Linda Hamilton as a terminator
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In T2 Linda Hamilton's character is definitely psychotic enough to play a terminator role, but the trouble is, Linda Hamilton was just never photogenic enough.
All three Terminator models are better looking than the average man. Also NB in T2 it is mentioned that the T-800 is a vastly superior being to any human. It never gets bored, drunk, abusive (in the wrong way) etc. etc.
Is humankind really worth preserving considering they are just inferior terminators?
Yes, they are worth preserving.
No, the Terminators should take over,
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if the owrld was full of nice terminators, and sexy terminators that look like linda in t2, then bring on the terminatrors!
is she nude in Terminator 1, i dun remember...

yes she is. its a sex scene. but her acting in that scene is horrible. i mean u can so so c that shez fakin it
Certainly the T-X was. Possibly because she was a fit girl - I dunno...
It's an interesting point you raise, shaber. But regardless of how the robots function and even look, you can never replace the human spirit. Humans should strive to improve - and not just replace ourselves with beings that can do things better. Otherwise, what's the point in living?
Did you notice in the scene south in the desert area in the filling station scene, that the two children fighting there looked incredibly ugly when set next two the protagonists (Eddie and Arnie)? T-800 also looked really out of place with the nomadic latin americans too, he had such an unreal beauty.
I know that the T-1000 isn't as good looking as the T-X or even the T-800s, but I think the directors were trying to pick a mild manered (seeming) quicksilver assassin who did not appear to be presumptuous or anything.
Man was not trying to replace itself when it built Skynet - that agenda was already decided...

I know that it was not man's intention... I was just responding to your original point: is manking worth preserving?
Oh and yes... Robert Patrick doesn't have the most threatening of faces. That is, I believe, why he was chosen, and how people were fooled into thinking he was the good guy until the hallway confrontation with the T-800...
I thought that when i first watched it.
Then mission accomplished!
I like the liquid nature of the T-1000. That make him better than the T-800 series as he isn't trapped in a debilitating cloud of meat?
You know how the T-800 series can bleed, but not cry? Well how much of the plumbing DOES work?

Were there any female T-800s?

The models show only men semblences.
Quite possibly. See - all the Arnold type robots were T-800's; only those that ressemble Arnold are T-101 models. Thus, there could well be models with Arnold's structure, but not his appearance, such as a T-102 or something. Hope that helps
I saw a T-800 that looked alot like Reese, a dark haired effeminate young white/caucasian man.
I like Slick Rick's idea that if Skynet lost its power, then it would no longer be able to interfere with the thinking of the terminators and so the majority would decide to be kind to the surviving humans. Skynet was humanity's creation and attempted their annihilation. There is no real reason why the terminators would wish to follow Skynet unconditionally. There can be no question as to the terminators superiority though.
I would say that the T-1000 did develop its own full character as the T-800 did. It was exhibiting quite a wicked and sadistic sense of humour by the end.
I agree - both did a fine job...
Was the T-800 in the original decomposing as a result of the bullet wound?

I remember the cyborg was asked if it were keeping a dead cat in its lodging, to which it selected a rude response.
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