I LOVE Lord of the rings

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0omg i love the Lord of the RIngs movies and books!!!!!!!!!!!! they are one of the best movies and book series ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe i got a confession to make! i think Orlando Bloom a.k.a Legolas is SoOoOoOOOOoooOoOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot ya i could go on and on but i'll stop now for you..hehe lol rolling on floor laughing omg for the third movie when i first went to go c it with my friend who has nvr seen any of the movies and hasnt read any of the books **sham on her** lol anyway i went to go c it and i was on the edge of the seat goin omg please dont die please!!!! whats going to happen next?????? is he ok??? this is GREAT!!!!!!! and of course my elf hottie was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

**im sad :'( i want to learn how to speak elvish form LOTR if you can teach me or know some other way i could learn please email me at [email protected] or pm me thnx!!!**

Well who here does not love LoTR big grin

And concerning learning elvish - try www.ardalambion.com , bit confusing maybe but best site ever

Lol, yes welcome to the boards and you are mongst people who love LOTR also. Hafta agree with ya there Exa

O and by the way he is MY elf hottie, wink

*paces around grumbling incoherently*

*mutters in girly voice* Orlando Bloom a.k.a. Legolas hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
hot *mutters*

*squeals in mocking girly voice*

lol, what would we do without our kitoky!

lol..... everyone here is great...smile whut did u guys think of the 3rd movie??

Dont get me started. 2 words. Kick Ass

lol same herre same herre...lol its was the best and Orlando was SOOOOOOOOOOOO hot hehe

*grumbles* *mocking voice* SOOOOOOOOOOOO hot *grumbles*

*sighs* Ah well -
I thought RotK was great, everything about it was wonderful and it really did deserve the GG for Best Drama.

Indeed it did. Kit will you be happy if we stop talking bout him

Atleast about his hotness, and cuteness and looks.

I can discuss, maturely, about his talent and upcoming career, without the mentioning of his looks. smile

lol you kow you wanna talk about his looks like the rest of us even though is talent is as great as his looks..lol

ok. I think he is a great actor and his carreer has sky rocketed after his perfomance in LOTR.

lol yupp yupp got to agree with you there

You must not know me very well laughing out loud

lol i guess not but i cant talk abotu Olrando Unless i tlak about his looks and talent..lol

That is so very true

Sure...we all love the movie & the books, i wanna know when they're gonna make the silmarillion n2 a movie... big grin

Well if you wanna talk about his talent, okie, but if you're dying to talk about looks, head for the Celebrity section because that's one place, you will never find me in.

lol so true i cant talk about Orlando with talking abotu his looks lol hehe

You and 50,000 other bloody girls that joined this site....*grumbles*

Hey i didnt join it just because of him. I joined it because of Lotr, inspiration hit me when i was makin the name

I didn't say you were one of the 50,000. sad I'm sowwy if I offended you.

ah its o.k Kit, you can never offend me.love

I know love

lol laughing out loud

*dumb blonde voice* wow guys, this is so like...uh..OMG.. like so, romantic! ahee he he.

lol, wow sounds like something my sister would say. *thinks for a second* AH NO STOP


nvm embarrasment

*fangirl voice...*Ahahahah! Oooh like Orlando Bloom is like so totally hot and like he's like the only like reason I even went to see Lord of the Rings! Ahehehe, uhhh, like what's the movie supposed to like be about anyways?? *giggle* All I care about it like how like hot Orlando looked cause like he's soooo like totally hot!!! Ahehehe!

ARGGGGGGG!!!! *bangs head on keyboard* WHY OH WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO MAKE SO MANY FREAKIN THREADS ABOUT ORLANDO BLOOOOOOM AND HOW OH SOOOOO HOT HE IS?!?!?!?!?! *screams* I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! WHAT IS WITH YOU PEOPLE?!?!? THERE IS MORE TO LORD OF THE RINGS BESIDES "OH SO SEXY" ORLANDO BLOOM, YOU KNOW!!! And orlandoOYEA, I'm not talking to you. I know you wink Hehe. But all the rest of you fan girls who "love" LOTR ONLY for Orlando Bloom need to leave this forum NOW because you are not wanted here and this forum is to talk about LOTR stuff!!! Not ORLANDO BLOOM THIS, ORLANDO BLOOM THAT, OOOOH ORLANDO BLOOM'S SOOOO HOT!!!! HE'S MY "SEXY ELF" and all that crap! I swear, if I see one more thread about how hot Orlando Bloom is, I'm leaving this forum for good!!!! You stupid fan girls have gotten me WAY too pissed to stay and listen to you talk about Orlando bloom ALL THE FREAKING TIME!!!! Or at least, PLEASE don't talk about how hot he is!!! You don't know how many threads there already are for him!!! And how many are there for Billy or Dom or Sean or any of the other actors??? Huh??? What, like, MAYBE one!!! I have made ONE thread about Billy and it died!!! And no one's made any on Dom or either Sean's or either Ian's or ANYBODY BESIDES ORLANDO!!! I'M SICK OF IT!!! ARGGGGG mad *stomps out of room grumbling...stupid fangirls....oooh orli's sooo hot!!!....arggg....can't stand it any more...*

Wow...long rant....but the mocking fangirl was already done by me Diamond, it gets old fast. wink

Exactly, this forum is for lotr not orli....

Oops sorry Kit. Hehehe.

It's ok, glad to have fun alongside a Orli fangirl hater

kit does that mean you hate me?

No...you're just a fan...a fangirl is obsessive..

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