Which characters are your family members most like?

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Which characters are your family members most like?

Dad: I'd have to say Elrond. He is very smart, and keeps everything together well.

My mom-definitely Arwen! My mom's just so beautiful

Younger sister: Just an average orc, I think. :-[

MeErm, Boromir. i have been , 'living on the wild-side" and now suffering the consequences. lol

Eh, I dunno....My family isn't good enough to be compared to LOTR people stick out tongue However, I am most like Pippin as you all have guessed and have probably seen smile I am hmmm let's say clumsy and slow...at times...laughing out loud

Hmmm, am I the only one on or something??? It's quite in here...confused

hey i was really board and i couldn't sleep smile
so i had to think of something to write
i am going to regret it i the morning smile

laughing out loud OK What time is it in the UK??? It's only about 8 PM here...In the US, I mean.

It's 9:18 here.

I want chicken

That was quite random, but anyway... I don't know if I could relate any of my family members to lotr... sadly. sad

Hmmm... OK, my Dad could be Denethor, my Mum doesn't come into it, my second brother Wormtongue, my third an orc and my littlest brother, if I feel charitable I might compare him to Pippin.

its around 1.30 in the morning my girfriend keeps also hogging all the bed covers so i just thaught i go online for a while

My sister is Eowyn because she's a fighter and she wouldn't stay on one place if she knows that something has to be done. She's just very courageous and very beautiful too. I love my sis! big grin

My mom is Galadriel. She's always uttering words of wisdom and encouragement and we know that she's just always there guiding us even though she's not always doing everything for us. She lets us make our own decisions and she's just there to back us up. smile

My dad is Gandalf. He's not that old..LOL..but he's smart and knowledgable and very funny sometimes. Just like Gandalf, he has a bit of a temper too but it's alright. big grin

Brother - Gollum (he has these big damn mood swings)

Other brother - Frodo

Dad - Uhhh.....

Mom - Denethor

wow mother Denethor


It's true

i mean wow no offensice unless u are like Boromer u must not like her.

Mom : Umm... probably Arwen
Dad : Denethor
Brother : Orc, definitely
Me : Uhmm.. probably Pippin wink:-P

hummm interesting concept!

Me and my sis are definatly are Merry and Pippen, we are always acting crazy and getting into trouble......

My mom is probally Sam, she is always worrying.....

My dad is ummmm Gimli, he has a beard and is always acting bigger than he is.....

My bro is probally ummmm that is a hard one........ he is probally Eomer, a soilder.

My dad's like Gandalf... not so old lol but he knows everything and is always funny... and nobody ever seems to know what he's working on at the moment

My mum is a bit like Goldberry, I think... she's always helpful and manages to make you happy even if you feel like crying.

My brother... an orc pretending to be Aragorn. But I think he's rather like Boromir, quickly upset and often doesnt know what he does when he's angry

My cat (yes he also belongs to my familiy) - absolutely like Tevildo. Brutal, brutal, brutal. And coooool. *looks at bleeding hand*

Brother Sam: Sam, not just for the name but also because, despite him being an annoying little thing, he can be VERY sensitivesmile

Mum: Eowyn, because, quite simply, she is lovelysmile

Dad: Bilbo without a doubt - although my dad doesn't go on many "adventures" any more, he used to - he doesn't half ramble on about his past experiences!!!big grin

And me? I don't know, I guess I'm a mixture of quite a few but I like to think that I'm like Pippinsmile


Love Boromir - excellent dude, hate my mum though.

-my mom is like gandalf, she constantly calls me fool of a took, among other things, haha
-i have several relatives that my mom and i call the sackville-bagginses, their constantly coming to the house and the steal things, like the spoons from bag end in fotr, their the unliked relatives in our family, its really funny
-my little cousin is gollum, she always carries aroung this squishy elephant and calls it 'my precious' (i trained her to say that, thank you very much) and she also eats like gollum eating the rabbits,
-i called my aunt denethor because she is really nice to one of her kids but really mean to her other one, she has a denethor complex (you know you're obsessed when, you make a medical condition pertaining to lotr)

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