Extended DVD stuff

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NOt sure if this belongs here or in the dvd chat but where can you find the secrets on the extended DVDs

You just the whole thing buddy wink The whole thing...

"I think one of the most interesting things about Elijah is...he can sleep anywhere at anytime.....I mean I've seen him do it and if I don't go back to him for like 15 minutes, he'd just be sitting there for 15 minutes. And then someone would go 'Elijah', 'Right Scene' and then he goes! It's and amazing thing that he's got! I mean he must've been so tired during that shoot. There were time when we got time off, Elijah had pretty much no time off." -Billy

"I've seen him fall down three sets of staircases...just like *makes falling down steps sound* and he'd just get up and just 'wooo!' and - That is a an incredible gift, man. He's like...chaplin." -Dom

he he he...loved those lines!!

doesnt every1

Sam: "Don't leave me here alone! Don't go where I can't follow..."
i love that made me cry bad.

also pippins song........................... anyways how do you put a pic under your name thing i dont know how please let me know how im lost here wooooooowww. hehe jokes

up the top in the navigation bar, go to User CP then go to profile and avatar. choose from the list or upload your own.

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