Orlando's Bright Light
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Orlando's Bright Light-
On the TTT: EE Extras, Orlando and Viggo talks about how Viggo, at a party one night, talk an Uruk-hai stunt man to go up to Orlando and head bud him.
Here is the result -
Orlando tells us that whenever he see Viggo, he sees the Bright White Light.
lol, where on the extras. KIT TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE GETTING THOSE!
I'm not sure where but I remember them talking about the Bright Light, sorry Orlando, mine!
fine. i give up *heavy sigh*
Atleast I'm sharing
yes and thats why we love you
Yeah I know
for crying out loud look in the TT special edidtion. its on the 4 disc
omg i saw that!! i love that! its hilarious!! but the stunt man ((sala baker)) is the one he was talking about whenever he said that whenever he sees him he sees the white light......im pretty sure he was talking bout sala...sorry to sound rude but im not trying to be!
Oh it's okie, thanks for correcting me!
no problem!! lol
hey kit today i caught myself saying:
"kitoky dokie"
offtopic i know but had to share it.
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