Who Is Who

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im starting this again who on this forum....is who from tolkiens books big grin

and say if we got someone..who was say aragorn...then an arwen...we would see how close they are to test it big grin

the samegoes for enemies big grin

how about sam !! I don't really get it but .. whatever it is .. I am sam 220%

no you can only do other people

you choose by the role they play on the forum lol

exa- galadriel big grin stick out tongue you have to have a reason....mine is that exa knows ALOT lol stick out tongue

so now if we say someone is like celeborn...we see how close exa and the other person are big grin

so the person you have chosen (exa) now has to chose someone else from Tolkiens books?

or is it that anyone (say me) can chose someone at random now and match them up with someone?

yeah anyone can do it big grin

but you have to pick someone who is like that character in some aspect....not just saying ANYONE for ANYONE else

sauron, is well sauron,
kitoky is gandalf cause she is all wise and cause i said so.
discos is an eagle cause...yeah
uh, ... i come up with the stupidest reasons

yeah eagles rule, Gwaihir is my character from the character thread, so could I be him

yeah but you have to say WHY im sauron.....am i evil....clever.....amazingly cute with flowers....

thats my reason


lol very good

Nazgulinthedark is....erm, hows about a Nazgul? due to him being very kickass and also enjoys defeating others for no reason

Discos - had too many orange juices today

im not a guy!!! girl = me!

pretty clear why...why

is it the evil..clever...cute with flowers...can look good in a top hat....

was Thorondor not king of eagles?

i think he was

Exa is Eru because she knows everything. She knows what happened in almost every character (may they be big or small) and she never seems to overlook any infos. She's almost the creator and she rules in this forum. big grin


ok so get the thread going

discos-merry (knows quite abit...but is funny too big grin)
kit-frodo...the one that everyones turns there attention too
aurora- sam...say something bad about kit....out come the boxing gloves
mah- manwe...can shut down anything here...but is not 'all' powerful as he has a boss....

Yes he IS, he's the mightiest Eagle to ever live and Gwaihir and Landroval are just his descendants though they are mighty too. big grin

yes he was big grin

Reasons: Flowers and cleverness stick out tongue

some one do me!

shadowy blue- the istari (all of them yes big grin) just appeared one day and is VERY clever and wise....wasted no time making friends.....

sauron would be Goldberry def cause he likes flowers and lilly's and stuff..
OrlandoOYEA would be an elf (don't know which one) because she would want to live with orli for ever..

o yea and sauron we already done this before....big grin

Nazgulinthedark: Forgive me for this but this is just my impression of you in this forum. LOL..big grin You are Gollum because even though you both have different subjects of obsession, you are both possessive and uhh, yeah, obsessed. Gollum with the Ring and you with the Nazguls. I just see you sometimes being very possessive with the Nazguls in this forum..LOL..no offence, it's meant as a compliment. big grin

thats a good point though, some people in this forum just dont know when to stop with their obsessions about characters....

Discos - oh did I mention I sort of like eagles?

yeah smodden I did i before...but it got ruined.....so i started it up again....
and what you mean GOLDBERRY !!! big grin stick out tongue mad stick out tongue big grin

aawww..thanks! embarrasment big grin

sauron: Melkor!! He's cool and along with Exa, they rule this forum. big grin He's evil too (not literally..LOL)...wicked...and with a temper sometimes big grin wink

also just to clear this up, in the Salmarillion which does it state

Thorondor - Lord OR King of eagles,

it could be both I suppose, but sauron/exa etc are confusing me....again smile

lord of the eagles big grin animals dont have kings...unless your a lion..in which case your not in lotr big grin

and love big grin thanks shadowy blue big grin stick out tongue i meant the istari thing big grin..you know more than me on lotr and stuff

goldberry! laughing laughing
ok i guess you have to stick with your gender so

sauron you could not be melkor ur just not evil enough.*shrugs*you could be saron but def NOT melkor.

lol Merry, I seem quite funny then wouldnt that mean something along the lines of pippin, plus I am scottish like him. I could put on a pippin voice

Discos - also get a cap and tracksuit bottoms and stand outside a supermarket like any Glasgweichen,

btw I am not from Glasgow

I'd probably say Aurora for Merrybig grin

lol oh that sounds like a challenge smodden

its debatable if Melkor was infact evil-er than Sauron, but yes melkor definetly in the end

no because pippin is not the brightest is he big grin merry is clever AND funny big grin and brave

and i COULD be as evil as melkor...i just dont ever show that side

it was only orlandoOYEA that ever saw me get even CLOSE to it

who is me...?

