LOTR Column
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My parents're the bosses of this newspaper, blah whateva, but they've come out with this entertainment paper called "Flava".
I can write 4 it and the 1st thing i want to write, of course, iz somthin lotr-ish. A summary of lotr might jus be boring. Any ideas on what to write?
i can do wit some help. ill put some pix of rotk on it, as much as they'll let me


Tell all the LOTR fanatics to come here

And, if you want, you can mention some of us WONDERFUL LOTR fans hahaha. Like Kit and Aurora and Naz and Exa and sauron and everyone...and me if you wanna. That'd be brilliant!

And Billy and Dom!!! Cause every article thing is ALWAYS on Elijah or Orlando or whoever...There's never any on Billy and Dom

K I gotta go...buh bye all!!!


thanx. But that wont exactly take up an entire column
How about discuss the essence of good and evil in our world through the events that made up what Middle-earth is? I know it's kinda cheesy to discuss about good and evil these days but if you'll write it interestingly and constructively, many still would read it, considering that it's all about Middle-earth.
Not an obsessive Frodo fan here but I would also suggest to discuss the importance of Frodo in the story 'coz some people seem to overlook what really is it like to be a "Frodo".
Or write something about Smeagol/Gollum. It would take the interest of the readers.
You can write articles about different characters.
Or if you just want to, just write a review for LOTR Trilogy as a whole.

mmmmmmm it's hard but if you got the time and they let you, you can do a little research and look for info about some LOTR characters, like say "pippin" (hehe i'm a pip/billy fan :P), tell how is he as a hobbit (i was going to say person :P) and what is his importance in LOTR story........ search in the books, in the web, also in the movie perhaps you can quote sth that pippin says ("nothing happens" when the door of moria doesn't open as gandalf say a spell or sth, etc)
it's only an idea.......

stupid but an idea

plus i agree whit pippintook, you should mention this forum.......... it's an addiction!!!!!!!!!.......... i try not to come, but every 2 or 3 hours here i am, reading and posting

i've completely lost it!!!!!!!!!!!1
somethin about the ringwraiths! the unnoted charatcters that nat many people like! find out who plays them and stuff!
we must have posted at the same time, i said exactly that

u should interview people that were in the movie or effected by it
In my opinion I think writing about how Tolkien wrote a fantasy story that also mentioned alot of our own real world's problems. Like the burning of trees and how little we have left. Also about the problem about racism (in my opinion), how that seperates us from joining together to accomplish what we can't by doing it individually.
Also talk about how much Tolkien used alot of similiar events that happened in his life to add into the story, the building of the characters and all. And mention that Tolkien is kind of like the father of the fantasy genre...because he really sorta is.
That's all I can think of right now.

I hope that helps.
yeah, that's a good idea, thx Kitoky.
Gotta start writtin tom.
I know it wouldn't take up a whole column, but you should still mention this board!

At, like, the end of the article or something. I'm not really that good at thinking of stuff (haha) so....go with Kit's idea. That's brilliant. Talk about how LOTR relates to our world and how Tolkien is the MASTER OF FANTASY!!!!! MUAHAHAHA!!!.....Sorry hehe. Oh, when you finish writing the article, you MUST post it on here!

yes mention this lovely forum of ours and the ringwraths and sam, sams the one that gets little attention, or at least for the first two he got little attention
talk about how impotent he was to the story and how hes the bravest and stuff. i would love to read an article like that
YES! That's a great idea PippinTook!!! Mention us all - tell everybody how much you love ussssssssss!!!

yeah you should mention how cool we all are and that if they really like Lotr then this is the place to be
also mention that if they come with the intente of flaming us or something that we'll sent Sauron and the Nazguls (aka every nazgul fan on this site) to kill them
umm, if its no trouble can you help me wit some specific themes lotr has that's related to now?
What do you mean Bloom?? Like how we compare LOTR to this world or something???....
Ahh, that's a wonderful idea, azszhz!

