I was wondering....

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...does anyone know of someone who named either their children or maybe their pets after characters from LOTR? I am just curious to see how many people do this!
The reason I am asking is beacuse I recently bought a puppy, who was named Pippin, and it just got me to thinking about it. His litter mates names were arwen, gimli, galadriel, and merry. stick out tongue

Lol, my neighbor has a cat named Smeagol. And my aunt has a dog named Gimli.

My best mate named her cat Samwise

Mine are rescue cats, so they already had names...

I usually only uses LoTR-related names when talking with my friends, but of course only as nicknames; as my cat is also one we found at the street and looked exactly like my old cat, it didnt get a proper LoTR name but I always call him Tevildo, the evil cat lord in Sauron's fortress.

i don't know anybody that has a pet but in one of my dreams i had this giant squid for a pet and i named it Watcher

I named my fish Luthien...but then it died.....

oh, poor fishy sad

lol, luthien died.

My cat's name is Strider. smile

My fish died sad

"....O hon ring finnil fuinui
A renc gelebrin thiliol... "
"Who is she?"
"Luthien...the elf maiden that gave her love to Beren...a mortal."
"What happened to her?"
"She died.."

Yeah literally....

My grandma had a dog named Bilbo when I was little.

I named my car Estella! ( ya know Estella Brandybuck)

if i had a pet i would name it after a LOTR character but some of my/my sisters friends have LOTR nicknames e.g. zegolas (zoe) and meldo (mel)


I named mine Glorfindel...


my best friends dog is samwise .... and If i have a girl i wanna name her Elanor ( the Sam way)

If I get a son, which I doubt I will, I'm namin' him Estel or Eldarion.

in my home-ec class we get to make flour babies and i think im gonna naem mine.....I DONT KNOW!!! someone help me!!! ahhh!!! lol.

if i ever get another dog i'm going to name him frodo and if its a girl arwen

My first fish was named Pippin...It died and my sister named her fish MyPippin.I got another fish and named it Sam,it is surprisling a very very fat fish...lol

awww! My mates cat just had kittens, and they've all been reserved except one, who we have named Smaug! big grin

Oh! A neighbor of mine has a stable and it is called Rohirium farm!

Mor Edaín
LoL! i used to call my rat Strider but he refused to listen to me so i gave up

There are pictures all over Google of some cat named Galadriel...

There is a site of some people who have loads of cats all named after Middleearthcharacters smile breeding Ragdolls, I think

(and one has the same name as I usually have on the net love )

There's probably a great deal of people who have named their pets after Tolkien's characters, but with children on the other hand, there really isn't a lot to choose from (unless you want to make you kids high school days a living hell). There are a few though:
Sam, Esmeralda, Linda, Lily, Rose (which quite frankly is a beautiful name), but the rest of them: Gorbadoc, Marmadas, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli etc., are too horrible for any human child.

I had a fish called Frodo....it diedsad

And I have a brother named Sam, does that count?smile

aw poor fish *gives 10 secs silence for fish*

it depends wot u fink of ur brother!

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