actually if you read the silmarillion it says of sauron

he is only less evil than melkor in that he served another before rising himself

phoe you can be ulmo big grin you come here quite alot (here M:E) but you only have powers somewhere else (the sea) you know quite alot of people and can calm them..or work them up depending on what you want big grin (osse)

well melkor is more evil and if you want that title sauron than you beter start doin' some evil stuff NOW.

and nobody has said anything about me...sad

big grin... who's ulmo...? embarrasment

ok cheers Sauron for saying I am clever......whatever clever means??

He's an Ainu...he's the Lord of Waters. He's cool. big grin And he loved both Elves and Men and he really cares about Middle-earth. big grin

it means ur wity you can decieve ppl if you wish, or you can find ur way out of problems example:
i tried to loose gollum but he's too CLEVER a water-man

Thanks! but nah...I think you know more than me...I also sometimes suffer from short-memory loss and have to check my books up if I forget something. laughing

50 first dates
finding nemo

lol, i never actually looked at myself like that, but yeah


*is happy*

which books?

ulmo is god of waters...heres a bio from E of A

Dates: Immortal. Existed before the making of Arda
Race: Ainur
Division: Valar
Pronunciation: oo'lmo
Meaning: 'He who Pours'
Titles: King of the Sea, Lord of Waters

Lord of the seas and one of the greatest of the Valar; in the dark days of the First Age, he kept watch on Elves and Men while the others of his order remained in Valinor. He is famed for bringing Tuor to Gondolin, and so ultimately bringing about the downfall of Morgoth in the War of Wrath

can i be tulkas???

if your tulkas i will kill you....

im trying to think of someone for you.....

One of the Istari... cos you knows a lot...

i smeagol...preciousss...

i'm off to choir practice(yes choir )

c u l8er

bye bye

Can I be someone

Catch Ya L8r........Dude

Tulkas the strong, dont think there is anyone here

Sauron, has anyone tried to stop you doing anything evil lately?


erm, judging by your status I could guess haldir? - or the wife?

you didnt mention me!! im so left out!

lol Tulkas isnt nasty, he is strong!
But he did keep Morgoth on a short leash from ruling Middle earth and all......ya know' that sort of thing

erm....me too

hasnt she already mentioned us though?

then it is settled, I shall be Thorondor and Naz can stick with Smeagol?

Someone has to nominate me or whatever???

I thought I mentioned Haldir, or his wife?

I don't think he had a wife though

Haldir is so hott. Sure. big grin

oh boy smeagol..im really appretiated..*sigh*

lol ok, so to put everyones character so far (which I cant do) so I shall look back and see who everyones final one is...

Infact everyone post their final thoughts of other peoples characters.

Anybody have any ideas who I could be?

*jumps up and down with hand high in the air* Oooh!! Oooh!! Do me!!!Do me!!! big grin........hehe......

Naz, I'm sure someone would love to do you :P laughing out loud

Since this is up again, who would I be? confused

erm,Pippintook I am going out on a limb here but hows about.......Pippin due to the fact that you also seem to be obsessed with him.

bassically I am just chosing people in which their sig/avators are, or how they mention the characters alot

thats NOT how your supposed to do it

look in the which characters aere your family most like ...she says her dad is elrond..wise and keeps thigs together.....

its PERSONALITY...not who they WANT to be big grin

Hi guys, could you pick one for me? big grin

hmmmm....well you could be gandalf....as you know alot...are a good laugh....and tend to wander to other forums big grin

hummm 4 pages and still I have yet to find a Merry...

yey, wouldnt it also be interesting first to name a character and then to decide who this should be?
Like for example ok who in this forum is most like frodo and so on

Yes exa like a poll or a voting system then we can have a definate solution on who is who.

hey who could i be?? .

who am I? (hint hint, Legolas' wife hint hint)

ok aniron you are a beautiful elf maiden...with the light of the stars in your eyes....you visited rivendell during the council....you saw legolas there visiting from mirkwood.....and fell madly in love.....with gimli big grin

who insisted you wear a beard during those 'tender' moments

hahahah .. OK that is brilliant .. DO ONE FOR ME !!! i am a hobbit- not an elf - TRUST ME !!

