit posted, some say it's

The rock and pool
is nice and cool,
so nice for feet!
I only wish
to catch a fish,
so juicy sweet!

Actually I posted -

The rock and pool
is nice and cool
so juicy sweet
Our only wish
to catch a fish
so juicy sweet!

I know,
And theres some difference between these two, and thats exactly what I wanted to say wink

Ah I see...I would've said the same thing you informed but I didn't think that telling Fir that did any good, she was just looking for the movie song anyways, so.

heres gollum OTHER songWhere once was light
Now darkness falls
Where once was love
Love is no more

Don't say - goodbye
Don't say - I didn't try...

These tears we cry
Are falling rain
For all the lies
You told us
The hurt, the blame

And we will weep
To be so alone
We are lost!
We can never go home

So in the end
I will be - what I will be
No loyal friend
Was ever there for me

Now we say - goodbye
We say - you didn't try...

These tears you cry
Have come to late
Take back the lies
The hurt, the blame

And you will weep
When you face the end alone
You are lost
You can never go home

Here's the scene smile

LOL big grin big grin THX, Kit... oh god he's so cuuuute...

*Slick* *catch* *pound* *pound*

Lady Ellie
HAHAHA he's sooooo funny

grrr thanks to use lot i was singing that damn song all day!

LOL, now you know how I feel wink

hehe- its driving me crazy!!!!!

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