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spoilers of the silmarilion ahead
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why did he burn those boats? his anger is out of control but i admire him anyway, i was so mad when he got killed by that balrog!
Feanor rocks man, no doubt.
no dought at ALL
collest of them all i mean he made the sil's
Mmmhmmm The three Silmarils, he was also known for creating the eight palantiri.
and brought woe to all the Eldar...
Hey Feanor, we were just talkin' about you.
aw...*wipes tears from eye* Yes...Feanor was such a tragic story...risking all for the sil, yet never reaching his goal.
when he died, he was the only elf they wouldn't let back out into middle-earth again.
he's the coolest just for his anger!!!
how unfortunate it was for him...and how easily it was for him to be mislead by Melko...to much pride and anger in him to be allowed back i think...i think it had something to with the fact his father remarried
That's my problem with him too. What exactly is his problem from the fact that Finwe remarried? Is it just because he wants all the love and attention to him? Or is he threatened and afraid for the throne? Or is it because he thinks that Finwe never loved Miriel? (though he really did), or is Feanor (I hate to say this but) really just plain selfish? I mean, he never really loved Fingolfin and Finarfin and their children, and I think he also brought up his sons like that. What's his real "issue" you think?
he was a bad ass and he new it. and nobody gave him nearly enough kudos.
(but mostly the throne thing. he was paranoid and didn't trust his half-siblings. he looked down his nose at them a bit).
yes the eight...seven of which came to middle earth and one of which is the all powerful stone...which stays with manwe
at all times
feanor.....dont talk to ME about feanor...that man makes some jewels...they get stolen so he goes and swears an oath which pretty much screws everyone
he makes some people get banished....so they cant gi back to valinor...THEN burns the ships and stuff so they cant get to M:E WHERE THE HELL DID THEY GO!!!
and the balrogs killing him were great
stupid feanor
oh..ok thanks.
Didn't know that. I always thought there are just seven of them.
I won't say I told you so.
Awww that sounds perfect in Quenya... *loves text*
thought you'd appreciate it...
Yeah I thought of making it my new signa... but I just never can decide which quite now really to use for it.
I had the second part of it in english for a while, but the Quenya one sounds far better...
yes me too...but i was going to write in tengwar
Perfect idea
I hope you dont mind if I also do so
though I wont use it for my sig. Too long, even in tengwar.
so true...it is quite long even in tengwar...haven't figure out how do it just yet...
Il try as soon as I find the time...
Tengwar are so practical cuz you can shorten all the words - especially english ones... yet even if you always put two lines together to one it would, I think, be too long.
*wishes he could speak/write elvish*
Why dont you try it
*wishes she had a better memory so she could remember more Elvish and therefore learn more in an easier way so she could stop only being able to speak is majorly simple sentances...*
OK, long wish there... back to learning, I'll get it all someday...
I can say a few words, but I can't do anything much. I'm learningm don't worry...
I guess it's my lack of vocabulary that bothers me, I'd be happier if I could remember words for more than half a minute without majorly focusing on memorizing them, I guess it's just a if I use the word a lot I'll remember it, if not I'll spend hours going "I know what tolto means... I know what tolto means... I know what tolto means..." but that was only with that word, it drove me crazy, but now I'll never forget, tolto=eight...
i can speak fluent...perfect.....Eng (v ) lish
hahaha sauron! *gasp* me too!
what a coincidense
EW but shouldnt we stop the elvish thing and move this to one of the numerous elvish threads
But to connect it a bit to Feanor... I loved when the Quenya language thing started to change and Feanor kept sticking to the old "th" instead of using the new "s" as everybody else did
good characterisation for him, I think
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