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

samiam..i see you marrying sam...but he leaves you for frodo...so you get into the more...nasty type...saruman..prime example stick out tongue

Ok how about me and gimli split because legolas and I are in love -sigh-

FOR FRODO !! NOOO he leaves me for rosie.. more noble .. so now i am after a evil person .. oo sauroman ..no I was thinking a little less umm HAIR .. no .. how about witchy .. ok so i know witchy is taken how about gollum

who am i?

yet another thread gone hay-wire!

anyhoo I believe Naz is Gollum,

Discos - Thorondor

so I am with gollum?? thats ok !

Kit: Curunir! LOL..no seriously..I don't mean it as an insult or anything but Kit is so wise and clever and he knows a lot of stuff about Middle-earth. He's one of the knowledgable people here just like Saruman who is knowledgable about the lores and crafts of Middle-earth. I just said that he's like Curunir/Saruman 'coz he seems to like picking up fights! (LOL Kit, you said so yourself) stick out tongue *hides* It's a compliment, oi! big grin

This may seem to be a little far off from what you've expected but I see you as Pippin because you seem very curious about certain matters. big grin Just like Pippin, you seem to be interested about the histories of Arda and other events that happened even way back from the Beginning of Days. I'm just seeing you in some of the threads asking eagerly about some infos that you aren't familiar with (especially The Silmarillion stuff). You are kinda like Pippin in that aspect, I remember reading ROTK and Pippin asks lots of questions to Gandalf about the Seven Stones, etc. big grin wink

Shouldn't we stick to humans? confused

no! what about hobbits and elves and dwarfs and all free folk!!!

sorry shadow blue but Kit is a girl as far as I can remember smile

also bingabong what are you on about?

eeh...but he said he's a guy...confused..but yeah, I also remember other people confusing him as a girl, now I'm not entirely sure, whatever he/she is then. big grin

Kit is not big grin yeah we also thought so stick out tongue see other thread wink

confusing........I think so

kits a guy...used to be a girl..but not actually a girl just a girl on here and a boy in real life...so it was a boy who was a girl but not really......


ok kit is now officially a KIT!!!!! thats the end big grin

and also no...just humans..what about valar..maiar.....iluvatar himself big grin

ok, in real life is "kit" a dude/dudette

in real life I mean at school and whatnot.....

Discos - eagles wouldn't be this confused!

he is a guy.....

big grin its not that hard to grasp stick out tongue once you get the hang of it

kit would def be Dernhelm-for obvious reasonswink

but yeah see the "specify plz for the bigest gender blender in history"
i thought he was a girl too, but its very complicated. but i realy do not want to do this argument again...kit's a guy! you can ask her.

Ooh! Me! Me! Who would I be? *jumps up and down whilst waving her hands about energetically* Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

camillia:--elanor gamgee


what about me? I feel all alone in the world


a sensilble clever person...but also funny big grin

yeah cam .. elanor !!! AWSOMEST NAME EVER( spelled the sam way)!!! WHOO HOOO !!!


why have I yet to be mentioned...

u for some reason remind me of isildur ..... u like to be in charge have it my way or the hwy... ( it iss a compiliment) and stuf f.. those rn;t good reason .. that is just what u seem like to me ..

im gonnas choose my own coz non of u know me so MWAHAHAHAHA...

im gona be goldberry (mentioned but not taken).

coz i love her! ''Like Tom himself, Goldberry is a mysterious being whose place in Tolkien's mythology isn't easy to establish. She seems to be some kind of river-spirit, though some have conjectured that both Tom and Goldberry belong to the order of the Maiar.''

and i love nature, and walkin n stuff, and just for good measure; Tom's my hunni love

he found goldberry in some rushes lol big grin maybe thats why he calls her river daughter

Isiuldur... hmmm, that was the last thing i was expecting, but i think it works. A friend of mine agrees.

I'm dead...
bump! stick out tongue

I was searching some of the old threads and I thought this is a pretty interesting thread. big grin

well whatever youmay say......I am still Mr Gwaihir,

Discos - thats the name on my mail yes

The Innkeeper

Discos the fool- nice ring to it smile

mmm.....Radagast does sort of suit me, he played cards with Gwaihir (in which Gwaihir betted all Landrovals loot)

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