I mean like some themes lotr has that're, like related to themes of today. Get it??
Oooh yeah I get it! Haha....Hmmm I dunno....I can't think right now haha
When your done, post a copy of your article on here so we can all read it. OOO I CANT WAIT. Thats so cool how you can write in the newspaper and all, i would kill for that
Yes, I think I mentioned posting her article up here already, orlandoOYEA haha. But you still should mention this forum, Bloom...

of course i will, and say how great y'all are!!
we love you bloom4ever
luv u too!!!
still starvin... waitin for chicken...
Yay! Thank you Bloom! Yesh, that's right. We love you

But you MUST promise to post your article on here once your done, savvy? Haha. Savvy...That's a pirate word

....OK I'm gonna go now hehe. Plus, supper's done...mmmmmm...Buh bye!

thx, i can still edit it
whoo i jus need the perfect pic for it now...
oh yeah, and it's paragraphed but it doesnt show here
I love it!! Brought tears to my eyes!
I'll see how i can get it in
I was about to say! You might wanna talk about the environmental issue too.
Ah yes, i know that was very important to Tolkien
no prob i can change it
now if some1 can help me wit a pic?
i like that pic but can you... erm.. what's the word?
oh yeah, reduce it plz?

Sure, to what size?

to like bout half the size?
thanx kit.
Now im officially gone for the night
yeah thanks a lot
now to edit the story and include this site and you ppl...
Hope we get to see a copy of it!
*tears stream down from eyes*

mom says she doesnt want to print the article cause she thinks i plagaurized!!!
Yay! That was brilliant, Bloom!

*claps* Bravo! But yesh, you MUST mention us wonderous peoples

Haha. Magnificent article!
Oh, but about the picture, Kit...Why just Aragorn and Arwen?

You need one with at least most of the characters, don't you?? Cause even though the movie's title makes it seem as if it's all revolving around Aragorn, it's not! What about Merry and Pippin and Frodo and Sam and Sauron and Eowyn and Faramir and Denethor and....yeah, well you get the point

Wait...Bloom, are you doing the article on JUST ROTK or all three films?

Ummm I'm sorry? I know it doesn't just revolves are Arwen and Aragorn, but I think their part of the story is the most beautiful, but that's just me. And I found that picture really great so. I'm sorry.
Ah, I wasn't trying to be mean or anything, Kit

You know I couldn't be mean...well, unless it's to some stupid newbie dissing LOTR
I do love that picture and I agree with you when you said that Arwen and Aragorn's part is the most beautiful. After I thought about it, that picture works great

You know me, I just wanted one of Pip on there haha

But that is a wonderous picture...Beautimus...

mom's publishing it

Omg, she is?!?! YAY! Alright!!! Go mom!
YAY! THANK GOD!! It was a good article, I loved it, are u gonna mention us? *looks hopeful*
I hate it when I write something, and it's only good b'cuz it's about something I love, and they think I plagiarized it! Anyway, I'm SO glad it's getting published, hope people like it and go out a see RotK a million times, and I hope you're never accused of plagiarism AGAIN!
Did you make the edits? Can I see the final article?
cant, sry its on the disk i gave my mom
*looks dejected* Oh, that's okay, I guess... show us EVENTUALLY...okay?
Oh okie, just thought I'd take a look at it before it was published, see if anything else needs corrected, not that you're a not a good writer, you're very good and talented.

Editing is fun. And you're a REALLY good writer, Bloom.

you aint jus saying that right??
NO! Why would I? I mean it! I have to be in a writing mood to write well. *tries not to be envious*
My 'adoptive' sister is a Newspaper Reporter and also an Editor, so I'm always around business runs with her and learned alot of writing.
Cool. I can write decently, but just...not the best.
i wanna be a writer, i've already started writin somethin, but i still got a looong way to go
If you get a good education in Highschool I don't think you have to go to college, if you do then it's probably just a 2 or 4 year course.
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