I don't
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ok, I have seen threads from ppl who like eowyn, but am I the only one that doesn't -apart from two others of my mates-
whats the point of this theres?
meh, typical discussions are like these. Erm...ok cheers for your point, to prefer Arwen to Eowyn I would chose Arwen, Eowyn is sometimes a dumb-ass
i dont really likeeither of them, but i think eowyns better
This thread...pointless buuuuuuut...
I prefer Arwen especially being portrayed in the movie, Liv
Dont really see a point here
but Im one of the ppl who shouldnt really be here in this thread
Because I do like Eowyn and I think shes a cool character.
And she seems far more like in the book to me than Arwen.
and kill the witchking..which actualy she couldnt have done without merry so NYAH to eowyn
and faramir...you can do better
I vote this thread be closed-
I do not like her for what she actually does
But I like her for what she is, who she tries to be. For not simply following the ways it usually goes... for trying to get what she wants.
And for taking Merry with her.
I like her and i'm pretty sure that she didn't know for sure if aragorn was in love with someone else, he dropped hints but i don't think he ever really told her
blah, poitlessness at a max! wee. anyway i like arwen more. she seems more graceful, there ya go
LOL + oh god LOL
sauron, not saying that you should like him but isnt boromir one of your favourite character, show some support for his brother.....
Discos - but yes NYAH to her
There I go?,..where to may I ask, do I need anything with me - like a clue
I dont know, i am even more confused.
He was.....he's sayin' that Faramir can do better then go and marry Eowyn....
ah right thanks for clearing that up, thought she was stating that Eowyn could do better, to be honest the women in Rohan looked a bit stinking.....have a bath please
Does anyone have a valid reason for disliking her? And don't say it's because she trys to steal Aragorn, she does not know he is attached when she falls in love with him!
I personally like Eowyn better than Arwen -- Arwen has natural Elfy powers, but Eowyn has had to rise above the prejudices of her kind and show that women DO have a place in war. The Elves have never harbored such prejudices against women/she-Elves
ok, this thread is stupid to me
, but i must stand for eowyn...
first of all, she's no elf and she's no man
... she's a woman with an iron will! she fights for what she thinks, she isn't in house takin care of children... she wears her dernhelm suit and goes to battle!! she thought aragorn was her man, and found out who her true love was
.... she did far more meaningfull things both in the book and in the movie.... eowyn rocks!!
and arwen... well i guess liv tyler's salary was expensive so they took advantage and put her in the first movie while in the book arwen only appears once and to say nothing
ok, don't hit me, i respect your opinions...... but as a girl i stand for eowyn!! go girl!!
Well yeah Eowyn's a great character but Arwen was really my favorite from the rish performance in the movies by Liv.
But what about in the book, Kit?
Between Arwen and Eowyn, probably Eowyn because she plays a bigger part and shows alot of strength in women.
Eowyn's and Faramir's marriage-
Faramir will be the one cooking dinner and Eowyn would go about scouting the lands of Ithilien.
"Hey Faramir, what's this? *points to the Witch King helmet*"
"Oh just a little something the wife brought home from the pelennor."
I really like both of them. Eowyn is one of my favorite characters in the book but I really liked Arwen's realization in the movies though it was a major beef-up. Liv Tyler did a wonderful job and so is Miranda as Eowyn. But for the characters and personality alone, I say Eowyn. She's a very dynamic character either from the book or from the movie.
Thread is pointless, but since everyon else is contributing, I shall give you a chunk of my brain.
I like both of them. I have always admired warriors-female ones- but I love how Arwen just seems to walk on a cloud and how her voice is just a breath. So there ish moine opinion.
ok to make this clear, this thread is for non eowyn fans like sauron -yey- I can see why ppl don't see a point but I don't really care if you like eowyn don't come into the thread. simple.
but think about it, all eowyn does is mope and mope, and then Aragorn says about his love so she mopes and mopes some more and then mopes again, but still shows off and doesn't back away from aragorn.
All eowyn did was chop the fell beasts head off, that was just luck because the neck was down ready to eat (film wise only here) and she poked the witch king in the face, through the luck of merry and her gender.
Arwen however, gave up her life and power for aragorn, and challanged the nine nazgul INCLUDING the witch king, and diabled them from the horses. HA HA.
and Sauron- I totally agree hee hee.
Shut up, sauron!!! Eowyn is great, Arwen is great....
...now PLEASE, close this thread!
Thanking ye
Wormtounge can do better.
sorry cam, but this was made for non eowyn fans so just ignore us, you can't close the thread because u say so.
no one deservis to marry wormtounge i'm sorry he so creppy
lol all she does is mope, and mope, oh yes and when she feels the wind she ruches outside the golden hall, so she can stand and look -stupid- whats with that?
I think she went out there to think
about aragorn. haha
well, she can think anywhere, I think she's trying to look nice, -IE attempting the impossible.
maybe to feel the wind in her hair? or maybe she can think better looking down on all of the subjects.
i think shes pretty i like her hair better red though
Miranda Otto has red hair, but I like it better blonde.
no she aint prerry, specially compared to arwen, oh how arwen rocks.
Eowyn is a buffoon, an oaf, a wannabe.
In the movie Arwen kinnda annoyed me i don't know why, but i loved all of the clothes she weared ^_^
Her voice is so high in real life though.
I think she is great, Liv and arwen, my total idols.
yea when i was re-reading the books i noticed that they said that elvish speach was high but liv broght her voice down to play arwen this really confused me intill i saw an interview where she explained why
What'd she say? I used to not watch TV as much as I do now.
me too, i'm not going to really state my opinion in this thread, because i really shouldn't be in here, and everyone knows that, i loved her costumes
well, this isn't about arwen anyway.
to irima: she pitched her voice low because it made her sound more, wised, aged and generally more elvish.
Ooh...thanx! I shall stash that lovely piece of information in my brain...
now...back to what the thread is SUPPOSED to be about!
okay then - eowyn is a buffoon.
and daydreams too much.
and mopes all the time, in rotk shes ok until she understands aragorn don't love her and so she mopes again until she gets her way.
there might have been a cat fight
heyy she's a strong beautiful courageous woman who had good taste
(in Aragorn of course) and finally found her own man in the end
im not bashing you
oh and i din realise you're a newbie. Welcome!!!
Am I missin' something?
Oh I don't know the point of this threaD?
Yeah, we're weird...but..yeah.
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