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I have no idea of any other topic such as this - there probably is but I am British and do it the lazy way...

anyhoo I was wondering which side you would most take in the entire history of middle earth, would be on the "good side" or the "evil side"

I myself would chose the "allies", I mean come on people - when has evil ever prevaled over good (waits for someone to prove him wrong sad)

There are some "good" things about being on the evil side, Sauron,Witchking, some kickass Balrogs etc but still.....

Discos - eagles are good big grin

I resent that remark!!!!!stick out tongue

good all the way....evil never wins...

smodden--*prepares to be bombarded by sauron exa and kit that evil is beter*

haha, ok how about Scottish?

Discos - we get so hungry we eat sheep stomach


lol yep smodden, we shall hold the gate strong for these evil like-er guys/gals,

I must admit the evil characters look far more amazing that the good guys, that probably just makes up for their lack of ability to ACTUALLY WIN!

Discos - anybody got a spare shield?

Oh, Discos, you're Scottish - I love the Scottishsmile

As much as I want to be a baddie because of all the coolness (Sauron, Morgoth, Witch King and the Nazguls in general, Haradrim, Easterlings), realistically I would be on the good side. big grin

i love the scottish accent big grin and the live it..visit scotland adverts big grin

things i hate from scotland.....macbeth (wasnt FROM scotland but so)

im english big grin and i love england...its so great big grin

i would choose the evil side..but only if i could be like high up not orc number 82456987563 thrid row from back

i would also want to be ally because it would feel good being cheered by crowds as you ride to war

ah very good, its good to know "some" people love us,

where are you from in the UK? near the water eh? wow I see plenty of that where I am

oi Sauron, Scottish rule, not saying england doesnt but you cannot slag my home land! But I agree those adverts suck, the scottish accent rules - even check the dude Billy Boyd

Discos - don't you have some tea to be sippin'

I'm from Southern England, down where all the poncy (sp?) people live stick out tongue

To be honest, I can't stand it here and can't wait to get away....maybe Yorkshire, or I was thinking going to Scotland!!

come up to the north east big grinbig grinbig grin

and live in the same place as meeeee with the beautiful durham cathedral

Ok! When can I come up?stick out tongue

I live in the north east

Discos - .....of scotland mwahaha

cam im free on.....all the time big grin

Splendid! Expect me around there any time soon in the near future!

except when precious KMC time is needed on this forum, unless you get clocked out and leave early.

Discos - Internet has ruined all our educations, hurray

YEY FOR MY DISMAL FUTURE big grinbig grinbig grin

cant revise as i always want to come on here

and it wouldnt let me on tonight i was mad but i defeated the PC and stand supreme....CLEVERER THAN A BOX OF PLASTIC!!!!!!!

ALL HAIL!!!!!!!!!


Discos - not you sauron, I bow to the, perhaps now you should revise

Ah.....that's something I should do as well........

ah, only one exam this month, perhaps because it is not a top level exam, my exams begin in May

Discos - so expect me more on here round about that time

Oh, I've just done a Geography DME and I have German orals in MArch....eeeeeeek!

cold discos...real cold

La la la, silence...

lol, la la indeeed

Discos - what's cold? Turkey?

Tweedly dee, somebody talk! Please!stick out tongue

sauron, what is cold?

erm, I am talking,

Discos - I "think" there is other threads on this forum, infact have a look at the pippin thread - I hear they are having a slag'n to "cheeny"

hey everyone for those of you that know me from a certain other thread then please forget my past i'm not all that bad!!! HONEST haha.

Any way to the question in hand ofcourse i would b on the good side.

p.s. cheap pop a know but i am scottish aswell


I am the good one on the evil side and I marry a princess at the end of story stick out tongue

Evil side would be fun if ur a troll at like minas tirith, u kno, until a bunch of ghosts start owning every1

stick out tongue big grin

Yeah, being evil is only fun if youre mighty. Otherwise quite boring...
But the high evil ones seem to be the only who are really free... in contrary to the so-called "free peoples" of middleearth (those treebeard names in his song) who are in fact slaves of their moral and their prejudices concerning what's right and what's wrong - nothing really is right, and it seems that the "evils" are the only ones who understand that while the good ones stick to the way already their greatgreatgrandfathers managed problems and never can be really "free".

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