is it just me but i don' really think Viggo is hot.........

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i don't......... he's a good actor but not hot

Kitoky what's this thread about aaaaaaannnnnnnd.......who said you thought he was hott.

Shooo Viggo's great, he's good lookin' I'll give 'em that much, great guy.

Everyone has their own opinions...

Viggo is a great actor, and is perfect for da role of aragorn, and I think he is pretty good lookin; but thats jus me... smile

GRRRRR Mah, please wake up and close this thread before I explode... mad

ok, I don't see anybody in this board forcing you to believe that he is. You have your own opinion but I don't see any reason of starting a whole thread about this.

ithink viggo is an awsome Actor - ! but i don't know if we need a whole thread dedicated to it?

Was gonna tell person pointless thread but it looks like 4 people beat me to it

yea he is definately a great actor... and hes an awesome aragorn.... i think hes ok looking..... the grunge look looks good lol...... does anyone know thae name of the guy who was supposed to be aragorn before viggo??? i dont think i ever heard his name i just hear people say "another guy" or sumthin like that....

I don't think ppl want his name out there but i would also like to know who droped the part of aragorn!

I dont think he dropped the part, i think that they cast him too young and they relized it close to the production so they decided to drop him and get Viggo. I dont know his name, sorry

It was Stuart Townsend.

He didn't drop the part, he actually even started rehearsing for the part, but Peter Jackson realized that he's too young for the role and not ragged enough.

i think that aragorn is sooooooooo hot and so is faramir and boramir (however you spell it) and so are the four hobbits and legolas is a good lookin guy (and so is the guy who plays him)



Okie well now that we're all happy and dandy, we can say that this thread needs closing.

Yup, the pointlessness has come to an end. smile

The thing is mah only comes out when there's a blue moon....which means he'll be here in...24.35 years.

he he he. Then let this thread burn slowly into the 2nd page..............

I wanna be the mod.......

He he he, that would be fun. We would miss mah too much though...

I hope I look as good as viggo when im in my late 40s

Viggo's a really good lookin' guy his age


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