Problems after watching ROTK

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After watching ROTK for my 7th time. I got thinking i have seen a few other films but none have ever compared to ROTK. Even when i wacthed some new films recently i was not impressed sad .

Iam afraid that the LOTR was so good i cant watch any other film because they dont have the same feeling. Even when i wacthed the matrix films i was not excited.Or the Big Fish or anyother film.

I mean i have seen alot of films in my liftime but none have EVER or EVER WILL compare to the LOTR

Ok i feel much better writting this all down

Thats a real problem, yes... all films Ive seen since FoTR (except Matrix) seemed so stupid... so short... so bad...

Lady Ellie
HaHa. I know what you mean. ROTK is a very emotional movie. All three are. I was also VERY VERY impressed. I think, in the future, I'll always compare other movies with LOTR. (But I don't think I will not be impressed by other movies.)

Yeah i mean it can get annoying wink.

it like i lost all feeling in films apart form LOTR.

i mean this film will held in high regard for a very long time
i mean even in 20 years time people will still amazed at the story lines

every other movie is going to be compared to the lord of the rings or the matrix now

just as every sitcom is compared to fawlty towers....

now fawlty towers thats a classic.

But sauron i dont think Matrix can even compare to LOTR i mean no offensie to any Matrix fans but the thired film was very poor i was very disipointed.
Now LOTR all three films i saw i walked out the cinema feeling very happy

Lady Ellie
ME TOO!!! When I walked out of the cinema I couldn't stop smiling. I WAS SOOO HAPPY AND EXITED. And the whole night, only dreaming about LOTR. About big mumakil and battles roll eyes (sarcastic)

fawlty towers is AMAZING

revolutions was a kinda let down but the second one i loved

lord of the rings is the best film i've seen in my whole life, i think. yeah i compare every film to it, but i often tell myself that he other films (like pirates of teh caribbean) are another style and i cant compare them to LotR RotK

Mor Edaín

Same here, I felt that no other movie is going to top my ROTK movie experience ever again. I mean all that time waiting to get the tickets, meeting devoted fans, enjoing every scene of the movie, will always be stuck in me for the rest of my life. I'm glad to have been a part of this generation and been able to have seen this movie. Life goes on and for me other movies will come but there is a special spot in my heart for ROTK it is one the most beautiful movies ever made.

I got the same problem, but not with Rotk, it's a great movie but not my favourite...

that is a problem but i would rather of seen LOTRs and fell dissappointed when watchin any other film than not watch LOTRs at all, cos life with no LOTRs is depressing

Its not going b x-mas next year with out a new lotr movie to see

damn and i thought i was the only one. I cant even watch TTT anymore, its soooooooooooooooooo small compared with ROTK ( well besides for the ents).
ooooo 10,000 uruk-hai, i'm sooooooo scared for those guys, Hell we saw 10,000 on horses.
Thank god, it didn't ruin FOTR though!

As for other movies, i expect that none will climax like that film. Damn you Peter Jackson and company for making a stupendous movie. And just for that i hope you get your oscar too. DAMMIT.

LOL...I really, really thought I was the only one. I admit since I've seen LOTR movies all the other movies are just like child's play for me. Please no one kill me over here but when POTC came out, I heard lots of good reviews about it and I keep hearing how good it was, and when I saw it, I wasn't really impressed. sad I didn't particularly like The Matrix movies too, as well as Harry Potter. sad I mean, it's really sad sometimes because I want to enjoy other movies with a whole new different genre but I really can't. I swear, I'm really trying hard to like other movies because I know in my heart and in my mind that it is not LOTR and I should not expect too high. I feel like I will be forever stucked with LOTR (not that it's a bad thing, though wink ) . I just think that the LOTR movies are really close to being perfect that my standard in movies dramatically increased too. I'm both sad and happy at the same time about it. wink

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