Popularity of Lotr Forum
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I am very happy that the lotr forum is very popular. It seems to be a lot more popular than it was before the movies. I didn't really think that it would be like that since what would we talk about? I guess we've found plenty of things, and I am still enjoy coming here in spare time
Go Lotr!
One more thing before a leave to go into my peaceful sleep... I truthfully think that we will see the day when there will be more posts in the Lotr forum then in the Matrix forum... and I will be there. Good night everyone
yes i too find it interesting on the many subjects that are brought up. some quite not up to par but for the most part it is...LotR is afterall a very good book and an excellent movie..
and so does this forum
I come here every chance i get, including during school hours
and i have meet so many amazing people here, that i never would have known if i didnt start coming to this forum. I LOVE IT
Lets Kick Matrix's BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I still like Matrix though
well, i think matrix doesn't have the literary background as lotr has, i mean, lotr has tolkien behind!! i think there is no point of comparison....... so matrix will eventually be forgotten and tolkien's words will last forever!!!........ even starwars has more literary background.......... come on, matrix is a long movie, and that's it........
It doesnt have literary background, yet I love matrix... its really an excellent movie with excellent ideas - especially the first one.
But yeah lets kick matrix' butt
A.D. Skinner
Where else can you come to enjoy the company of so many other LOTR fans. To talk about the books, the movies, the characters and just enjoy yourself !
LOTR Forum rocks ! We are the cream of the crop !
We are about 10 thousand behind them. Should we post a warning to them of no.........
Maybe, but wel do that
both movies are over but for lotr theres still the books to discuss
http://images.killermovies.com/forums/moresmilies/pray.gif http://images.killermovies.com/forums/moresmilies/pray.gif http://images.killermovies.com/forums/moresmilies/pray.gif http://images.killermovies.com/forums/moresmilies/pray.gif http://images.killermovies.com/forums/moresmilies/pray.gif http://images.killermovies.com/forums/moresmilies/pray.gif http://images.killermovies.com/forums/moresmilies/pray.gif http://images.killermovies.com/forums/moresmilies/pray.gif http://images.killermovies.com/forums/moresmilies/pray.gif
I am afraid Matrix will, most likely always, be the area that was the most popular at the time that its franchise was in theatres. It's the most intense forum we have ever had.
One thing I like about this forum are the fans. You fans are very welcoming and nice to visitors, I like that. I remenber when Revolutions was released and some fans posted their disappoinment there. It was wild to see fans arguing back and forth, is nice to see that doesn't happen here. This forum is very fun to visit and fun to read the ideas of the fans. LOTR forum is one the coolest.
yay lotr rules
awwww i wish we could beat em too with the posts but *sigh* o well 10,000 behind is too much
The awesome thing is, is that we've like made 25,000 posts like in a few months... I think that's pretty good
Long live Lotr!
WHOOT! GO LOTR! Yesh, let's kick Matrix's butt! Hmm...Elrond might not be too happy about that one...
I really like how ther are always people browsing the Forums.......now lets start posting.
Okay! I'll move out of this thread and go to a more lotr-useful one...
when they start work on the 'hobbit' we could just change the name of this forum to tolkien movies.nothing would have to move 'cause it will most likely be jackson directing also,heard gandalf asked about reprising his role in that also..so there would be plenty of new and old topics to refer to..this forum will stay alive along time me thinks!!
Evenn after all the movie craze is over and the hype over the actors has died down we will always have the books... There is no end to Tolkiens world and no end to this forum!!
The forum shall never die!!!! But I don't think I can ever read the book again without picturing the actors and actresses... even though Frodo is the one who;s supposed to be fat, not Sam. Chubby Elijah Wood tends to be slightly disturbing...
i really doubt they'll close it down, unless evryone leaves which won't happen
I wont leave and they cant close it down on me
I'll NEVER leave! Anyway, there are so many members. Second mpost popular movie on da forum.
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