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These are some of my LOTR questions that may never get answered -- feel free to post your own!

Why, in the films, do all the Orcs have Cockney accents? Is Pj trying to tell us something...? All Londoners are evil...? blink

LOL! Well that goes to all the Uruk/Orc actors that are either from England or New Zealand.

Here's one....

Why was Glorfindel replaced?!?! Huh!?!? And you could've shown Erestor and Glorfindel or even Elrohir or Elladan but nooooooooo they made a new elf named FIGWIT! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!

Actually, Figwit is a fan name big grin

Why does Legolas have to talk so much nonsense??

heres a question

Why do people like Orlando Bloom attract the girls who can break your ear drum when they scream?

^ Because whether we like it or not, we can't deny that Orlando looks really good and he's hot for most people (teenagers most likely), but to answer your question, it has a lot more to do with the fans (not in general) and we can't blame Orlando for it, I think. big grin

Because I think they fail to give him some dialogues that will fit his character? I mean they made Gimli the comic-relief, and Aragorn the Ranger who could know almost anything that they were doing, so they just give Legolas some dialogues that will fit his profound and deep character in the book (which unfortunately end up cheesy most of the time, for some people at least, like we are) just so he has some lines. smile No offense to anyone. smile

I didn't had any problems with him in FOTR though. I really like what he said in Amon Hen about the Eastern shore that worries him. I liked that. My favorite Legolas line of all. big grin

Here's my question:

Why didn't they give Boromir a specific gift just for him in the movie!?! mad I know there's a thread about this already but someone doesn't have the answer still.

Dude these questions were not meant to be answered, so shush up.

LOL...I thought they were supposed to be answered. Sorry. I saw you and Exa respond to some questions so, yeah.

I wasn't blaming Orlando, it really isn't he falt that he was born with the looks that most girls love, i know how fans can be
very very scary
i had a friend like a year or two ago who was so crazy over his look she went out bought two notebooks and in one wrote his lines from the movie in the other wrote his lines from the book
which she only read because of Orlando

laughing Some Legolas fans I think are just Orlando fans. LOL..

Why has the rum gone?


Woah....beat that fans.....

Well...my friend went off and made her own Orli fan club and she started making Legolas/Orli powerpoints of him and she only likes LotR because of Orli mad I was pissed when i found out she was obsessed.

Darth Revan
Wow... That's really stupid, considering that it's LEGOLAS in the books and not Orlando...

Dude you answered a question!

Enough about Orlando mad

People make a big deal out of him.......it makes me sick!

Anyway back to the questions...... embarrasment

Does anybody on these forums know how to speak elvish?


Head Line News
orlando fans come together to save the planet with high pitched screams, which deflected adn distroy on coming meteor. this is what one fan had to say "it's a gift given by his great beauty" then she started to swoon and we didn't anderstand anything else

there is good for it yet laughing

You know what? The one person I wanna meet and talk to next is Orli because then I come back, I rub it in my friends' faces...obsessed dorks...

Is that why i can't C him in your sig? just asking.

never minf i fc him now

why is there a searchlite.

Another question (from the book and from the movie)

Why in the blue earth was Frodo walking alone in the woods of Amon Hen? If I was at his place, of all that I have experienced, from the terror of the Nazguls to the events in Moria, I don't think I could ever walk alone just to contemplate on such matters. I would cuddle close to my companions if I was him to think that I have the Ring that almost everyone is looking for.

He's on the left of the K in kitoky, aint he?

What Trickster said.

Where is the Horse and the Rider?

Where is the horn that was blowing?

Who shall gather the smoke of the dead wood burning
Or behold the flowing years from the sea returning?

Why does everyone state the bleeding obvious throughout all three films?? laughing out loud


Treebeard says he is an Ent. He then Says there will be an Entmoot. Then Merry asks whats an Entmoot and Treebeard says 'a Gathering'. Then Merry asks 'A gathering of what?"

hm, I wonder what it could possibly be a gathering of... laughing out loud

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