Thoughts on Obi-Wan line from ANH

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I was watching A New Hope earlier and was suprised by something that Obi-Wan said to Luke right after saving him from the Sandpeople. I don't remember the exact quote, it went something like this.

Obi: Yes, I know an Obi-Wan Kanobi, and he is still alive. How do I know? Because I'm Obi-Wan Kanobi. I haven't gone by that name since, we'll since before you were born.

Any theories or thoughts on that. I'd love to see what you all have to say.

Just found this forum two weeks ago, and I'm hooked.

Obi-Wan Kenobi? Obi-Wan? Now that's a new I have not heared in a long time... a long time...

that one?
GL quote in the line from:
OB1 had to flee, and landed on Tatooine but we will never see that part (I think it's in one of those classic moments thingies)
So, if you flee, it can come in handy to change your name I think

That's true, maybe I was looking a little deep into his comment, but it just seemed to hit something.

It sounded like he said that he changed his name long before Luke was born.

It just hit a cord that I can't pinpoint on yet.

I haven't gone by the name of Obi-Wan from ow, you were even born...

that's the quote...

indeed, but since we don't even know if the birth will be shown, we can't be sure...
Can also mean that when he delivers Luke to Owen with the comments he's family take care of him, that he said his name is Ben...

Well I personally don't think that we will see the twins born. It would just be that much of a bigger surprise to the new people who watch the series from I-VI.

what did they say again?
No cameos for people who were in the OT?
That includes the twins

Err, that's hardly the same thing, yerss.

well, what's a cameo then exactly?

He means 'guest apperances', as it were. He's not talking about people that are possibly vital to the plot.

What's all this about not seeing Luke and Leia in EpIII confused
Why WOUDN'T we see them?? Personally I think it would be crazy not to include them in EpIII!.....

i suspect ob1 was in tatooine to 1) stay in hiding 2) protect luke.

I think in a sense, he was there to protect luke. I mean why of all places tatooine...ya know?

and like all the jedi, they were all in that is consistent. When luke finished vader, there were jedi out there...just in hiding.

sand person no. 10
ob1 must meet woth owen lars before the twins are born or else i doubt he would know who ob1 is. which does sort of lead to bigsef2 idea that ob1 has to come and tempt anakin back from tatooine in ep3 (the damn foolistic crusade) to defeat the emperor. of ep3 is about ob1 and anakins crusade and anakins turning, i don't see how in the context of sw's films with their established timescale that we can see the twins being born, perhaps gl needs to make a seventh film, ep3.5 children.

he needs to remove the phantom menace from the episodic star wars saga and make it a stand alone movie, providing background on the true star wars saga. AOTC should become EPI, and should have 2 movies following it. But not to show the twins birth.

"I havn't gone by the name of Obi-wan since before you were born."

Personally, I think that statement has to do with the speculation that Obi-wan died when Anakin did (in the famed volcano fight). Owen did say " died the same time as your father."

So did everyone think that Obi-wan died fighting Anakin? Perhaps he took on the name of Ben and went into hiding. Of course, Vader and the Emperor knew Kenobi was still around.

Vader was prob too busy being Palpy's lacky to worry about what became of his old master.

Tarkin's line "Surely he must be dead by now?" indicates to me that no-one actually though Obi-Wan was dead at the time. Just they assumed he had been tracked down since.

sand person no. 10
i think what is more interesting from this line is that tarkin knows of ob1. i would hardly have thought that tarkin and vader would discussing the person who beat vader. methinks tarkin will appear in a small part in ep3 where vader/anakin will mention him. allowng tarkin to be able to say that he must be dead by now.

Maybe he will have a role. We'll just have to wait and see.

dead by now? Could be of old age, and he is on the same world as Krayt Dragons smile

Obi-Wan is too young to have been thought probably dead of old age.

Much too young. If Alec Guinness were alive today and they used him for Obi-Wan ANH then they might have thought he died of old age.

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