when is this???
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I've been sitting on this pic for quite a while but i don't know where it's from. I don't recognise it from the The Two Towers Extended Edition, and they both looktoo relaxed for it to be from Return Of the King Extended Edition....

That might be a scene in TTT which didn't make the cut.
Yep, what he said. Filmed but neither made it to the theatrical edition nor the extended edition.
I tought the EE included ALL scenes that were shoot
but it looks so cool!!!
Nope some were editted which they didn't bring onto the editting run for example a scene in TT when Faramir has this little vision of Frodo in which how he might become. Elijah was all majorly poofed with make up it was kool but it never made the cut.
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. IF the EE had all the cut scenes then they would each be well over 5 hours long.
Yeah, that was cool.

Kinda like the Gollum evolution but strangely enough, I thought Elijah looked cute in that make-up..LOL
There's also this scene in FOTR that didn't make it in the theatrical release nor in the EE where the Fellowship were being followed by Orcs from Moria on the way to Lorien. That could have been so cool but why didn't they included it.

I saw some pictures of it a while ago, I'll try to look for it.
Oh yeah that! And PJ drew out this whole screen play for that but it never made it.
i saw rotk only twice but i kept my eyes peeled for the part when merry says "we shall see the Shire again" and i didnt see it!! twice!! did they cut it or is somethin jus wrong with me??
Here..they really look like the Moria goblins chasing them
One of then scenes that will appear in the RotK: EE, when Merry and Pippin have a more emotional departure.
Quite irritating as we know it was filmed but apparently, the way they edited the film with the Fellowship meeting Haldir the way they did, the scene could not be reincorporated for the EE DVD. Interestingly, in the EE DVD, when we see Frodo and company on the flets in Lothlorien at night, Legolas says something to Haldir about the Fellowship being in their debt and I'll bet that was a reference to the deleted chase scene where the Galadhrim come to the group's rescue.
So cool that you can see the arrow fly by Aragorn's head (presumably from the Galadhrim aiding ahead of them).
Gotta love Merry's expression.

bloody hell!!! when PJ said he was probably going to release a super extra long extraextended eddition he wasn't kidding...
So after the fellowship got out of moria they were supposed to be chased by goblins until they got to lothlorien and then were saved???? That sounds awesome, i wish they would have had that. And if any1 plays the games workshop version, in the rulebook page 43 it shows a picture of the wood elves and what look like dead goblins with arrows in them and all so that could have been from the deleted scene. What about in the fellowship trailer when it shows a whole bunch of orcs marching, does any1 kno where thats from????
I thought orcs like the ones in moria hated sunlight how could they chase them?
They do... well I do not know as I dont know the scene, but in the book they simply follow them by night - which is obviously not the case here.
Well, Gollum also hated the daylight and survived it

(nassssty yellow eye)
it was a very overcast day!!!
also, i have seen alot of photos of Gil-Galad that don't correspond with his 2.5 seconds of film time, there must be more of him...
Yeah, there are tons of photos of Gilgalad (see for example here http://www.herr-der-ringe-film.de/v2/de/darsteller/legenden/gil-galad/gil-galad-3.php )
There were loads of scenes not included in the final film - as there are in each film, but lotr has really many.
thanx, all for ad. photos.
but it just makers me upset to not see them in the film.
apparently the bonus disc with the ROTK:EE box set will be bloopers, and deleted sceenes.
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